Islamic Hellfire: A Description

“If a stone as big as seven pregnant camels was thrown from the edge of Hell, it would fly through it for seventy years, and yet it would not reach the bottom.”
haaahahaha! Nice grasp of gravity Allah, ya douche :p

Another source of fuel for Hell will be the pagan gods that were worshipped besides God
So the other Gods exist? :D

For a monotheistic belief system this statement is both funny and stupid at the same time. Totally expected.
True, true.

Working. Preparing to sell my house. Freaking out over the general economic situation and the massive layoffs at my company and the companies we depend on as customers. Ya know. The usual stuff.

Tried to send you a PM. :mad:
I don't get the concept of 'fixed time'-hell, or hell in general actually. If you are a serial killer you should perhaps burn forever.
But putting people in hell for simply not believing seems counterproductive. I think pretty much all non-believers will become believers as soon as they come to God. Putting them in hell may just antagonize them.

Assuming that discussing hell assumes a god, why should a serial killer burn forever due to being what the god made him???


Deceitful doubletalk, as with the vast majority of theists. 1st deceiving oneself to the point of inability to recognize contradicting oneself.
Islamic Hellfire
........ The distance between the shoulders of its inhabitants has also been described as being equivalent to three days of walking.

I prefer the Christian Hell......
at least there's company.
On the other hand, you've got eternity, so what's three days of walking?