Islamic Hellfire: A Description


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
Islamic Hellfire

Part 2: It's Appearance

It's Location - No one knows its exact place except God. Due to some linguistic evidence and context of certain hadeeth, some scholars have stated that Hell is in the heavens, yet others say it is in the lower earth.

It's Size - Hell is huge and immensely deep. First, innumerable people will enter Hell, each, as described in a hadeeth, with the molar teeth as large as Uhud (a mountain in Medina)[1] The distance between the shoulders of its inhabitants has also been described as being equivalent to three days of walking.

The Fire of Hell is likened to a mill that grinds thousands and thousands of tons of grain and then waits for more to come.

“If a stone as big as seven pregnant camels was thrown from the edge of Hell, it would fly through it for seventy years, and yet it would not reach the bottom.”

It's Levels - Hell has various levels of heat and punishment, each is reserved according to the extent of their disbelief and sins of those being punished. God says:

“Surely, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths (grade) of the Fire.” (Quran 4:145)

The lower the level of Hell, the greater is the intensity of heat. Since the hypocrites will suffer the worst punishment, so will they be in the lowest part of Hell.

The Gates of Hell - When the unbelievers are brought to Hell, its gates will open, they will enter it, and stay in it forever:

“And those who disbelieved will be driven to Hell in groups until, when they reach it, its gates are opened and its keepers will say, ‘Did there not come to you messengers from yourselves, reciting to you the verses of your Lord and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours?’ They will say, ‘Yes, but the word (meaning the decree) of punishment has come into effect upon the disbelievers.’”

It's Fuel - Stones and stubborn unbelievers make the fuel of Hell

Another source of fuel for Hell will be the pagan gods that were worshipped besides God

The Clothing of Inhabitants - God tells us that the dress of the people of Hell will be garments of fire tailored for them

How different is the description of Islamic Hellfire from Christianity's description? Do disbelievers encounter similar nasty bits?
Well for one, there are differing opinions on what Hell is. According to some, Hell is a state of mind and will happen in this life. According to others, it is a place of redemption, where you take account for your acts. According to still others, it is an allegory for what happens to their future descendants as a consequence of their actions i.e. "you" means "yours". Still others prefer the simplistic definition of the lake of fire.

Some believe that hell will eventually be empty, based on a verse where the duration of hell is fixed and will last only as long "as your Lord please" (11:107)
So, in other words, Sam, you don't believe in the Islamic description of hellfire as stated on that website? You have your own personal belief of hellfire?
I don't get the concept of 'fixed time'-hell, or hell in general actually. If you are a serial killer you should perhaps burn forever.
But putting people in hell for simply not believing seems counterproductive. I think pretty much all non-believers will become believers as soon as they come to God. Putting them in hell may just antagonize them.
No one knows what hell and heaven mean.

I am open to all discussions because its not a concept that can be rationally addressed by anyone. Any opinion on hell or its conditions would therefore be based on what we think it means.

I refer to two concepts in the Quran in this regard

1. There is no reincarnation

When death comes to one of them, he says, "My Lord, send me back again. so that perhaps I may act rightly regarding the things I failed to do!" No indeed! It is just words he utters. Before them there is an interspace until the Day they are raised up. 23:99-100

2. Whatever happens after death is not known

We will raise you into a form of which you have not the slightest knowledge.56:62

So its pointless to speculate on the afterlife.
2. Whatever happens after death is not known

We will raise you into a form of which you have not the slightest knowledge.56:62

So its pointless to speculate on the afterlife.

How then can it be known that there even is an afterlife ?
Sure, but you can choose to speculate on it. Or not.

I think it depends on how much you care about doing what you think is right.
Sure, but you can choose to speculate on it. Or not.

I think it depends on how much you care about doing what you think is right.

Well.. this is interesting. Why do you think the promise of an afterlife is necessary to do the right thing ?
No one knows what hell and heaven mean.

So its pointless to speculate on the afterlife.

Sam, the website linked is very well detailed in it's description and follows Islam to a tee. You are clearly wrong, again. Or, you don't follow Islam.
Sam, the website linked is very well detailed in it's description and follows Islam to a tee. You are clearly wrong, again. Or, you don't follow Islam.

It doesn't matter how detailed it is. Its an interpretation based on Hadith


[1] Saheeh Muslim

[2] Saheeh Muslim

[3] Mishkat

[4] Sahih al-Jami’

[5] Saheeh Muslim

[6] Tahawi in Mushkal al-Aathaar, Bazzar, Baihaqi, and others.

[7] Based on the explanation of Ibn Abbas (‘Tafsir Ibn Kathir’).

[8] Tirmidhi.

There are many interpretations and if the body of Islamic scholars okays it, its not unacceptable

Here is a new one:
Al-Azhar Scholars have welcomed the publication of the first Interpretation of the Quran [tafsir] written by a woman, saying that it confirms the equality between men and women in Islam.

Kariman Hamzah, the author of this Quranic interpretation and a former presenter of an Islamic television program in Egypt, told Asharq Al-Awsat that the Interpretation is the culmination of her 35 years working in the media. The Islamic Research Academy, the highest authority at the Al Azhar University, approved the printing and distribution of the first Quranic interpretation written by a woman, and which will appear in local bookstores soon.

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It doesn't matter how detailed it is. Its an interpretation based on Hadith

Sam, anyone can plainly see the quotes from the Quran littering the entire website.

Are you saying you don't agree with the Quran or their interpretation of the Quran?
Sam, anyone can plainly see the quotes from the Quran littering the entire website.

Are you saying you don't agree with the Quran or their interpretation of the Quran?

They are interpretating it as they see fit. I disagree with them because it is not a rational explanation to me. There is no wrong or right. Its not science.

e.g. how do you interpret this:

“On the Day when We will say to Hell: ‘Are you filled?’ It will say, ‘Are there any more (to come)?’” (Quran 50:30)
They are interpretating it as they see fit. I disagree with them because it is not a rational explanation to me. There is no wrong or right. Its not science.

So, we can conclude that you don't follow this particular interpretation of the Quran, but you do follow others? Or, do you not follow any interpretation of the Quran other than your own?
So, we can conclude that you don't follow this particular interpretation of the Quran, but you do follow others? Or, do you not follow any interpretation of the Quran other than your own?

I just read the Quran. That is what you are supposed to do. Interpretations are for those who will not learn the language.
I just read the Quran. That is what you are supposed to do. Interpretations are for those who will not learn the language.

Ah, so you conveniently cop out with a non-answer followed by a lie. Yet, it's amazing how quickly you'll respond with Quran quotes when your agenda requires it.

Dishonest as the day is long, Sam. Why did you even bother to respond to this thread?