
can i back up what that women dont possess souls? why would i want to say that? how could you (unless your mind is closed) read that link and come up with something so negative?
I still don't see where that comes from the article quotes a non-existant passage from the quran or is there an abrogated version of the quran out there I don't know about.

Your memory must be failing you - You made this post below and it contains a link, which I read and contains the line I quoted to you.

Will you please explain the line I have highlighted in red.

surenderer said:

sorry i am at work so i can only answer with threads....peace

Quote surenderers link

"In Islam there is absolutely no difference between men and women as far as their relationship to Allah is concerned, as both are promised the same reward for good conduct and the same punishment for evil conduct. The Qur'an says:

And for women are rights over men similar to those of men over women. (2:226)
The Qur'an, in addressing the believers, often uses the expression,'believing men and women' to emphasize the equality of men and women in regard to their respective duties, rights, virtues and merits. It says:

For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity, for men and women who fast, for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise, for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward. (33:35)
This clearly contradicts the assertion of the Christian Fathers that women do not possess souls and that they will exist as sexless beings in the next life. The Qur'an says that women have souls in exactly the same way as men and will enter Paradise if they do good :"
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path said:
I still don't see where that comes from the article quotes a non-existant passage from the quran or is there an abrogated version of the quran out there I don't know about.

I will have to look up that 1st verse again sorry i was at work but this one i know by heart:

"Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you MALE OR FEMALE, YOU ARE EQUAL TO ONE ANOTHER........." Quran 3:195

Remeber the Koran though isnt written like the bible....peace
surenderer said:
I will have to look up that 1st verse again sorry i was at work but this one i know by heart:

"Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you MALE OR FEMALE, YOU ARE EQUAL TO ONE ANOTHER........." Quran 3:195

Remeber the Koran though isnt written like the bible....peace

Thats fine - But I want to know what that other guy is writing about in that link - Sounds to me like he's promoting Islamic propaganda by lying about Christianity.
off the top of my head i cant say but i do know that that part of the Koran (2:226-2:230) deal with laws according to divorce what did he say regarding lies about christianity? my apologies i probably shouldnt had quoted him but should have waited and went straight to the "source" (koran) myself.....peace
ca·liph [ káylif, kállif ] (plural ca·liphs) or ca·lif [ káylif, kállif ] (plural ca·lifs) or ka·lif [ káylif, kállif ] (plural ka·lifs) or kha·lif [ káylif, kállif ] (plural kha·lifs)


Muslim ruler: a title taken by Muslim rulers, for example, the Turkish sultans, that asserts religious authority to rule derived from that of Muhammad

Peace unto you
the ruler of the world wide Islamic community (ummah).the Caliphs in the Islamic empire were at first good but afterwards, in the final stages of the Ottomon Empire (turkish empire) they started to become crazy and corrupt.

the Caliph was officialy abolished in 1924 by Mustapah Kamal with the help of the British (at the same time the Islamic empire was broke up into many countries to divde and weaken them by the French and British) and currently there is no Calipha.

the Quran states, A rightly guided Caliph will descend called Imam Mahdi (I can't quite remember know but the Quran gives his exact and full name, the location he will be found, the situation at the time and what he will do).

only Allah knows when Imam Mahdi will descend but i reckon it would about maybe 50 or so years from now (there;s long story why i think so)

peace, hope i answered your question :eek:
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Where`s PM ? he is the only one who can answer with authority. Come on PM ,you know you want to respond. just log in. Go on . :D
Enigma'07 said:
I don't know much about Islam, perhaps someone could enlighten me. If Allah created people, then why must they cover themselves to be considered modest? Wouldn't they be created just the way he wanted them to be?

As far as the headcover being mandatory is concerned, I am a Sunni Muslim, I do believe that it is mandatory. As for your question my answer is as follows. We have not been created to live a sequence of events without having to choose our path in them. We have got the potential to do good and bad. We have the choice to be modest or not to be modest. He clearly did not want to create us modest but wanted us to make the choice to be modest.

Peace be upon you.
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Can I ask some Muslims here one question? What does the Quran say about politics? And about the authority of those officials? Can we combine religion and politics?
white_poplar said:
Can I ask some Muslims here one question? What does the Quran say about politics? And about the authority of those officials? Can we combine religion and politics?

As God created the world and knows what is best for it he has decreed certain laws. For there is the yearly tax on wealth for Muslims. This tax is to be levied only over Muslims but non-Muslims may benefit from it. He has also ordered men and women to take care of their kin, even their far familly. These make sure extreme poverty never exists.

As He gave us many more rules for economics, penal codes, heritage, taxes, statemanship, war, hhe has specified that the Muslims came to decisions through counsels of one another. We are to obey them and put them into use. That means that state and religion cannot be separated.

In my opinion, the officials don't need to be clerics like in the Shi'te system. They need to be wise, virtuous men and above all religious. Because religion -when present- confines the behaviour of men and women to that which is good. And the rulers need to be and do good. Of course they can also be clerics but personnaly I don't think that is necessary.

As their authority is concerned, that has been made clear by the Word of God and the example of vurtuous rulers. the first armies for example were often discribed like this; "Knights at days, monks at night, if their commander would commit adultery he would be stoned by his men". That means that the authority of the ruler is never above that of the Islamic law.

May peace be upon you.
Bruce Wayne said:
As far as the headcover being mandatory is concerned, I am a Sunni Muslim, I do believe that it is mandatory. As for your question my answer is as follows. We have not been created to live a sequence of events without having to choose our path in them. We have got the potential to do good and bad. We have the choice to be modest or not to be modest. He clearly did not want to create us modest but wanted us to make the choice to be modest.

Peace be upon you.

Well Bruce doesn't making the hijab mandatory take away that choice you mention? I have a hard time beleiving any god purposefully made his creations sinful or that he is embarrased by what he created if we are the ultimate living creation of god then shouldn't he be proud.
path said:
Well Bruce doesn't making the hijab mandatory take away that choice you mention? I have a hard time beleiving any god purposefully made his creations sinful or that he is embarrased by what he created if we are the ultimate living creation of god then shouldn't he be proud.

Well.. I asked this questions to a lot of Muslim sisters and friends as well.. The responses were always because they chose to wear Hijab; and wearing Hijab made them feel better. Personally I admire these Muslim sisters who wear Hijab in the modern world. :) And in a modern world, i believe wearing Hijab or not is a personal choice for any Muslim girl (I know lots of Muslim girls who do not wear Hijab). So, the choice is there. And wearing Hijab (and following all Islamic rules in general) is choice, and all Muslims have to be
responsible for what they do.
(PS: I am not a Muslim)