Islam vs Christianity


Registered Senior Member
This is a letter that I found in the internet. It lays out the strategic differences between christianity and Islam. Its rather a long letter but worth reading. I agree with it 100%.

Letter to Prof Michael A. Sells
From: Syed Kamran Mirza
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 22:25:35 +0000
Subject: [mukto-mona] A letter to Professor
The recent uproar in the American Medias (TV and News papers) regarding your book (Approaching the Quran) drew my attention. I am a descent American having Muslim background: yes I understand you have tried to give a fresh look to the Islam by writing a censored version of the Quran. But was it fair job you did by excluding/hiding hundreds of hateful coercive Quranic verses? I don't know why you got to do such whitewashing to the Quran by camouflaging the real truth in Islam! Another western intellect Maurice Bucailee did the biggest blunder to the secular camp of Muslim world by his book "Quran, Bible and science". In this book Dr. Bucailee stated much bogus science in Quran (which was utterly flawed) by which Islamists throughout the world fooled common gullible people. Maurice Bucailee of course did this blunder for handsome amount of dollars. But I don't know what may be the ulterior purpose of yours!

In the Quran the word Jihad was used more than 200 times to fight the infidels, to kill the peoples of other religions (Hindus, Christians and Jews), and all other kaffirs. And Allah repeatedly promised heaven (Jannaat) having beautiful hurries, wine, honey, bird's meat and what not! Now you being a western professor took the challenge of giving a new look to the Quran. Why you think those Palestinians started their freedom struggle by the name Why you think those Imams (Islamic priests) of every Mosque in place>Saudi Arabia as well as in every Muslim country-giving Friday sermons using hundreds of coercive Quranic verses to incite Muslims to kill Jews, Christians, Hindus and infidels? Why you think those Imams of Saudi Arabia teaches general gullible young Arab students that Jews are pigs and Monkey and Muslims should kill them. They all quote Quran and hadiths to incite young Muslims. Do you think they will ever follow your version of carefully censored Quran? What triggered you to mask the real truth in the Quran and how the world will benefit from your book?

You should learn that anybody who is converted to Islam immediately turns into a terrorists. John Walker Lindh, Al-Mhajir, or that shoe bomber was not a terrorist until they were converted to Islam. No non-Islamists commit suicide bombing. So what it tells? It is the real Islam the main culprit. Whoever read Koran and hadiths turns into a radical Islamist. Mind that please-radical or fundamentalist Muslims are the real true followers of Quran and Islam. General Muslims (born Muslim only) or hadiths, so they are innocent peaceful Muslims and never is a terrorist.

Nevertheless, why peoples are going to follow your new meaning or new approach to the Quran? Are you the pope of Islam? Will Osama Bin laden and his al-Qaeda terrorists believe your version of Quran? In fact, they will give fatwa (Islamic verdict) that you should be put to death because you have distorted the actual Quran! Osama and his al-Qaeda are the real Muslims and they know better the meaning of Quran. All those Mullahs of Pakistan understand Quran much better than you and they will never heed to your censored meaning of Quran. Do you think those Mullahs will take your suggestion, or those al-Qaeda Islamic heroes will buy your version of the sugar-coated Quran? They will never believe your distorted meaning of Quran, believe me. You only can fool some gullible western youngsters

Please mind that Islam is truly a religion of violence. You cannot compare with any other religion by saying that Old Testament also can have some coercive verses. By comparing Quran with Bible or other scriptural books you are doing a great injustice to the mankind. Because you are comparing a big watermelon with a tiny peanut. You cannot give me more than 5 or 6 coercive Biblical verses from the entire Bible. But I can give you hundreds of serious hateful coercive verses from the Quran. Quranic verses pointing directly to harm or kill the people of other religions which exist now.

Bible does not ask to kill people of any specific religion, nor say to conquer whole world to establish Christianity. But Quran ask to conquer whole world and to convert entire mankind into Islam. Quran has many contradictory verses (hundreds of them) in that can be quite confusing. This ambiguity has allowed all Muslims to take their personalized "divine guidance" based on their own preferences. Those who are tolerant can quote parts of the Quran that advocates tolerance, while the fundamentalists and even the terrorists can quote those parts that foments hate and killing of the disbeliveers. Therefore ironically everyone can find what he is looking. Holy Quran is the most fertile ground for "pick & choose" business by Mullahs. After September 11, America must know the truth about Islam. We shall have to check the proliferation of Islam in USA. Muslims in general have the global agenda to convert entire world into Islam. Every Mosque in USA must be under constant surveillance. Mosques are the breeding ground of Islamists in USA. "I urge you to read the essays in the attachments I am going to send you in a later date. Please remember, Islam is not like any other conventional religions of the world. This is much different. In Islam there is nothing out of context since the Quranic verses directly indicating the existing religions (Christians, Jews, Hindus and infidels). And also Islamists believe by their hearts that every words of Quran are God's spoken word and considered eternal. On the contrary, Biblical coercive verses (which are much limited in #) were for those ancient tribal kings who resisted the advances of Moses to the promise lands. Those tribes are non-existent today; hence biblical verses are utterly out of context today.

Not suprisingly - not one muslim has dared to reply to this.

I guess the truth hurts them eh?

Vienna said:

Not suprisingly - not one muslim has dared to reply to this.

I guess the truth hurts them eh?


Vienna although I'm not a religious I get vehemenly engaged with Islam because I see the threat that they pose. Just like Hitler, Islam must be stopped from spreading and enslaving mankind.There's alot of naivetivity out there that think Islam is made up of good people and nobody has anything to fear. Far from the truth Islam is a menace to mankind especially to atheists.

You know the story of the frog? If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water he'll jump out, but if you put him in apot of cold water and turned up the fire gradually, the frog will never jump out and eventually cook itself.

That's the way I see the spreading of Islam, a gradual heat increase. We got to take action before we're cooked.
Vienna said:

Not suprisingly - not one muslim has dared to reply to this.

I guess the truth hurts them eh?


You are right Vienna, and to rephrase you.
Not surprisingly - not one level headed individual dared to reply to this except you....Your ignorance is profound, but don't worry, evolution will take care of your likes in no time.
Greco said:
This is a letter that I found in the internet. It lays out the strategic differences between christianity and Islam. Its rather a long letter but worth reading. I agree with it 100%..

One isolated manic letter lays out strategic differences???...And who the hell are you to agree 100% or 0.000002%????.Wow, you must have royally flunked (How to do research 101) in college. Add statistical analysis to your list of flunked college courses, because you seem to have an illusion that your point of view have any substantial weight.

PS. Do you see that nice parabolic curve? Now do you see this tiny point way off the curve in LaLa land? Yeah....that's you. :D
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Greco said:
You're insignificant also, a so called light weight, get my drift?

No I don't get your drift? I try to stay off the main course of your aimed south westerly drift....beside being nasty, foul odored, and upright offensive. I find it to be highly contagious stuff....if you get my drift. :rolleyes:
Flores said:
You are right Vienna, and to rephrase you.
Not surprisingly - not one level headed individual dared to reply to this except you....Your ignorance is profound, but don't worry, evolution will take care of your likes in no time.
M*W: That's what evolution is all about. Thank God!
Flores said:
No I don't get your drift? I try to stay off the main course of your aimed south westerly drift....beside being nasty, foul odored, and upright offensive. I find it to be highly contagious stuff....if you get my drift. :rolleyes:

My drift is that my opinion is just as good as yours. Let's see you're one of 6000,000,000,000 so I would give your opinion a weight of 1.6 to minus 10 power quite insigificant I would say.

And if thy nose offends thee plug it up.
Greco said:
My drift is that my opinion is just as good as yours.

In the LaLa land that you live in, everything is possible...dream on thinking that your are up to Asses grows up to be donkeys, and right now you are substandard to donkeys, for at least a donkey doesn't promote hate, insult billions of people, and misquote and misrepresent. You are sub-donkey and you should aim for the donkey status if I were you.

Too bad, I didn't offer any opinions on muslims/christians/Jews/Atheists, but you most definetly did spit up royal vomit, and thus the Ass with zero credibility and fat opinions is YOU.
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Flores said:
In the LaLa land that you live in, everything is possible...dream on thinking that your are up to Asses grows up to be donkeys, and right now you are substandard to donkeys, for at least a donkey doesn't promote hate, insult billions of people, and misquote and misrepresent. You are sub-donkey and you should aim for the donkey status if I were you.

Too bad, I didn't offer any opinions on muslims/christians/Jews/Atheists, but you most definetly did spit up royal vomit, and thus the Ass with zero credibility and fat opinions is YOU.

The only jack ass is you braying louder by the second. Address the issue Flores if the PM claims that Islam is growing by the second and the intend of Islam is to take over the world, what am I suppose to think. I despice Islam because of its hatred of anything not like them. It's a religion that encourages violence and should be outlawed. I will not let a fanatical religion spread without saying anything.
Greco said:
I will not let a fanatical religion spread without saying anything.

You can't even promote yourself to the donkey status.....And you except me to Listen to you buddy???, Don't get me wrong, I don't want to insult you....A donkey is a fine mammel that knows no hate, that doesn't despise Islam (submission to god), that doesn't spread misquotation and misinformation. You on the other hand is a disgrace to the mammels.

How can you say something so idiotic as:

"Mind that please-radical or fundamentalist Muslims are the real true followers of Quran and Islam".

You don't make any sense, you are calling the radicals the only real true followers? By your standards, David Quraish is the only true christain and mass suicide of cults is the christian way??? :confused:
Greco said:
The only jack ass is you braying louder by the second. Address the issue Flores if the PM claims that Islam is growing by the second and the intend of Islam is to take over the world, what am I suppose to think.

How dare you call flores with such name??? You hater liar, you cant accept the fact that islam is indeed the fastest growing religion in the world so you came up with pathetic BS of yours...unknown 'letter' from unknown hater !!

You are so dumb you dont know even how to become profesional ISLAMOPHOBE !!

I despice Islam because of its hatred of anything not like them.

As Flores one time said: YOU ARE SO CONFUSED, YOU NEED JESUS :D

It's a religion that encourages violence and should be outlawed. I will not let a fanatical religion spread without saying anything.

LOOOOOOOOOL, why you dont lead a new crusade against Muslims all over the world ???????? :rolleyes:
That Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world is less a testament to its worth, than its aggresiveness and appeal to the uneducated masses. Note the popularity of the NFL, and the Republican Party.
Islam is spreading in the EDUCATED LIBERAL FREE societies as well as in the poor developing nations, something which confirms the UNIVERSALITY of Islam and its appeal to all mankind:

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world:

-'' Indeed, Islam is the world's fastest growing religion in the world'' The Economist, London Sept 2003

-BBC: Thousands of Asutralia's Aboriginals are converting to Islam:

-Islam is spreading so fast in Mexico:


-In South Africa, so many blacks are converting to Islam:

-Thousands in Rawanda-Africa are converting to Islam every year:

- Hindus in india are converting to Islam :

- Islam is back to Spain after 500 years:

- More and more americans are converting to Islam specially after 9/11:


- The Canadian Globe and Mail: Islam is now the fastest growing religion in Canada:

Islam: The Next American Religion?[/COLOR]

Catholic World News: Exhilarating Time To Be Christian," But Islam Grows Faster

U.S. Department of State for International Information programes: Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in America:

Muslims outpace Anglicans in UK

A Spanish bridge to Islam:

Islam is spreading even in Ukraine ( Former Sovit christian republic )

AMAZING !! Guantanamo Bay Guards are converting to Islam: ( even this hate site reported it )

CNN: Fast-growing Islam winning converts in Western world:

And many more links...

There are no "educated societies", only educated individuals. Islam's populist appeal only make it more frightening. Oh, well, the Buddhists will inherit the earth. (after the judeo/islamo/christian are finished destroying it).
spidergoat said:
There are no "educated societies", only educated individuals.

And who make societies ?? arent the individuals ??? :rolleyes:

Islam's populist appeal only make it more frightening.

Frightening only for those who dont know Islam nor want to know anything apart from the usual media BS.

You know, the great thing about Islam is once you start reading about it, once you started reading the Quran, you will feel mysterious gravity attracting you to it because it suit the human souls, it is indeed in Islam where the soul find peace.

Oh, well, the Buddhists will inherit the earth. (after the judeo/islamo/christian are finished destroying it).

It is Islam that will bring Peace to the fact, we muslims believe prophet Jesus (pbuh ) will come back and call people to the one true religion:Islam

Amazing beautiful site:
tiassa said:
The line of the year?

Here, a nice superficial response:

• List of terrorists (1):
• List of terrorists (2):

Better start rounding these folks up. They're terrorists, after all. :rolleyes:

First let me clarify that those words in the letter are not mine. I quoted the whole letter as I found it. Din't change a thing. Now do I agree with every line the author wrote? No I dont although I said I agreed with the letter 100% what I meant was I agreed with the premise that Islam is an aggressive religion that seeks to dominate the world.

How long do you think you last Tiassa under Islam? Would you still stick to your atheistic values or put your tail between your legs and cry allah akbar?

Now for your list of muslim converts most of them are a bunch of punchy boxers, black criminals that want protection from the law such as Michael Jackson. Mohhamed Ali dint want to serve in the army and so he became a Muslim conscientious objector. What hypocracy a boxer becoming an objector.
'What hypocracy a boxer becoming an objector."
come on dude, boxing is hardly the same as blowing someone away with a gun. It's a sport, and Ali was possibly the best. Give credit where it is due.