Islam, the Moon God Religion

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Vienna said:

Here's something else for you:

The Black stone, an idol of worship in moon god pre-Islam time, is still worshipped by the Muslims and is described as follows:

The annual pilgrimage to the Kaaba takes place in the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijja, the last lunar month of the Islamic calendar.

just becasue muslims follow a lunar calender does that mean we worship it> Christians go to Church on SUNday and follow the SOLAR calender but DO NOT worship the sun.
Lets use Vienna's logic for a minute (so we can see how it doesnt work!)

Chritians have crosses with Christ on
pray for Christ
think that Christ will save them
and say things like "For Christ's sake" "Jesus love"
and the name of the religion CHRISTian
and the symbol of CHRISTinaty is the cross that CHRIST died on.

they are putting more emphasis on Christ then God so in Vienna's logic they worship Christ but this IS NOT true Christians do NOT worship Christ so Vienna's logic DOES NOT MAKE SENSE
let me ask you a question Vienna

(i know your not Christian)

but do you think Christians worship Christ (or the sun)???
munim_786 said:
so do you think Christians worship Jesus or not? yes or no.

Christians worship the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


I'm not a Christian and I'm not your personal Sunday School teacher either.

Go and read about the Trinity, if you are that bothered.
Vienna said:
Christians worship the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


I'm not a Christian and I'm not your personal Sunday School teacher either.

Go and read about the Trinity, if you are that bothered.

ohhhh being a sore loser again? :mad:

i guess you know you've figured out you lost :D
Vienna said:
Christians worship the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


I'm not a Christian and I'm not your personal Sunday School teacher either.

Go and read about the Trinity, if you are that bothered.

you are a chritian.......stop being ashamed of your religion man :D
Vienna said:
Lost? lost what you jerk.
You are pathetic

ooooohhhhhh no need to get emotional :mad: :(

and yes you are Christian.

if you aint then dont say for Christ sakes again and dont on other threads sometimes defend Christianty and sometimes say its crap becasue it seems like your dissing Christanty to look non-christian and sometime slipping by defeneding it.

and you know what i mean by lost
Vienna said:
The Cross represents the crucifixion and the ressurection of Christ, without which there would be no Christianity.
M*W: The cross represents a common method of Roman punishment, but the cross does not represent the resurrection of Christ. Oh, in Catholic churches, the bleeding dying demigod pseudosavior hangs there all year except for Easter Sunday, when all there is hanging on the cross is a white piece of cloth, representing that Jesus had been taken from the cross (or never made it to the cross) as well as to loosely mean that Jesus had risen from the dead. Protestants don't have a bleeding dying demigod pseudosavior hanging there at anytime. The Catholic Church (and Mel Gibson) have made sure there is more guilt to be had by a perpetually bleeding dying demigod pseudosavior.

Secondly, without Paul there would be no Christianity. True Christianity was what James professed. I vote we change the name of Christianity to Paulianity.
Proud_Muslim said:
For hundreds of years, the Ottoman Empire ruled over the Muslim world. After centuries of battle with Christian Europe, it is understandable how the symbols of this empire became linked in people's minds with the faith of Islam as a whole.

Yes I know about the ottoman empire etc, why do you think I choose the name Vienna?

It's too much of a coincidence that the Crescent Moon was used as a symbol of Moon God worship in Mohammeds days (and before that), and is known internationally as a symbol of Islam today.
Yeah your probably right about the cross - who knows
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Vienna said:
Munim_786 and 567

Only a bum like u have time to write that much you have so much time and no common sense or any kind of sense at all Mr. welfare bum. Go out and work so the Muslims won't invade your land. :D Stop abusing every one's tax dollars. It is you who is a burden on England or should they move you to middle east??? :D
Vienna said:
Munim_786 and 567

Oh one more thing, stop being ashamed that you are a christian actually u are a disgrace to christianity as well. I understand your misery. ;)
567 said:
and I love you chrisitan friend.

Uno: You're no good.

Dos: You misuse the ellipse.

Tres: Vienna isn't Christian, is he?

I don't think it matters a whit what the Crescent and Star might have meant once. Today, one and all view it as an emblem of Allah and his prophet Mohammed. Any attempt to refute this perception is academic and purposeless.

I understand you, Vienna. You're a troll doing a bully job; now, why not quit while you're ahead?

... and you Muslim bulldogs are no better. Your posts have progressively degenerated to personal assaults on Vienna, and that's very irritating reading.
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Rappaccini said:
Uno: You're no good.

Dos: You misuse the ellipse.

Tres: Vienna isn't Christian, is he?

I don't think it matters a whit what the Crescent and Star might have meant once. Today, one and all view it as an emblem of Allah and his prophet Mohammed. Any attempt to refute this perception is academic and purposeless.

I understand you, Vienna. You're a troll doing a bully job; now, why not quit while you're ahead?

... and you Muslim bulldogs are no better. Your posts have progressively degenerated to personal assaults on Vienna, and that's very irritating reading.


At last, someone who brings a breath of fresh air into the religious forum.

I deserved that telling off from you, and to tell you the truth I needed it. It makes a refreshing change from all the moronic Islamic slurs and lies recently. Tut Tut Vienna you are at it again

Sorry Rappaccini, but I live amongst the Islamic bums and I hate them.

You are correct, I am not a Christian. But if I had to choose out of the three Abrahamic faiths I'd choose Christianity any day, I would even consider Judiasm over Islam. Judaism hasn't done any wrong, it's just that I'm not as familiar with it.

Good to meet you Rappaccini.
It's good to meet you too, Vienna.

Maybe you're not an intentional troll, but your posts are, generally, very provocative and demeaning to the Muslims here, who traditionally retaliate viciously.

Their belligerence doesn't help, but neither does your willingness to harass them.
And get it straight... they are not "bums" and this is harassment.

This thread was crass and doomed to begin with; you should've known it... if I'm to believe that you weren't aware of it from the start.
Rappaccini said:
Uno: You're no good.
... Your posts have progressively degenerated to personal assaults on Vienna, and that's very irritating reading.

Give us a favour........Don't read.

Vienna is my lovely lovely christian brother. :D I do have my neighbourly rights don't i?
Vienna said:
Yes I know about the ottoman empire etc, why do you think I choose the name Vienna?

It's too much of a coincidence that the Crescent Moon was used as a symbol of Moon God worship in Mohammeds days (and before that), and is known internationally as a symbol of Islam today.

Are you that dumb ?? how many times I need to tell you that the moon god is MYTH ?? I mean just read this verse from the quran:

''And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him.'' (The Noble Quran 41:37)

Reply To the Moon-God Myth & Other Deceptive Attacks On Islam
The Black stone, an idol of worship in moon god pre-Islam time, is still worshipped by the Muslims and is described as follows:

The concept of the Black Stone is encrypted & symbolic, remember that a lot of mysticism is in involved here so things are not as plain as day. Kaaba meaning cube, is the foursquare of Mecca. A foursquare is a 'magic' square whose sides all equal a certain number, the particular one used by the ancient sages is here

- Draw a line from the top of 1 to 4,then 4 to 2 another from 1 to 9 & another 6 to 2 you'll transcribe a marking that was/is on many buildings in the world, it was a map, so to speak, to the saying ' the 8 is the way to the 9', because you will notice after drawing those lines the only figure left out is 8, which symbolises perfection of symmetry. This utterence bewildered any not acquainted with such things but to someone who knew it was the key to another saying 'in the 9 heavens are 8 places', where is the 9th?

Double meaning abounds in that stone, for 9 in Arabic is Ta, which is also the Arabic root for "secret knowledge" There is a reason why it is black & not any other colour (hajarel aswad) black in Arabic root can be coal therefore this 'stone of black' or (hajarel fehm) is also "the stone of the wise" or "stone of wisdom".

This leads further into the derivative English word "cornerstone" which means
cor·ner·stone also corner stone

A stone at the corner of a building uniting two intersecting walls; a quoin.
Such a stone, often inscribed, laid at a ceremony marking the origin of a building.
An indispensable and fundamental basis: the cornerstone of an argument.

You will hear many meanings as to the meaning of the the Black Stone, but the reason why the sufis used the foursquare & the sayings was so as to preserve the essence of its meaning....the 9 th heaven is in the heart.
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