Islam Must Rule the World

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President Ahmadinejad is one of the few Muslim men with power I even respect any more. I agree with him wholeheartedly here.
Absurd. Islam can't even handle the people unfortunate enough to be under it now. The height of ego and gall. When Iran can bring itself to refrain from hanging rape victims, it can begin to discuss the salvation of others.
As I've said before, the west owes Salman Rushdie a debt of gratitude for graphically illustrating the depths of extremism that we are up against.

Muslims in the west will have to deal with increasing amounts of unfortunately intolerant behavior from non-Muslims because of this sort of extremist rhetoric.

Slavish adherence to ancient superstitious dogma isn't hope for the future. It's more like what O'Brien said to Winston Smith - "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- forever".
That doesn't mean one should trade one evil for another.

If we can ignore tens of thousands of innocent babies dying daily to facilitate our lifestyles, we can certainly ignore the far far less incidence of executed rape victims, who have no impact on our profit margins either way.
Why couldn't it be possible?

I would bet on Taliban style government to start with for Europe and the America's...that includes Canada....jus making sure you guys no Canada is included:D
Why couldn't it be possible?

I would bet on Taliban style government to start with for Europe and the America's...that includes Canada....jus making sure you guys no Canada is included:D

I won't authorize it , that's why. So there! :p
I won't authorize it , that's why. So there! :p

According to the Muslim delusion called Islam, you would submit and believe or die.

Europeans should take note: Muslims are the fastest growing immigrant population and they are attempting to make it illegal to criticize their cult. That is a step in line with their world domination strategy. Once they've silenced the critics. They are also attempting to impose their religious superstitions on public schools in Europe. Both the EU and Britain have policies/legislations suggested that would make it a "hate crime" to publicly criticize Islam or even question the absurdity of its superstitions.

In Germany, a judge recently ruled against a woman's appeal for divorce that would normally be granted to a non-Muslim. She was the victim of spousal abuse and her life may have been in danger. The judge ruled that, since Islam allows for the abuse of wives, she couldn't take advantage of the German law that protects its female citizens. Luckily, another judge overruled and the woman's rights are being recognized.

In New York City, a college student faces legal action under a feloney "hate crime" law for putting a Koran in the toilet. This is absurd. A federal law is being used to protect a mythical book. Would the same happen if Lord of the Rings were flushed? Equally mythical. The harshest punishment the student should face is criminal mischief related to vandalizing a public toilet (assuming it was public).

At another U.S. university, a student faced disciplinary actions for stomping on a flag of a Muslim nation. The Muslim students whined that it contained the word "Allah" written in Arabic and the student was, thus, stepping on their god. What utter bullshit. Luckily, reason won at the end of the day and the student did not face disciplinary action by the university. But he still had to go into hiding because his life was now in danger because of Muslim wackos that threatened to kill him in the name of their cult of "peace."

In some ways, the fact that America is so infected with the delusion of Christianity might be the very thing that will save it from being overrun since there are so many bigots and xenophobes of the Christian delusion that will ultimately oppose any sort of legislation that will exclude Islam from criticism. Indeed, their bigotry probably makes the U.S. an unappealing location to immigrate to for many Muslims. As long as liberal christians and wishy-washy atheists who are so left-leaning aren't able to successfully argue that "inquiry/criticism = intolerance" their domination efforts may be thwarted here.
If we can ignore tens of thousands of innocent babies dying daily to facilitate our lifestyles, we can certainly ignore the far far less incidence of executed rape victims, who have no impact on our profit margins either way.

Actually, since islam is a null point in respect to profiteering, I think I'll pass on making things worse by executing people for freedom of religion or conscience while still ignoring the death of innocents, as is done by the islamic world with respect to the Sudan. Among other places. India, for instance.
If you have been paying attention, you knew this was coming.

What more evidence do we need for historian Samuel P. Huntington's Clash of Civilizations thesis? In his 1996 book, Huntington argued that the old Cold War fault lines between democratic capitalism and totalitarian socialism were giving way to a new global struggle between civilizations. "The fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic," he asserted. "The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural." More specifically, Huntington predicted that the main civilizational conflict in the 2lst century would be between the West and Islam.

Assuming that Huntington is correct, the ultimate result of the clash is a foregone conclusion: Reactionary Islam will lose. This point was forcefully made by Nobel Prize-winning writer V.S. Naipaul in his masterful 1981 tour of radical Islam, Among the Believers. In that book, Naipaul described his meetings with prominent Islamic intellectuals and ordinary citizens in Iran, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia. He found they were bewildered by what he called the "encircling universal civilization." They were deeply ashamed of the comparative poverty and incapacity of Islamic societies. If Allah is on our side, they wondered, why does the West have jetliners, antibiotics, computers, hospitals, automobiles, and honest bureaucracies, not to mention tanks, aircraft carriers, and laser-guided missiles? Worse, the Islamic societies were completely dependent on that universal civilization to produce all these goods for them.
Neither can corporate globalism. 27,000 children died of starvation today (as everyday).
This post makes absolutly no sense. Millions of Chinese starved under various Emperors at various times - hmmmm... according to this logic is must have been due to capitalism in the future. 5 million North Koreans starved under Communism - hmmm must have been due to capitalism. Hundreds of thousands of Aztecs starved to death - hmmm must have been due to capitalism. Thousands of Indian Hindu have starved to death over the ages - must be due to capitalism. Muslim Indonesians are starving to death right now must be capitalism. Africans of all walks of life are starving to death - must be capitalism.

Sell all your belongings and start feeding some starving children. Oh, but wait you're not about to do that - no way in hell. Not when blaming a system of moving capitol around is so much easier. What the hell is "capitol" how is is created and what does it do? How is creating capital to blame for starving children in Muslim Indonesia and why haven't you auctioned your belongings on eBay and fed some Indian children?

Bloody Capitalist - holding on to your families Capitol!

President Ahmadinejad is a politician. He reminds me a lot of Bush. I'm sure he believes his own bullshit but anyone with any sense can see separation of fairy-tale and State is a much better way to run a State. But. just like all politicians he panders to the idiot-masses and just like all idiot-masses there are more then enough suckers to see that he will get elected again.

Anyone can say: Googgaably Boogaadee is the only way to have world peace. But this doesn't mean a damn thing. The people will come along and red-herring us with some other bullshit about how there are starving people in the world and somehow these two idiot phrases will click over in the minds of masses and seem to be reasonable. Then just blame Jews or Homos or someone for the faults of this crap-government and ergo Googgaably Boogaadee is the greatest thing since sliced bread!

President Ahmadinejad:
Googgaably Boogaadee
Googgaably Boogaadee
Googgaably Boogaadee

Baaa Baaa Baaa
President Ahmadinejad:
Googgaably Boogaadee
Googgaably Boogaadee
Googgaably Boogaadee

Baaa Baaa Baaa

President Ahmadinejad is one of the few Muslim men with power I even respect any more. I agree with him wholeheartedly here.

Kadark, name three official policies of President Ahmadinejad that have changed Iran for the better.

You know why you can't really think of anything and are turning to Google as we speak? Because you heard: Googgaably Boogaadee Googgaably Boogaadee Googgaably Boogaadee and you thought Baaa Baaa Baaa

It's plain to see Iran is a banana republic. All they have is oil. When the oil dries up or is replaced and the billions needed to keep the Theocracy going is spent - the Iranian rich will take all that money and move to LA just like they did last time. The people will probably be told it was the fault of so and so and some Jews and homos will be killed and you'll hear a big loud: Googgaably Boogaadee Googgaably Boogaadee Googgaably Boogaadee!!!! and everyone will think Baaa Baaa Baaa!!!!!!!!!

This post makes absolutly no sense. Millions of Chinese starved under various Emperors at various times - hmmmm... according to this logic is must have been due to capitalism in the future. 5 million North Koreans starved under Communism - hmmm must have been due to capitalism. Hundreds of thousands of Aztecs starved to death - hmmm must have been due to capitalism. Thousands of Indian Hindu have starved to death over the ages - must be due to capitalism. Muslim Indonesians are starving to death right now must be capitalism. Africans of all walks of life are starving to death - must be capitalism.

Michael, I've said it before but...


It seems to be that some muslims - Kardak and Sam, apparently - identify with this bigoted freak essentially because he's muslim too, and because he challenges the US, which they hate. Which is bizarre - I can still support the principles of Western culture (however shakily they're adhered to at times) without loving GWB. The Iranian government is running a viciously oppressive domestic program; even Iranians are probably not too fond of him.

I can agree with Sam in a general sense that capitalism is, for want of a better term, broken. There is a substantial amount of want, and a substantial amount of poverty; wealth redistribution needs to be addressed. Still, I do acknowledge that numerous practical examples of communism and socialism have had mixed results - but not all bad ones either.

Yet - and in contrast to the childish aspersions of Qutb and the like - islamism is not some perfect "third way" that avoids both the other two. It's merely a religious overlay on some preexisting system, whether socialist (such as pre-war Iraq and Egypt to a degree) or capitalist (Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and so forth). It's a religious stamp of approval on whatever political system is extant, be it right or left. It is no kind of third way - rather, it's a reinforcement of one of the other two, or of some point on the political compass in between. And given the predilection for every single islamist government in the world - about 64 of them I believe - it leaves a gaping hole in the fabric of critical areas of social responsibility, like not hanging people for being gay or changing religion, or for women being raped.

In essence - not a cure, merely another symptom.
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