islam is the truest way of life

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In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member
i read many of the threads posted here..and man were they long :yawn:.. but most importantly they didn' reach a definite conclusion..but keep going on and, i want to use this thread to prove that islam is the one and only correct way of life..and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put your objections in POINTS to be discussed separately.. i really want to reach a conclusion at the end of this..may it be as long as a book..but a conclusion none the less.. so again before blurting out what you have to say..please form it as objectional reasons that start with "because" (if that's possible) and number them then post them.. for example:

1-because i hate it.

i read many of the threads posted here..and man were they long :yawn:.. but most importantly they didn' reach a definite conclusion..but keep going on and, i want to use this thread to prove that islam is the one and only correct way of life..and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put your objections in POINTS to be discussed separately.


Since all religions are based upon a myth, then this religion also is based not on any facts we can discuss but only myths that have been around for many centuries filling those in this religion with lies and deceit about a non existent supreme being controlling humans in a invisible manner. In this day and age we do not need to dwell in the "spiritual" realm but within the reality of what humans need in order to live together and work together with peace for everyone. Religions only confuse, blind and divide people.
Since all religions are based upon a myth, then this religion also is based not on any facts we can discuss but only myths that have been around for many centuries filling those in this religion with lies and deceit about a non existent supreme being controlling humans in a invisible manner. In this day and age we do not need to dwell in the "spiritual" realm but within the reality of what humans need in order to live together and work together with peace for everyone. Religions only confuse, blind and divide people.

Silly me. I thought secular inventions like "Political Borders" created equally divisive realms. At least philosophical borders end at your house, or your neighborhood...or at largest your city. What's the difference between a Canadian and an American?
i read many of the threads posted here..and man were they long :yawn:.. but most importantly they didn' reach a definite conclusion..but keep going on and, i want to use this thread to prove that islam is the one and only correct way of life..and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put your objections in POINTS to be discussed separately.. i really want to reach a conclusion at the end of this..may it be as long as a book..but a conclusion none the less.. so again before blurting out what you have to say..please form it as objectional reasons that start with "because" (if that's possible) and number them then post them.. for example:

1-because i hate it.


The 'truest way of life'?

'Objectional reasons'?

What are you talking about? What are you asking us to do?
1. Islam sucks* because it claims to be a one true correct way of life. Life is a rainbow of possibilities. To deny this is to resign yourself to a kind of half life, never realizing your full human potential. Let's start with the prohibition on intoxicants. This is a clear degeneration from the previous 10,000 years of human culture, which practiced religion by literally experiencing the transcendent through natural plant hallucinogens. After such a culture loses it's roots, it becomes ritualistic, symbolic, and they start to rely on ordeals and pathological personalities. Finally, there is no longer any literal connection to the spiritual world, and it turns into a book. When people started to rediscover the true ancient religious practices in the 1960's, the established religions reacted in horror, it was a threat to their dominance over the human mind. The future will be characterized by novelty and diversity of thought, not by unity under a single mode of life. Religions keep us trapped, like a caterpillar that never transforms into a butterfly, never knowing what it can do.

*And other religions to various extents.
Exactly, spidergoat, that and nationaloism, gov't

Islam, or any religion, is a sham and the only truest way of life is individualism and egoism, and transcendence above nature.

That's the goal, at least

Hedonism is life's way.
Clearly experiencing the transcendent through drugs should be the primary consideration in life. I strongly encourage anyone so inclined to it to indulge to the full extent of your ability to do so.
Drugs are for pleasure; hallucinations are nothing more than that, hallucinations.
Because history repeats itself, Islam will fail to deliver, as will all religions. Some will go extinct, some will carry on in little sects selling flowers at airports, spaceports or whatever. Maybe there'll be some great religious war and perhaps Islam wins it but as time goes on it will inevitably fail. So it really doesn't matter if you think Islam or any other religion is the way of life because they are temporary. We sit here and argue about a generation when it isn't even enough time to spit when compared to geological time. By the time the expectorate hits the ground Islam will be long gone.
The responses in this thread, so far, are laughable at best.

I'll summarize what posters have stated: because Islam doesn't allow intoxication and the ills of it, Islam doesn't allow paganism and the occult rituals, because Islam will eventually follow other religions (I assume this one means Christianity) in its downfall, because Islam condemns hedonism and human greed.

Comparing Islam to Christianity is a popular tactic in this forum because they feel that Christianity has been debunked to such a large degree that it is powerless in this age. Therefore, it is their hope that Islam will follow in this path. They are mistaken because Islam's history is completely different the Christianity in Europe. Muslims were forced to yield to European conquest and in turn the invaders dismantled and destroyed the traditional Islamic institutions of more than a thousand years. Muslims were denied their way of life by force, and thus living without Islam in Muslim majority lands has been abhorrent to the Muslim for 200 years. The basic psychology of the Christian mind and Muslim mind are fundamentally different. Islam itself is fundamentally different than Christianity. People like to pass on their rhetoric that they believe Muslims will follow Christians in secularization and rejection of God, yet as we see the opposite trend is being observed. Islam has always been an ideology with a tremendous influence on the Muslim mind, it will continue to be in the future. Especially as long as Muslims are occupied by foreign invaders who try to forcibly remove them from their religion to become more accepting of their subjugation. One of the powerful aspects of the Islamic religion is its spirit of resistance and resilience to a foreign threat. Islam will not only live on, it will prosper.

I'm sure some posters may be able to provide more intellectually stimulating answers for a proper debate, but then again most criticism of Islam these days stems from Muslims lack of acceptance of Western occupation of their lands. Muslims are being demonized the same exact way as the Native Americans were demonized by the Americans, before the West stole their land and exterminated their people.

Mostly, they don't like Islam because it doesn't bow down to them. Islam is the truest way of life, the natural way, and the only way for spiritual upliftment of the human being. Corruption and ignorance has reached its peak. Islam is the solution to all human problems.
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Since all believers "know" that their religion is the one true way and clearly they cannot all be right. Which one(s) is/are wrong?

Judge that by the scriptures and teachings of each religion. Islam is consistent with its teachings that worship of One God is the only salvation of man.
Islam is the solution to all human problems.

As I said, history has proven that religion hasn't fixed a damn thing. History is full of religions with the solution and Islam is just another. Nothing special.

I guess if the truest form of life is measured by it craziness then Islam is in a dead heat with every other religion.
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