Islam is NOT one of the many religions

Once again you are having the same problem.

Christianity/Judiasm is bad because a group is doing something bad... (even though others do good)
Islam is good because this group is doing something good... (even though others do bad)

That's just sad. A non-muslim could just as easily point at the leaders of some Islam countries and the suicide bombers and say "See, Islam is bad". That doesn't make them any more right than you. In fact, you would both be using very poor logic.
Persol said:
Once again you are having the same problem.

Christianity/Judiasm is bad because a group is doing something bad... (even though others do good)
Islam is good because this group is doing something good... (even though others do bad)

That's just sad. A non-muslim could just as easily point at the leaders of some Islam countries and the suicide bombers and say "See, Islam is bad". That doesn't make them any more right than you. In fact, you would both be using very poor logic.

What point are you trying to make -- that we can never ever generalize from a series of particulars since there might somewhere be some small exception? What would this bring us too but mental paralysis?

All Common Wisdom consists in generalized judgments. Without Generalizing from numerous particulars, we would require Direct Perception, which is claimed only by Mystics.

We must look around and see things as best we can. We must discern the patterns created by the particulars. Just because a few dots go out past the lines here and there doesn't indicate that we cannot comprehend coherent patterns.

Look at the Science of Statistics. Generalizing IS valid. We ARE allowed to think and make judgments on the preponderance of what we know to be true.
What point are you trying to make -- that we can never ever generalize from a series of particulars since there might somewhere be some small exception? What would this bring us too but mental paralysis?
This situation is quite the opposite. You are taking some small exceptions and generalizing them as the definition of the series. On top of that, this method of thinking is ALWAYS biased.

You'll tend to pick the bad people in another group, but the good people in your own. It is much more important to talk about what the religion is actually about.
Persol said:
This situation is quite the opposite. You are taking some small exceptions and generalizing them as the definition of the series. On top of that, this method of thinking is ALWAYS biased.

You'll tend to pick the bad people in another group, but the good people in your own. It is much more important to talk about what the religion is actually about.

Okay, now that we both agree on our philosophy, now we need to sort out the details. Who exactly am I misrepresenting? The last time I checked Israel was still acting in accordance with their popular vote. Obviously the majority of Israelis are voting to subjudgate and exterminate the Muslims. And if America returns the Republican ticket to the White House, then it could be safely generalized of American's that they, as a majority, wish to suppress and subjudgate Islam. But if you can convince me that the numbers are far different, please, let me know.
Persol said:
Actualy, there are several religions.
I also believe that you are one of the few people on Earth that will look at another religion and say 'nope, you don't exist.' Please, oh wise one, tell us what Chritiantiy, Judaism, etc are if they are not religions.

Please read my posts above. And go beyond the peoples' religions and think deeper considering the teachings of prophets.

There are peoples' Muslimism, Chritianity, Judaism, or etc... But they are peoples' interpretation of the religion -the universal system- after the prophets. However, all prophets confirmed each other and tried to explain one single system that works, and that we all are subject to. We need to understand that system for ourselves from the teachings of prophets, which was named as Islam finally by Mohammed (pbuh), rather than peoples' Muslimism, Chritianity, Judaism, or etc...

Otherwise, we will have spend all our lives upon mere conjectures.
So you're telling me that no interpretation takes place in Islam?
Persol said:
So you're telling me that no interpretation takes place in Islam?

On the contrary, all that you know as world religions are interpretations of the same one complete religion, which was tried to be explained by all prophets confirming each other but was not named until Mohammed (pbuh).

For a moment forget about the religion in your mind that you call as Islam. Just think that there is only one system in the universe that works since the beginning and that all humans are subject to it. And think that all the prophets -as the perceivers of that system- tried to explain it to people as well as they could in their conditions.

If it makes sense, then read my posts again. :)
Oh I agree with you that "there is only one system in the universe that works since the beginning and that all humans are subject to it". Where you seem to be dropping the ball is explaining why Islam (or any other religion) actually understands that system.

You just said a page ago that Islam is not one of the many religions, seming to mean that it 'understands the system'. Problem being, every other religion says the same thing. "You're system is wrong... but at least you are trying. We are the only real religion."

Soooo... please explain why Islam is different than the other religions. As it is, you seem to be following right in line with your predeccesors.
Persol said:
...Islam (or any other religion) ....
... every other religion says ...
..."You're system is wrong...
...We are the only real religion."...
...why Islam is different than the other religions....

Your comments and questions do not apply to my explanations. You don't seem to read my posts!
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Persol said:
Oh I agree with you that "there is only one system in the universe that works since the beginning and that all humans are subject to it". Where you seem to be dropping the ball is explaining why Islam (or any other religion) actually understands that system.

I do not say Islam understands that system. I say this system was named as Islam... which was what all prophets tried to explain within their conditions.
mohammad said he is the final prophet carrying God's final word and that's why muslims believe in islam as being the true religion.
but shouldn't you go deeper and ask yourself WHY should i believe mohammad? what did he do that was so special, something that would distinguish him for a human being into the ranks of prophets?
until now, i consider him a plain power-hungry human. anyone else could go and say the things he did and claim those words came from Allah. (and please don't give me the argument that the Qu'ran is perfect cause it's not)