Islam in China: The Ancient Record of the Tang Dynasty

God became one of us to show us that it was possible to be perfect. .He did not expect us to be able to be perfect. That is why he had to die for all of our sins. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction sin must be punished if an innocent is punished then the guilty must go free that is why god became man. The Christian god can run the universe, be a man and the Holy Spirit all at the same time. Apparently from munims own word his version of the Muslims god is limited by not being able to.
Proud_Muslim said:
''And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him'' (The Noble Quran 41:37)

Why would Morey make something like that up, why do you think he is lying?

You can't prove he is lying.

All you do is quote from the warmongering quran, and I don't believe a word in that book.

So Proud Muslim for the umpteenth time: I believe that you worship a MOON GOD who bears the name of ALLAH. It stands to reason.
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Just a quick thought:

In Islam, don't they teach to hate your enemies and love your friends? What do you gain through this? Furthermore, would you have friends if not for loving your enemies? Isn't that how friends are made? How does a Muslim convert Christians by killing them? The rest of the infidel and I aren't dead yet. PM, won't you please convert us?

JesusisLord51 said:
Just a quick thought:
In Islam, don't they teach to hate your enemies and love your friends? What do you gain through this?

At least Islam is logical REALISTIC religion, Muslim are not hypocrites as christians are, christians talk about love while they are dropping bombs killing thousands of Muslims !!! :mad:

What do you gain through this? Furthermore, would you have friends if not for loving your enemies? Isn't that how friends are made? How does a Muslim convert Christians by killing them?

Where are Muslims killing christians ?? You mean the other way around:


The rest of the infidel and I aren't dead yet. PM, won't you please convert us?


We are not like the pathetic christians going door to door asking people to believe or they will end up in hell !! NAH, we are not interested in converting anyone, we are only interested in knocking down the enemies of Islam.

No need to get defensive, Proud_Muslim. If you see comments that are clearly intended to flame you, just ignore them.

Wait, Muslims aren't interested in converting people? I'm pretty sure that's not true. Islam is one of the most famous missionary religions out there ...

If you look at Chinese history, until recently, their main strategy is of acceptance rather than confrontation. Their strategy is to accept most people who come by, and gradually assimilate them and swallow them with their superior numbers into a relatively insignificant part of their own culture. Sad how they abandoned that in recent days; it worked so well. :(

-- Long live the Female Messiah!
Proud_Muslim said:
At least Islam is logical REALISTIC religion, Muslim are not hypocrites as christians are, christians talk about love while they are dropping bombs killing thousands of Muslims !!! :mad:

Where are Muslims killing christians ?? You mean the other way around:


We are not like the pathetic christians going door to door asking people to believe or they will end up in hell !! NAH, we are not interested in converting anyone, we are only interested in knocking down the enemies of Islam.

And you wonder why people hate Muslims like you when you carry on like this

If your attitude is consistent throughout the Muslim world then I would have no problem in nuking the lot.

I'm not a Christian, go figure.
Proud_Muslim said:
Islam in China: The Ancient Record of the Tang Dynasty

The Ancient Record of the Tang Dynasty describes a landmark visit to China by Saad ibn Abi Waqqas (ra), one of the companions of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) in 650 C.E. This event is considered to be the birth of Islam in China. The Chinese emperor Yung-Wei respected the teachings of Islam and considered it to be compatible with the teachings of Confucius. To show his admiration for Islam, the emperor approved the establishment of China's first mosque at Ch'ang-an. That mosque still stands today after fourteen centuries.
as usual, you only tell half the story. after that the wars of aggression
The Umayyad advance was eventually stopped in several places. The Romans stopped Islamic attacks against Constantinople in 674-678 and again in 717 AD. The Frank Charles Martel, grandfather of Charlemagne, turned back a series of Islamic raids from Spain in 732 AD. In the East, the Islamic Empire came up against the Chinese, who were also expanding their empire at this time. Though the Arabs won a great battle against the Chinese in 751, near Samarkand, the border stayed about the same from then on.
Proud_Muslim said:

At least Islam is logical REALISTIC religion,
logical? realistic? you are brain-washed so badly, you are almost blind & confused beyond hope, may God have mercy on you

Muslim are not hypocrites as christians are, christians talk about love while they are dropping bombs killing thousands of Muslims !!!
they are bigger hyprocrites

Where are Muslims killing christians ?? You mean the other way around:
everywhere in Africa, asia, the US, Middle east

blame the christians for muslim violence, you are the tops in propaganda, you are a hitler & himmler in the making, what idols you have

check this ol'blind brain-washie, you will go blind, if you dare!
use "muslim violence in indonesia" as keywords:
Christians are so tolerant, they honour the priests who kill abortion doctors !

Paul Hill "I think those bullets should be pointed in the direction of Abortionists."
Pensacola News Journal Sept 3, 2003
It seems this thread has drifted way off-topic.

Does anybody want to comment further on Islam in China and the Tang dynasty, or should I perhaps close the thread?
James R said:
It seems this thread has drifted way off-topic.

Does anybody want to comment further on Islam in China and the Tang dynasty, or should I perhaps close the thread?
the T'ang dynasty is my favorite era of China, it was the most free in art, explored, science & tech. it was an open society, that got crushed by the wars against muslims. gee, thanks Proud, you do us proud
Proud_Muslim said:
Christians are so tolerant, they honour the priests who kill abortion doctors !

Paul Hill "I think those bullets should be pointed in the direction of Abortionists."
Pensacola News Journal Sept 3, 2003
I guess we are responsible for the Fall of the T'ang Dynasty, darn those Western meddlers, couldn't leave China alone. you muslims are such lovers of the T'ang, of China, come eat some pork ribs with me, lets share some Chinese culture
Joe said:
Well actually I read and found that Islam is lacking in many ways.

As islam will be better know in other parts of the world.
people will be able to read and see for themselves what it truly is.

many cant anwser you right now because they have to take you word for
It as they havent read the Koran.

However as times pass and you increase your knowleage of the word of God you will See that Jesus in fact is Lord.

In true fact you havent read the New testament Because if you truly did There is no way that you could believe in the Koran.

you idiot, as Islam is known it gains fololwers. after 9/11 conversion rates to Islam in the US quaddroupled, in the week of the Gulf war 3,000 Americans converted. as people study Islam more they convert. the more bad press we get the more people convert as they decide to take a look for themselves.
laughing weasel said:
God became one of us to show us that it was possible to be perfect. .He did not expect us to be able to be perfect. That is why he had to die for all of our sins. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction sin must be punished if an innocent is punished then the guilty must go free that is why god became man. The Christian god can run the universe, be a man and the Holy Spirit all at the same time. Apparently from munims own word his version of the Muslims god is limited by not being able to.

right so he's God now? when i said he was God about 50 Christians replied saying he was the son of God and not God.

also how is Allah restricted? your God got killed by a bunch of jews so what do you think is gonna happen on d-day when he wants to send people to hell? he'll get battered (hes got satan to deal with aswell.)

and i think it's your God that is restricted, atleast Allah didnt cry his eyes out for making "sinful" men like yours:

"and it repented the lord htat he had made men on earth, and it grieved him from his heart" CRYBABY :eek:

and who was he "repenting" to? :eek:
laughing weasel said:
God became one of us to show us that it was possible to be perfect. .He did not expect us to be able to be perfect. That is why he had to die for all of our sins.

it is GOD who gives life and gives death and causes ressurection so which God killed Jesus and brought him back to life? and if he is God then why does he have to die to forgive everyone? :eek:
Proud_Muslim said:
How many times I need to prove it to you ??? here it is again in your FACE:

Dont ever ask about it again Vienna, I am posting the above for the FOURTH time now!! :
then stop bowing down & prostrating to the crescent-moon god, if allah were God, Mohammad would have know that His name is "YHWH", the memorial name forever, not the title 'al-illah' for the crescent-moon god & don't forget allah's daughters, of the so-called

'lost' ( :p ) satanic verses,

get rid of your idols, infidel
Preacher_X said:
you idiot, as Islam is known it gains fololwers. after 9/11 conversion rates to Islam in the US quaddroupled, in the week of the Gulf war 3,000 Americans converted. as people study Islam more they convert. the more bad press we get the more people convert as they decide to take a look for themselves.
really? then why haven't I converted? islam is lacking in the big & small details, Mohammad didn't know God's name (YHWH), couldn't convert jews (so he chased & killed them), the quran is corrupted (satanic verses & edited out of chronological order, you didn't think that the quran was given in longest to shortest surahs, do you?), war-like (started many wars, first against Mecca, the jews, the pagan arabs, then the Byzantines) surahs of convienance (the family affairs of Mohammad & his wives), unscientific (the sun setting in a pond of muddy water), inacturate info on phaoroh, Moses, Mary, Miriam, Jesus, should I go on?

:rolleyes: :D :p