Islam in China: The Ancient Record of the Tang Dynasty


Shield of Islam
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Islam in China: The Ancient Record of the Tang Dynasty

The Ancient Record of the Tang Dynasty describes a landmark visit to China by Saad ibn Abi Waqqas (ra), one of the companions of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) in 650 C.E. This event is considered to be the birth of Islam in China. The Chinese emperor Yung-Wei respected the teachings of Islam and considered it to be compatible with the teachings of Confucius. To show his admiration for Islam, the emperor approved the establishment of China's first mosque at Ch'ang-an. That mosque still stands today after fourteen centuries.


Muslims virtually dominated the import/export business in China during Sung Dynasty (960 - 1279 CE). The office of Director General of Shipping was consistently held by a Muslim during this period. During the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644 CE), a period considered to be the golden age of Islam in China, Muslims fully integrated into Han society by adopting their name and some customs while retaining their Islamic mode of dress and dietary restrictions.

Anti-Muslim sentiments took root in China during the Ch'ing Dynasty (1644 - 1911 CE), which was established by Manchus who were a minority in China. Muslims in China number more than 35 million, according to unofficial counts. They represent ten distinct ethnic groups. The largest are the Chinese Hui, who comprise over half of China's Muslim population. The largest of Turkic groups are the Uygurs who are most populous in the province of Xinjiang, where they were once an overwhelming majority.]

Although it may come as some surprise, Islam has survived in China for over 1300 [1400] years. It has done so despite such upheavals as the Cultural Revolution as well as regimes hostile to it.
Even though there are only sparse records of the event in Arab history, a brief one in Chinese history, The Ancient Record of the Tang Dynasty describes a landmark visit to China by an emissary from Arabia in the seventh century. Saad ibn Abi Waqqas (ra), one of the companions of Prophet [Muhammad (s)], led the delegation [in 650 C.E.], which brought gifts as well as the belief system of Islam to China. According to the traditions of Chinese Muslims, this event is considered to be the birth of Islam in China.

Although the emperor of the time, Yung-Wei, found Islam to be a bit too restrictive for his taste, he respected its teachings and considered it to be compatible with the teachings of Confucius. For this reason, he gave Saad complete freedom to propagate the faith among his people. To show his admiration for Islam, the emperor ordered the establishment of China's first mosque at Ch'ang-an. The mosque still stands today, after thirteen [fourteen] centuries.

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What is your point? do you have one? So islam has been in china for 1300 years and is still a small minority religion, is this what we are supposed to debate?
My point was that Islam is universal religion, it is for all mankind, plus, I like History so much, I thought I share this information with some reasonable people here.
Obviously the vast majority of chinese don't think it is universal or more would have converted over the course of 1300 years.
They did converted to ISLAM, otherwise how do you explain that native chinese are now Muslims ????
How many? Neutral non-muslim source please. 1300 years should be enough for a universal religion to capture all or most of the population.
The chinese have a history of being tolerant to many schools of religious thought (until recently), a wise lesson for modern countries. Banning Islam would have created more interest than it was due.
The Chinese character tends to be far less agressive and warlike compared to most other cultures in the world, so they are far less likely to adopt a violent religion like Islam in any large numbers.
I am not certian of your point guys ?

There are more chinese christians in china then muslums but who cares ??

also they are chirstians in Indonias ,philapeans etc .. too so

heck even in Iraq. If you want a good picture goto

God gave free will to follow him or not.

When Jesus comes back on Judgement day let him be the Judge.
Hee hee hee. Good one. What I meant was, these guys will eat you alive for saying that the Lord, I mean that "Jesus will come back on judgment day".
Padma They believe that Jesus will in fact come back on Judgment day what they dont believe is that he is the son of God.