Islam for the Western Mind

To sum up the above

How does Islam encourage freedom of expression?

Or does Islam fear the freedom to express ones feeling?
Originally posted by Quantum Quack
Globally it could be suggested that social stability and wealth ( in all it's forms whether in the arts or technology) could be the priviledge of "western" cultures.
China, at one time, was the most technologically advanced, wealthiest country in the world. Incidentally the Han had the largest empire in the world.

Originally posted by Quantum Quack
It could be also suggested that of all the religions that exist in the world today Christianity allows for greater freedom and creativity than other religions.
Taoism, Buddhism, Shinto . . . ?

Originally posted by Quantum Quack
When one looks at the richness of western art, it's music, poetry, technology and basic democracy one can not avoid making comparisons to the developing Islamic world.
1) Afghanistan gave women the right to vote before the USA.
2) What of Ancient Roman or Ancient Greek or Egyptian or Japanese art, poetry and technology.
3) I believe Democracy was an advent prior to the advent of Christianity.

If you want to understand why Islamic countries are not at the same level as the West/East at the present I think it would be good to take a look at the history of the region. You know, Arabs made a bundle selling E. African slaves to the Europeans and/or Americans. What I mean by that is – historically, it wasn’t that long ago that the West was pretty much like the ME. Things tend to change for reasons – just because things have changed for the better in the West doesn’t mean that things automatically change in the ME or Pacific or anywhere. I think the ME has been ruled by Kings and religious authority for millennia, why would it change now? Add to that colonization from Hittites - - Assyrians - - Egyptians - - Persians - - Greeks - - Macedonians - - Romans - - Arabic- - Turks - - English - - French - - and now Americans and one wonders it’s doing as well as it is. And keep in mind, places like SA where The House of Saudi was in existence prior to the foundation of America (or there about) have had a culture of rule different from that of what we expect in the West – for millennia. So, ultimately, it’s up to those people to over-throw their government and hopefully replace it with one that is as far from religion as possible. Maybe it’ll happen – probably not.

Also, It just so happens that Democracy made resurgence in the West and (as for the USA) Jefferson, realizing how crappy religion is, made sure it was as far removed from the government as possible. Knowing the sheep mentality the founding fathers placed many barriers to prevent religion from ever getting into the government. So the truth isn’t that Christianity has evolved, it’s that the Western governments have removed religion as far as possible from the power structure. This has allowed the some citizens to shake of the shackles of mysticism and make the scientific advancements you were alluding to at a much more rapid pace than previously. So - if you want to call that governmental evolution then I’d agree.

I doubt it’s a coincidence that the appearance of Christianity in Europe coincides with a time period called the dark ages. I think that as long as religion pervades the ME it will be difficult to put together an economy that is equivalent to that of the West/East. Add to that the fact that there is all this free money in the form of oil and the evil empires who feel it is their right to go in there and steal it and I’d have to say I feel quite sad that this opportunity for the ME to put together a good system is being lost.

Like I said, Afghani women used to have the right to vote.
Originally posted by Michael
China, at one time, was the most technologically advanced, wealthiest country in the world. Incidentally the Han had the largest empire in the world.
the Han Chinese? check your sources, the Hellenic & Roman Empires, the Golden Horde, the Mongols, the Arab caliphtate, the Ottoman Turkish sultanate, & the Spanish, French, English, Belgen, & Portuguse Empires. If you mean an empire of just one ethnic group, I think the T'ang Chinese Empire (600-900's) was bigger

I doubt it’s a coincidence that the appearance of Christianity in Europe coincides with a time period called the dark ages.
check your dates, Christianity was introduced into the Roman Empire in 33 AD, the Fall of Rome was approx. 400 years later when the Germanic tribes ran amuck, raped, pillaged, sacked, burned etc. until they esthablished the new countries of France (Franks, Burgundians), Spain (Vandals & Visagoths), Portugal (Alanni & Suevi), Italy (Lombards & Ostogoths), England (Angles, Saxons & Jutes). The Saracens & Vikings came later. Oh yeah, the Christians learned to fight under Constantine, Charles Martel, the Popes & early European kings during the Crusades, again check the dates

Like I said, Afghani women used to have the right to vote.
I'm glad that moslems can show us up on somethings, it's about time they leave us in the dust on all sorts of other things; like science, math, art, medicine, farming, governance, astronomy, you know, the things they were so good at during their 'Golden Age'
It's also worth a big note that these so called empires do not exist today having failed to last the distance.

I'm not sure also that empire building is any thing to brag about either. It's today and tomorrow that counts. And when you look at the world today christianity seems to equate with progressiveness and egalitarianism.

It's not perfect for sure but when you look at the whole picture the observation is self evident.
Originally posted by Quantum Quack
And when you look at the world today christianity seems to equate with progressiveness and egalitarianism.

This is not correct. You must show us a christian nation using the bible as sole source for governing to proof your claim that christianity equate with progressiveness. The last time a christian church took command of a govermnent, we ended up with a dark shamefull age. That's not the case with the early muslim nations that resulted in a golden age. US is not by any means a christian nation, and US along with many progressive European countries have indeed took drastic measures to separate the bible from their lifes including amendments and original rules in their constitutions. Europe and US didn't start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel until they restricted religion to the walls of the churches and the couple of hours of Sunday social mass and removed it from every aspect of their lives.

Perhpas you should start a small country and move all the christian jehova wittness or Mormons to it and discard the constitution and make up a new one using only the bible, and then you can brag all you want about your progressivness...America and the west have only progressed on the sweat and blood of those that fought, were humilated, and died for religious freedom...There is no church honoring day in the US, we have veterans day and independance day to give credit of our progress to where it's really due.
Actually Flores, you state my point quite clearly, Christianity has allowed secular Government to come to be. The religion ( of which I am not a member) is flexible enough to allow the USA and Australia ( for example) to have secular government. This has allowed for the greatest freedom of the people. Christianity seems to be most tolerant towards other religious groups as well. ( My experience)

I do understand that some Christian groups are not to happy about secular government but at least they are not ( at this stage) prepared to go to war to install a Christian government.

I am taking a more generalistic view, an overview if you must when I say the above. I am sure many exceptions could be found.
Originally posted by Flores
The last time a christian church took command of a govermnent, we ended up with a dark shamefull age. That's not the case with the early muslim nations that resulted in a golden age.
I am wondering what you mean by golden age. During the golden ade of Rome or Greece most people were poor and slavery was rampant. Was there ever a time (pre 1900) when arabs or turks did not trade slaves? I didn't think that there was - and if so what were the dates and why did they begin tradng slaves again?

PS: I do agree with your European and US comments though.