Islam denounces terrorism

At least one good thing came out of this discussion

Originally posted by Judas2000
jugding without knowing is just ignorant.

It took some serious teeth pulling, but halleloya, you finally blurted it out.....and look at the length it took me to bring sense back to you, I even posted my picture for you.

Now, repeat the above sentence 50 times when you get the urge to discuss islam.....and drink plenty of fluids:D
God Bless those who are reasonanle!

Originally posted by Flores
PS. You don't sound like a person who is qualified to give a smart opinion about Islam. My suggestion is whenever you feel that need to go about Islam, go somewhere private, pull your pants down, squat, let it rip, and shove it back up your own ass. That will cure any of your urges to smear public forum with shit. [/B][ QUOTE]
Hi :
Your title is fascinating. Secondly, what is this wrath and all these half-witted remarks for? Are you a clergy?
In my homeland, almost all clergies and their supporters - I think you are one of them_ are foul-mouthed.
To Flores _ whose user name is an antonym for his/her verbality- and the rest of you in this forum who abuse words and make judgements you do not deserve to do:
O Lord forgive them for what they are saying.
Buy the truth, and sell it not and aslo wisdom and instruction and understanding. Proverb 23:23- Thanks
Islam and Terrorism are synonyms.

Seems like someone is suffering from trauma here .

Oh well since u actually still live there ......

Are you a clergy? I think you are one of them

yep , calling disagreeres clergy ..... clearly severly traumatized .

You know Morteza , not every person who has an issue with what you say is a clergy , not all interpertations of Islam end up like Iran .

Instead of labeling Islam as you did , why dont you tell us more about your own situation as a non-Mulims (Christian ?) in Iran and how their Shia state effects your daily life , for good or for bad .

I say to hear that would be alot more interesting than calling Islam terrorist .
Re: God Bless those who are reasonanle!

Originally posted by Morteza Olangui
Originally posted by Flores
Hi :
Your title is fascinating.

Well thanks, but it's easy to facinate the simple minded.

Originally posted by Morteza Olangui
Originally posted by Flores
Secondly, what is these half-witted remarks for? Are you a clergy?

Well, my half witted remarks are for the half witted, I save the whole witted ones for the worthy. As far as the clergy, you're so damn hilarious....I was just wondering the same thing about your sorry ass....Coming up with synonyms and calling the religion of Jesus and submittion to god an equal to terrorism and throwing proverbs in our faces.....I thought you were Jerry Falwell speaking here for a second.

Originally posted by Morteza Olangui
Originally posted by Flores
In my homeland, almost all clergies and their supporters - I think you are one of them_ are foul-mouthed.

You must know, because you seem to be one, just the opposite team......When you spray perfume on shit, it smells like perfume that have been shitted on.

Originally posted by Morteza Olangui
Originally posted by Flores
To Flores _ whose user name is an antonym for his/her verbality-

Are you obsessed with these words synonyms and antonyms. These words are much bigger than the crib you sleep in buddy. Go spend your life time and study them and still you'll be a donkey and use them inappropriately.

Originally posted by Morteza Olangui
Originally posted by Flores
and the rest of you in this forum who abuse words and make judgements you do not deserve to do:

And you do? Judging our religion as terrorism......Hypocrite are one fucking screwed up hypocrite.

Originally posted by Morteza Olangui
Originally posted by Flores
O Lord forgive them for what they are saying.

Oh thanks......and here's a prayer for you.
O Lord judge him as you wish for what he deserves and what he have accomplished, for you are the most just and worthy of praise.
Flores teahing her kids: Remeber kids those who disagree with you are not only wrong they are evil

Every time someone says something you dont like you start with the lecture on how educated you are, is that all you got, you can't even stay on topic you just start going on about how smart you are and how stupid they must be for disagring with you.
we'll if we're all so stupid then by all means teach us, prove us wrong.
Pleas teach us o'great one, Islam denounces terrorism...?
what exactly is you opineon other than every one is stupid but you,...?
Originally posted by Ren
Pleas teach us o'great one, Islam denounces terrorism...?
what exactly is you opineon other than every one is stupid but you,...?

In religion, my friend, the object of salvation is oneself. This reminds me of a joke that goes like.

Two people were out in the forest camping and swimming and they saw a mountain lion. The first guy started putting his jogging shoes on, so the second one asked.....what the hell are you doing? The lion is going to attack us and you're putting your damn shoes on. What the hell are you thinking that you are somehow going to out run that lion. The first guy smiled at him and said, I don't have to outrun the lion, I only have to outrun you.

Assuming that you understand subtelty, I tell you that terrorism is an elusive enemy that hides and wear many faces, just like a group of skilled lions, and that a muslim job is not to denounce terrorism and evil or denounce the existance of lions, because they exist and they can't be destroyed. All the muslims have to do is remove themselves from the circle of violance and evil. Currently, terrorism and evil is praying on the Islamic faith and trying to devour it beyond recognition, so our number one priority is to protect Islam, by pulling the bate or religion out of this equation so that terrorism starves itself or look for another bate, that being christianity, white supremecy, racial wars, ect.. This might mean sacrifycing public displays of religion and hiding our great islamic religion in our hearts like a gem until this phase is over. Displaying our religion more like people are currently doing during these awefull times is not the wise thing to do....It's like pouring blood on the ground for the lions.
Originally posted by Scooby Doo
If all Muslims represented your attitude this world would much be a much safer and better place to live. I only wish this were the case...

Let not the actions of a few men represent the view of the Islam. The majority of Muslims do represent this view. They want to avoid war.

However, as for the few men that you see on TV, you have to see from where they are coming from. They dislike American's foregin policy on them and how they are not be treated fairly. Land being stripped of them, ruthless dictators being set up in their country, having to choose a side in war when they want nothing to do with it, etc.

The few men, I can support their view because I see where they are coming from. However, I disapprove of their methods.
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani

* If we can manage to not kill ourselves while comitting assaults and we can manage to leave children out of it I see no moral or strategical objection whatsoever in Palestinian assaults on zionist targets . I think as Palestinians are very moderate in their religious convictions and they surely would understand that children are the innocent ones , we can get an agreement on it . When so , your assertion is not valid .

* However I understand the point you made that the peoples are not always right (just used a very bad example) and I know the peoples are usually wrong . But when it comes to fundamental questions , do they not have the right to self-determine their wrong-ness and act on it ?

True. How can the Palestians fight back if they got nothing. The land they had been living on was stripped of them. This is the equivalent of Native Americans getting North America stripped from them. I want to see a Palestian state. This is why I support them, but I disapprove of their methods.

I also want to see Jersulem shared by both sides. It is a holy city among both people and it can't be given to one side and not the other.

Selling out Afghanistan to Amerika would be a big point .

Ask any Pakistani and they will tell you that they DID not want to sell out Afghanistan. Sell out? That's a harsh word. Anyway, you and I can both agree on how American foreign policy sucks and this leads to separating of countries.

Praying is what got the Jews gassed remember that . I am very well aware the seperation of Muslim countries is result of Imperial mapmaking , current Muslims have little in say for that their leaders from the beginning of this century have together with the Brits & French and other Western countries sticking their nose where they smell $ .

True, but we must work together to find a peaceful solution through diplomatic means first.

Choosing for your own land and community to be saved from the fate other Muslim nations (without guilt) receive , is IMO doing exactly what Imperial forces desire to do , remain seperated and act out of self-interest that ofetnly can easy be combined with Imperial interests . That is why we can have psycho dictators because they ally with the powers , that why we can have disgusting less than a million peoples oil-states because they choose self-interest and ally with the powers . That path eventually leads to destruction of the entire Ummah , this includes that little local piece you were trying to save for yourself .

The first part I disagree with you. Muslims do not want to see themselves seperated. The way it works out is that in the end, imperial forces are gonna benefit one way or another. One man's actions end up determining the rest of the country because one man may ally with this person and the other with this person. Muslim countries must work together.

I have family who is on that to-be shock & awed list as they are in Syria , the question is does one chooses for himself or does one choose for the entire peoples of the Ummah . Eventually Pakistan will be added anyways , is it merely hope you would base your egoism on ? Chose for yourself and eventually you will not only have sold out your peoples , but yourself as well .

I do not wish to sell out my people. I do not wish to sell out your people. I pray good fortune for your family.

This is why I will attack America's foreign policy over and over again. It is horrible and needs to be totally reformed. It ends up putting your family against my family or your side against mine even though I would agree with you on many stuff.

The offense defence situation is such a theoretical one that you can use for all directions . You can look at the direct momentary situation of offense & defence , however if you take the wider context you will see that reality may be different . And if you step beyond that you can find yourself judging offense and defence from historical perspective . Avoiding these 2 extremes is best IMO , and in that sense you will not find many Mujahiddeen who fight out of anything else than defence . [/B]

Very true. They are not fighting out of hatred, but more for a polictical agenda. That is why I support them in their cause, but I disapprove of their methods.

Ghassan, surely I would love to see all the Muslim nations united under one Caliph or be united until a Caliph. Do not hate Pakistan or Mushareff because he "sold out" Afghanistan. The country was against this! But this was a way to prevent the killing of more people. The Afghani's must understand that Pakistan did not want to do this and understand America's foreign policy is the cause of this.

There are Afghani's who now hate Pakistan for helping US in the war. They have to understand that what Pakistan did was unwillingly! They are being forced too. I'm glad that no Muslim country was forced into the war on Iraq or else it would be deja vu all over again.
Originally posted by Ren
1. And why is that? It was clearly religiously motivated.
Ask any muslim why they allways have to blow shit up and they give you a long lecture about how evil the west is, about the crusades and the US nukeing Japan in ww2 as this in some way gives you the rigth to kill civilians.
Given a clear chance to denounce terrorism 99% of muslims chose to justify it.

Look at it this way. I have a gun in my hand and you don't. Your wife invites me into your house. So I come into your house without you inviting me and do whatever I want too. You can't tell me to leave or anything. Remember I got a gun in my hand. Then say I get your wife to do this or that. Everyday she has to bring me food and so. Could you stand watching me do that? Your children, your neighbors, your friends, your relatives all say I should leave. But none of them have a gun and I do. And my excuse is that I was "invited."

This is the case in Muslim countries.

Americans are welcomed there. No doubt about that. The only right they may have to stay there is if they won a war against a country. But Saudi Arabia nor Pakistan nor any other country has lost a war with US. Afghanistan and Iraq do not count because they did not fight as a country. The war was targeted for a few people.

2. Here in Norway where i come there are a lot of muslim imigrants. If we where to hate them for being here,.. well that would make us rasists rigth?
Theres just now pleasing muslims if you dont do some thing they hate you and blow you up and if you try to do something they hate you and blow you up.

Nope, that is wrong. That is true in the case of America's foreign policy though. You either agree with them or else something will await you later on.

Islam has the mentalety of a 5 year old and if it's ever going to gain my respect it needs to grow up. [/B]

That is a false assumption. Let not the actions of a few men represent the entire nation or religion. Do you know why these people are fighting America in the first place? Do you know why they have a hatred for it?
True. How can the Palestians fight back if they got nothing. The land they had been living on was stripped of them. This is the equivalent of Native Americans getting North America stripped from them. I want to see a Palestian state. This is why I support them, but I disapprove of their methods.

* Yes this is exactly as what happened to the Indians in the America's .

* What methods do you exactly disporve . Skip the suicide and kids as i would agree , but what else ? Becuas of civillians ? Or because of the choices of what civillians to strike ?

Afterall , all non-orthodox non-minor non-elder non-Arabs are member of the IDF which is a military target . Does actual combatant activity play a role ? Why so ?

I also want to see Jersulem shared by both sides. It is a holy city among both people and it can't be given to one side and not the other.

You se ethis the entire error here , there are no such 2 peoples as Israel (as well as the fundies) try to present . It is not Judaism against Islam that is represented by the defencive and offensive side . And apart from that , arent we forgetting the Christians ? Arab Christians have as much right religiously to that city , in fact I would rather make it an independant Christian-Arab city-state than let the zionists have their way with it .

Ask any Pakistani and they will tell you that they DID not want to sell out Afghanistan. Sell out? That's a harsh word. Anyway, you and I can both agree on how American foreign policy sucks and this leads to separating of countries.

The peoples did not want no , and weither Musharaf wanted or not is of little relevance as he did do it . Afghanistan got ravashed under supervision of Musharaf . But yea we can agree on what u said :D

True, but we must work together to find a peaceful solution through diplomatic means first.

First yes , but never last . We should always be prepared to put up a fight when we are threatened in our existance .

Muslims do not want to see themselves seperated. The way it works out is that in the end, imperial forces are gonna benefit one way or another. One man's actions end up determining the rest of the country because one man may ally with this person and the other with this person. Muslim countries must work together.

Imperial forces are only benefitting when Muslims do NOT work together , and Muslims do not work together when they are choosing the fate of their own country above that of the Ummah . Why is Iraq attacked ?

* Saddam is not a friend . His own self-interest is what caused this .

* The countries choose for themselves over Iraq , their own self-interest is what caused this .

In the end Iraq is done and who is next ? Thats the whole issue , in the end those who chose themselves will loose out as they are target ANYWAYS and as others would be less likely to help them out .

I do not wish to sell out my people. I do not wish to sell out your people. I pray good fortune for your family.

This is why I will attack America's foreign policy over and over again. It is horrible and needs to be totally reformed. It ends up putting your family against my family or your side against mine even though I would agree with you on many stuff.

But Pakistan as Muslims will not protect Syria and Syria as Muslims will not protect Pakistan . That is the problem , it ends up like you say and that is exactly their purpose . That is why a hard choice ought to be made , because u have no guarantee that u will be on that list one day , and another country will do the same , choose its own over you and there u go .

That is why a u said before , cooporation is necesarry . Seperation is their greatest weapon .

They have to understand that what Pakistan did was unwillingly! They are being forced too.

I understand perfectly , but that is the entire game . And that game doesnt stop untill the peoples choose eachother over themselves , and such cannot be when you have a government (in Pakistan or Syria or wherever) that will hold its national interests of greater importance than the interests of the Ummag .

Unification is the only chance , already 2 countries have been ravashed when Syria or Iran are next , who then will be forced to remain quiet and cooporate ? Eventually those who have been hiding remain standing alone in the end .
God Bless those who are really submitted to God

Originally posted by Flores
Well thanks, but it's easy to facinate the simple minded.

...for the half witted, Are you obsessed with these words synonyms and antonyms. These words are much bigger than the crib you sleep in buddy. Go spend your life time and study them and still you'll be a DONKEY and use them inappropriately.

And you do? Judging our religion as terrorism......Hypocrite are one fucking screwed up hypocrite.
I thank you for allowing me to know how much you are submitted to God.
How did you get to the conclusion that I am obssessed with antonyms and synonyms? Just becase I raised it up?
When you see a person who is really submitted to God , try to follow him/her. But when you see a FUCKING SCREWED UP HYPOCRITE, then examine your inner self.