Islam denounces terrorism



Terrorism is a crime against humanity. Islam is a religion that means "peace". In the Koran, the Holy Book of Islam, God commands believers to bring peace and security to the world. The Islamic morality is the cure for terrorism, not the source of it.
I have no doubt about this.

Unfortunately, all sorts of young men aren't as clear on its meaning as you are, flying planes into buildings in the belief that they will be rewarded with eternal paradise.....

And no doubt, for each of those young men on those planes, there were plenty more who would have done it. And of course, the network of well funded people above them who organised it etc..
Shut the fuck up allready. Everybody perfectly understand your position about Islam, and personally, I don't give a shit what your position is, because meanwhile what I see is that most of the Islamic countries are religion-driven, populated by religious fanatics who tolerate only others who follow their religion and declare Jihad on everybody else claiming that since they're not Muslims they're helping the "Nazi State of Israel" and "dumb Bush" and bullshit like that.
You divide the world into Muslims and non-Muslims and brainwash your children to hate the other side. You train people to become terrorists while claiming that Islam is the most peacefull religion that there ever was or will be and that it opposes terrorism.
Right now I see that most of the worlds' troubles come from Islam and the Koran and don't link me to your stupid Asslamic websites coz I don't give a shit what the Koran says and what that Muhammed fuck said a thousand years ago, even if they preach to be peacefull and loving, because I don't see it happen in reality in Islam.
Why so much anger? I swear I used to like you man, you set them straight at WE&P and your posts are refreshing, but not that one above....It's not your style.

Anyways, I agree with you that the current Islamic state sucks, but it's not the fault of religion that asks you to submit to god, a religion that agrees more than any other religion with the jewish you tell me,

I go to a jewish home, I feel that I'm home. They look like me, they're passionate like me, they eat kosher like me, they believe in one god like me, they have good morals like me, ect.....

Don't be skewed in your thougts because things are not what they seem in this day and age. Islam is worst represented in the past few decades, precisely the fifties.
Why so much anger? Well, I've previously failed to realize that every 99% of the preachers on these forums are Muslims that glorify their religion, when it's abvoius that in the present, there is nothing to glorify. It doesn't matter if Islam was a tolerating religion once. It isn't during my lifetime and I have a feeling that it'll get only worse for the next generations.

You probably think that since my ethnicity is Jewish my religion is also Jewish (I assumed that from the examples you gave). Well, it's not. I can't stand the Jewish religion just like any other religion. I usually don't care much about religions and I even respect them in front of religious people, unless I'm talking about it with them, but in the case of Islam, which is, along with earth quakes and meteorite strikes and floods and tornadoes and volcanic erruptions, the source of the worlds problems, I do care. Muslims can do whatever they want in their countries, as long as it stays in their countries. In that case, I don't care. But the phenomenon of terroristic attacks and calls for Jihad have spread world-wide, and then Islamic preachers are "sent by Allah" to tell the world that Islam is really a peaceful religion and if the terrorists were following the good Koran, they wouldn't have blown that embassy/bus/plane/whatever. That's what makes me angry.
Proud_Syrian, thank you for the link.

BloodSuckingGerbile, I can see where you are coming from. However, 9-11 should not be equated with Islam.

You say that the Muslim countries should stay to themselves. Well, they try too. The reason for hatred against America is that Americans are there and they don't want them on their soil. If America was to stay to itself and not on their land, I'm sure a lot of this wouldn't have happened.

The war on Iraq now has mostly turned onto a Anti-American versus American war now. They don't like the presence of Americans there nor any converts.
The Islamic countries are the least advanced countries in the world, though the people there have great potential (see the math olympics), and the religion is the only thing that keeps them behind the rest of the world.
9/11 was done in the name of Allah and Jihad and all that bullshit and it all derives from the Koran. But then there are the other Muslims who say that it doesn't. I don't know who to believe, but I do know that lots and maybe even most of todays problems come from the Koran and the Islamic religion.
Many years ago when the Middle East was united, it was currently the most advancved nation in the world. Now there is disunity amoung the Muslim countries. And then there are the "Islamic radicals" who also prevent their country from going forward.

One example is Pakistan. They helped US on the fight on terrorism. This helped Pakistan move forward and now it's going upward and on a constructive path, instead of a destructive one. The ones holding Pakistan from going on in a couple of months are the ones who are against their President from helping the US.

Also, the Islamic extremists has been quite a contradiction in the USA. On one hand, President Bush calls Islam a religion of peace. On the other hand, thousands of Muslims were rounded up and detained after 9/11, with no charges filed against them and no lawyers to represent them. Furthermore, organizations that represent the Muslim majority in America (ICNA, ISNA, MAS, and even CAIR, the Council for American Islamic Relations) have been accused in newspapers as being extremist organizations with fanatical ideologies.

I wouldn't take what they say about Islam on TV. The only thing that they shown about ISlam is when it was "connected with 9-11." They don't show anything charitable organizations are doing to help people nor do they show what Islam is or anything.

Shut the fuck up allready.

Since my brother is not in the position to answer your crap :
Shut the fuck up yourself KAPOS

most of the Islamic countries are religion-driven

Well they're not most are secular , I understand you need to make this up since its fits your logic .

populated by religious fanatics who tolerate only others who follow their religion and declare Jihad on everybody else claiming that since they're not Muslims they're helping the "Nazi State of Israel" and "dumb Bush" and bullshit like that.

* You shouldnt use Qu'ranic words like Jihad you dont understand
* Nobody declares war on peoples for the fact that they are of another religion .
* The Nazi state of Israel is a historical one as well as an actual one , if you feel like patronizing or ridiculing the compare at least bring in an argument or to so that counter arguments may shut your face up through intelligent refutation .
* Not that it matters in any way , but yes Bush is not the smartest man in his administration .

You divide the world into Muslims and non-Muslims and brainwash your children to hate the other side.

No , thats USA dividing everybody with their "with us" or "with them" mentality .

You train people to become terrorists while claiming that Islam is the most peacefull religion that there ever was or will be and that it opposes terrorism.

The trainings are alot less massive , advanced or resulting as conventional USA or Israeli training . Oh I forgot , the uniform make sthe difference right ? Oh no no , wait ... I remember , it was the intention . Sorry for 10.000 is better than a FUCK YOU for 3000 right ?

Right now I see that most of the worlds' troubles come from Islam and the Koran

You also probably see peace and equality and happy life and freedom and joy and all that in your pathetically simplistic understanding of this world .

stupid Asslamic

Your lack for respect is vomit inducing , if I would sink your levels you would be crying anti-semitism .

I don't give a shit what the Koran says and what that Muhammed fuck said a thousand years ago

He sure had more to say than the vomit that comes out of your face . Why dont you go to therapy to deal with your pathetic hate , a time-machine would be a good thing for peoples like you .

when it's abvoius that in the present, there is nothing to glorify

Perhaps this is beyond your comprehension , but in a book there is no relevancy of present and passed .

It isn't during my lifetime

And your 11-year old ass would be a great objective judge for that no ?

Well, it's not. I can't stand the Jewish religion just like any other religion

Nobody cares for your anti-semitism go complain to the Hassidics

but in the case of Islam, which is, along with earth quakes and meteorite strikes and floods and tornadoes and volcanic erruptions, the source of the worlds problems

Some time ago JUDE were considered the source of the worlds problems , along with earth quakes and meteorite strikes and floods and tornadoes and volcanic erruptions .

Im sure you fit well in that time , like I said time-machine would do your demonizing character alot of good .

Muslims can do whatever they want in their countries, as long as it stays in their countries

How about getting the fuck out of our countries then ?

the phenomenon of terroristic attacks

See above

That's what makes me angry.

Your anger is cheap and that of a spoiled brat . U need a holiday in Somalia .

The Islamic countries are the least advanced countries in the world

From what perspective ? Because they are poor ? Oh sure , I forgot .... your ethics rule the world no ?

and the religion is the only thing that keeps them behind the rest of the world.

The rest of the world ? Oh ofcourse , that would be you again .

One example is Pakistan. They helped US on the fight on terrorism. This helped Pakistan move forward and now it's going upward and on a constructive path, instead of a destructive one. The ones holding Pakistan from going on in a couple of months are the ones who are against their President from helping the US.

So how exactly is Musharaf a good guy ? Simply because he is allied with the socalled good guys ? He doesnt fund Kashmir ? He isnt in the edge of a nuclear war with India ? All this because he's friends with the socalled good guys ? The good guys who were allied to UBL , to Taliban , to Saddam Hussain etc ?

However, no ally of USA has ever comitted the crimes the USA has comitted worldwide .

So please explain how this great Pakistan is in such an upward and constructive/forward/upward path with their General Musharaf ?

Im very curious to hear your response . And I wonder , do you consider Saudi Arabia on the good path as well ?

Sure is a wacki country, in Peshawar they have elected a Taliban government with sharia law. Musharif is losing against the Islamofascists. :( Sorry to tell u.
Sure is a wacki country, in Peshawar they have elected a Taliban government with sharia law. Musharif is losing against the Islamofascists. Sorry to tell u.

* Keep fascism European please
* Sharia isnt merely one appointable entity of strict rules , rather interpertation is decisive .
* Musharaf never minded elections , I mean its not like he was elected himself or anything so ...... I dont see exactly how mr General is democratically threatned . A coup is what brought him up , and a coup is whats bringing him down .
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
Pakman So how exactly is Musharaf a good guy ? Simply because he is allied with the socalled good guys ? He doesnt fund Kashmir ? He isnt in the edge of a nuclear war with India ? All this because he's friends with the socalled good guys ? The good guys who were allied to UBL , to Taliban , to Saddam Hussain etc ?

However, no ally of USA has ever comitted the crimes the USA has comitted worldwide .

So please explain how this great Pakistan is in such an upward and constructive/forward/upward path with their General Musharaf ?

The only reason people hate him is because he is helping US. In life, you have to ally yourself with someone to save yourself. If you get out of one problem, you should be careful in not falling into another. Sometimes you have to ally with the enemy. Mushareff saved Pakistan from war and from being destoryed. US claimed that if Pakistan did not help on the war on terrorism, they would be considered as a country of terrorism.

I am aware of what US has done. In my opinion, I did not want Pakistan to help US because of their history. However, the ecomony is going up. Unlike the previous two Presidents of Pakistan, Mushreff is not doing this to enrich himself. He does this for the country and for the people.

Instead of agression, he is turning to negotiable means with India. Kashmir could have been taken during the third Pakistan-India war. Mushareff said it was a great time to do so, but it was the President, Nawab Shariff, who refused. He also planned on killing Mushareff. With the help of Allah, Mushreff has escaped death seven times.

Im very curious to hear your response . And I wonder , do you consider Saudi Arabia on the good path as well ?

I'm not Saudi Arabian so I have not recently looked into them. Currently, they are not what they once were though. They were a rich nation who would always lend money and help. But they were also a nation who called themselves the "better Muslims." Now they are the ones who ask for help and money.

Surely, I love Saudi Arabia for it is a Muslim country. However, I disagreed with them on calling themselves better. One day, they will be rich again since the mountains there are full of gold and the country is prosperous.

Also, if you don't mind, can you give me your insight on Mushareff? I always wanted to hear why people don't find Mushreff a good guy. Thanks.
What is Musharaf doing in religious forum ???

Originally posted by Pakman
Mushareff saved Pakistan from war and from being destoryed. US claimed that if Pakistan did not help on the war on terrorism, they would be considered as a country of terrorism.

You mean US would have destroyed Pak.? and Musharaf saved Pak. from war.?

He and his cronies created Taliban and groomed it and
finally disowned it when it was clear that his ass came on the US firing line.
Kashmir could have been taken during the third Pakistan-India war. Mushareff said it was a great time to do so, but it was the President, Nawab Shariff, who refused. He also planned on killing Mushareff. With the help of Allah, Mushreff has escaped death seven times.

By third Pakistan-India war, do you mean 1971 war or Kargil.?

If you mean 1971 war you should refer to history whether Pak was in position to take over kashmir.!

If you mean Kargil, then you should remember that Lahore peace process was screwed up by Musharaf with his quixotic adventure in Kargil where hundreds of Pak soldiers died and disowned for nothing. He was (and is) the spoil-sport in India-Pak peace process.

IT is better to trust an enemy who speaks directly on your face than a crook who cheat both people of Pakistan and Bush of the US.

And Pakistan's Kashmir issue is the best diversionary tactics to take off the ummah's attention from Palestine. Musharaf & Co do this at best with the stupid Pak fundies and clever US.

This type of discussion is irrelevant in religous forum. WE&P is the proper forum, i think.
Originally posted by everneo
What is Musharaf doing in religious forum ???

lol. Dunno. This sort of turned into a WE&P discussion in some of the few posts.

You mean US would have destroyed Pak.? and Musharaf saved Pak. from war.?

Yes. There were Pakistanis who did not want to help America after 9/11. America gave them 2 options. Help or be ready for war. Mushareff asked for 24 hours to think about him. Him and his advisors decided the best option was to help. If Pakistan didn't help, it would have been on the list just like Iran, Iraq, Syria, and North Korea.

He and his cronies created Taliban and groomed it and
finally disowned it when it was clear that his ass came on the US firing line.

It was not Mushareff who helped the Taliban. It was the actions of Benazir Bhutto, one of the previous Presidents who aided Taliban. She did it to enrich herself. She would help the Taliban as long as they helped her.

Also, Pakistan provided the Taliban's only access to the outside world and had the only embassy in Kabul dealing with them.

By third Pakistan-India war, do you mean 1971 war or Kargil.?

The 1971 war. I don't know much about Kargil.

This type of discussion is irrelevant in religous forum. WE&P is the proper forum, i think.

Yup. Ghassan Kanafani, when you answer to my questions, PM me.
Originally posted by Pakman
The 1971 war. I don't know much about Kargil.
lol. If you mean 1971 war then each of your following lines were factually incorrect.

" Kashmir could have been taken during the third Pakistan-India war. Mushareff said it was a great time to do so, but it was the President, Nawab Shariff, who refused. "

In 1971 the prime minister was Z.A.Bhutto and Musharaf would have been a junior lever officer. I don't know where Nawas shariff would have been.

Anyway this is a topic for WE&P forum.

May Allah bless Pakistan to go on the right, progressive, peaceful direction despite of its self-serving officials, politicians and fundies. :D
:eek: lmao, you got me everneo. I admit it.

But thanks. i needed to get my facts straight and I'm not sure about dates because I have trouble with remembering numbers. So that's why I said the third Pakistani-India war. Thanks for pointing it out.

However, those facts were true though. I'll do a little research and get the dates right. I'll get back to you on that if you want me too.
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani

So how exactly is Musharaf a good guy ? Simply because he is allied with the socalled good guys ? He doesnt fund Kashmir ? He isnt in the edge of a nuclear war with India ? All this because he's friends with the socalled good guys ? The good guys who were allied to UBL , to Taliban , to Saddam Hussain etc ?

However, no ally of USA has ever comitted the crimes the USA has comitted worldwide .

So please explain how this great Pakistan is in such an upward and constructive/forward/upward path with their General Musharaf ?

Im very curious to hear your response . And I wonder , do you consider Saudi Arabia on the good path as well ?

First live in Pakistan for 5 years and then come back. We will talk. Please do not try to TELL PAKISTANIS who is good and not accoding to ARAB standards.

Thank you Very much.

My standards arent equal to Arab standards . I have a negative opinion about Musharaf and many Pakistani would agree with me .

So please , dont mix your ethnic issues into it ok ?

Pakman The only reason people hate him is because he is helping US.

There are various peoples who have problems with Musharaf for various reasons . His tratorhood would be one for some perspectives yes , others would complain about Kashmiri support , while others would complain over his democratic means . General Musharaf is not loved by everybody , and the reasons dont start with Amerika not do they end there .

Unlike the previous two Presidents of Pakistan, Mushreff is not doing this to enrich himself. He does this for the country and for the people.

Bullshit , Musharaf would get regime-change threats , he choose for an instable position in front of his own peoples over a negative position against USA . I mean you are aware of this , you self say : US claimed that if Pakistan did not help on the war on terrorism, they would be considered as a country of terrorism. .

Altruism is an illusion , especially in geo-politics . I mean u cant be that naive can you ?

I did not want Pakistan to help US because of their history.

How about actuality ? The ravashment of Afghanistan by the USA was not justififed in any way .

However, the ecomony is going up.

In other words selling out is no issue as long as its national-socialist .

Instead of agression, he is turning to negotiable means with India.

Are you kidding me here ?

the help of Allah, Mushreff has escaped death seven times.

Allah does not guide the strings of betrayers .

There were Pakistanis who did not want to help America after 9/11. America gave them 2 options. Help or be ready for war. Mushareff asked for 24 hours to think about him. Him and his advisors decided the best option was to help. If Pakistan didn't help, it would have been on the list just like Iran, Iraq, Syria, and North Korea.

* Amerika did not gave Pakistani any options , it gave Musharaf options .
* He decided whats best to help himself and his regime
* Pakistan ought to be with Syria , Iraq & Iran & the rest of the Ummah .

It was not Mushareff who helped the Taliban

His government was the only one on this planet that acknoweldged Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan . Do you think that beyond this unique relation there is no assistance ?

Also, Pakistan provided the Taliban's only access to the outside world and had the only embassy in Kabul dealing with them.

So if you are aware of this relationship , how can you deny assistance & support ?
Proud Syrian

In the Koran, the Holy Book of Islam, God commands believers to bring peace and security to the world.

Let me complete the statement for ya'.

"In the Koran, the Holy Book of Islam, God commands believers to bring peace and security to the world by means of offensive
aggression and violence."

Out of all religions I have the least respect for yours. Nothing
beyond that... carry on.