Islam, and the Problems it Causes, by the Cults of Personality.

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Does Guantanamo, Bagram and Abu Ghraib ring a bell? Boiling Japanese skulls? Sodomising Iraqi kids? We don't do body counts? Collateral damages? Waterboarding is not torture? Genocide of native Americans? Sending cluster bombs to kill Lebanese kids? Funding extremists to destroy secular societies? The Jewish Holocaust? Eugenics? ragheads, niggers, kikes, nips? The Crusades? Eating the dead Muslims?

As for Christians killing Christians, do two world wars count? The Dark Ages? The Spanish Inquisition? The US interventions in Latin America? The torture training school of the Americas? The KKK?
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You forgot the Jharkand Mukti Morcha, the Uttaranchal project and the LTTE. Kashmir too. Hawaii still has a separatist group, as do the native Americans. The KKK is still functional, as are the neo-Nazis.

Are you an athiest now?

No, but you are a moral hypocrite.

Jharkand Mukti Morcha? who are under attack from Maoist Terrorist?

Uttaranchal, and? a state in India?

LTTE, is still not a Christian action, and as compared to Islam on the Richter scale, it is a .001.

And again do the LTTE base their attacks against all other religions? NO.

Hawaii still has a separatist group,

And those groups practice peaceful protest, and have committed no suicide bombing, especially against their own race/religion

Native Americans, the same can be said of them.

The KKK is still functional, as are the neo-Nazis,

And when they break the law they are arrested, charge, tried, and convicted, again the Society as a whole does not support or defend their actions, and they are less than 1% of the population, unlike the 33%+ of Islam who are violent.

That is the Rub, You SAM, make a direct Moral Relativism between these small groups who do not kill those of their own, to Islam, which as a community seems to give tacit support,

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Aug 17, 2008 ... support for the adoption of Sharia law into British law and for a worldwide caliphate. Forty percent of Muslim students polled supported the ...

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Very unbiased media. Let me guess. All Christians/Jews spreading love and liberation.
Very unbiased media. Let me guess. All Christians/Jews spreading love and liberation.

Sorry it doesn't fit your Islamic Bias, of Moslem Victimhood, and template that its all the infidels fault for defending there God/Gods, Family, State, Country from the Islamic all consuming Jihad.
Lets take a look around shall we? Occupations, death squads, sodomising kids in front of parents, death by torture, collateral damages, we don't do body counts, is Obama a Muslim, etc.

Jesus must be rolling in his grave, spinning so fast you could probably power a Middle Eastern country with the energy.
You're right, we should overlook the countries being bombed, the thousands held in secret locations without access to justice who are being tortured, the millions dead and focus on why some people are so backward in those regions, compared to all the advanced secularists who are bombing raping torturing and killing them.
You're right, we should overlook the countries being bombed, the thousands held in secret locations without access to justice who are being tortured, the millions dead and focus on why some people are so backward in those regions, compared to all the advanced secularists who are bombing raping torturing and killing them.

You can look at what Muslims are doing to their own, yes. Feel free.
What do you think of the US practice of kidnapping people in foreign countries and sending them to Gitmo? Do you have an opinion on it?
What do you think of the US practice of kidnapping people in foreign countries and sending them to Gitmo? Do you have an opinion on it?

What do you think of the atrocities on Dalits in India? Do you have an opinion?
Yeah and I've given it elsewhere on this forum. Now back to you.:)

What do you think of the atrocities committed on Moslem's in Iraq, committed by Moslems, Shia against Sunni, Sunni against Shia, Sunnis and Shia, against Bahi? Islam against all other religions? Do you have an opinion?
The same backward places where dictators have been established, funded and armed by the US? Those places? Tell me why your government is supporting these dictators.
Yeah and I've given it elsewhere on this forum. Now back to you.:)

Ah yes, that's right, you support the atrocities. Thanks.

Btw, did your family at any time own Dalits?

No, honestly?

I am part scheduled caste, maybe we were owned at some time and hence the conversion to Islam, to escape the caste system. Does that make you feel better? Now back to you.

What do you think of the US practice of kidnapping people in foreign countries and sending them to Gitmo? Do you have an opinion on it?

I want to get the rational opinion of an atheist.
Buffalo Roam,

There is a cult of personality around the Pope. The cults of personality around Peter and Paul shaped the church.

What Is Christianity without the cult of personality around Jesus?

Emperor Constantine changed the Roman world and changed Christianity.

The Crusaders were supposed to conquer the Holy Land but their Venetian sailors took them to Venice's rival Christian Constantinople which they sacked and looted in the name of Jesus and thereby weakened Constantinople's ability to defend itself from the Muslim Ottomans.

All the Catholic Saints have cults of personality.

What about Martin Luther and Calvin? Why did Catholics and Protestants fight the 30 years war in Germany.

Who are the whack Jobs giving that cult of personality leader Pat Robertson money? Pat Robertson is evil as far as I am concerned.

All sorts of Evangelists have been the centers of cults of personality and they reinterpret scripture in any way that feels right to them.

Every Minister or Pastor decides which parts of the Bible to Read from and which parts to ignore. They also combine the Bible text with ideas and stories that are not in the Bible thereby making many individual versions of Christianity.

What about David Koresh and the Branch Davidians?
Jim Jones, Peoples Temple was a Christian Cult of Personality.

What about the Mormons and Brigham Young?
What about Mary Baker Eddy and the Christian Scientists?

One of my ancestors Edward Wightman was burned at the stake for Heresy.
Witches were hung.

Many Christian people are making Ronald Reagan into some kind of saint and practically worshiping him.

Any time I want I can turn on the radio and find some pastor "revealing" "hidden truths" that he or his fellow pastors have found in scripture. Who is the Anti-Christ this week Mahmoud Abbas or Barak Obama.

And the Christian Crackpots on the radio tell me that the USA and Israel will fight a war against Russia, the Arabs and the United Nations after which Jesus will come again and defeat the Anti-Christ. The world will be destroyed and god will save only those who accept Jesus as their lord and savior. The others will be doomed to eternal suffering for not accepting Jesus as their savior.

Even if the religious Muslims are insane what is the point? For Christians or Jews to criticize the Muslims is the pot calling the kettle black. It is Hypocrisy. It is ugly, mean and pointless.
We don't need protection from the Muslims, the Muslims need protection from us.
Your bad guys and heroes are just comic book nonsense. Reality is far more complex.

Mathew 7:3
"Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?

Mathew 22:37
34 But the Pharisees, hearing that he had silenced the Sadducees, came together. 35 And one of them, a doctor of the law, asked him, tempting him: 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said to him: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with thy whole mind. 38 This is the greatest and the first commandment. 39 And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets.
Buffalo Roam,

There is a cult of personality around the Pope. The cults of personality around Peter and Paul shaped the church.

What Is Christianity without the cult of personality around Jesus?

Emperor Constantine changed the Roman world and changed Christianity.

The Crusaders were supposed to conquer the Holy Land but their Venetian sailors took them to Venice's rival Christian Constantinople which they sacked and looted in the name of Jesus and thereby weakened Constantinople's ability to defend itself from the Muslim Ottomans.

All the Catholic Saints have cults of personality.

What about Martin Luther and Calvin? Why did Catholics and Protestants fight the 30 years war in Germany.

Who are the whack Jobs giving that cult of personality leader Pat Robertson money? Pat Robertson is evil as far as I am concerned.

All sorts of Evangelists have been the centers of cults of personality and they reinterpret scripture in any way that feels right to them.

Every Minister or Pastor decides which parts of the Bible to Read from and which parts to ignore. They also combine the Bible text with ideas and stories that are not in the Bible thereby making many individual versions of Christianity.

What about David Koresh and the Branch Davidians?
Jim Jones, Peoples Temple was a Christian Cult of Personality.

What about the Mormons and Brigham Young?
What about Mary Baker Eddy and the Christian Scientists?

One of my ancestors Edward Wightman was burned at the stake for Heresy.
Witches were hung.

Many Christian people are making Ronald Reagan into some kind of saint and practically worshiping him.

Any time I want I can turn on the radio and find some pastor "revealing" "hidden truths" that he or his fellow pastors have found in scripture. Who is the Anti-Christ this week Mahmoud Abbas or Barak Obama.

And the Christian Crackpots on the radio tell me that the USA and Israel will fight a war against Russia, the Arabs and the United Nations after which Jesus will come again and defeat the Anti-Christ. The world will be destroyed and god will save only those who accept Jesus as their lord and savior. The others will be doomed to eternal suffering for not accepting Jesus as their savior.

Even if the religious Muslims are insane what is the point? For Christians or Jews to criticize the Muslims is the pot calling the kettle black. It is Hypocrisy. It is ugly, mean and pointless.
We don't need protection from the Muslims, the Muslims need protection from us.
Your bad guys and heroes are just comic book nonsense. Reality is far more complex.

Mathew 7:3
"Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?

Mathew 22:37
34 But the Pharisees, hearing that he had silenced the Sadducees, came together. 35 And one of them, a doctor of the law, asked him, tempting him: 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said to him: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with thy whole mind. 38 This is the greatest and the first commandment. 39 And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets.

The fact that the Church was recovered to the original message of Christ, non-violence, as a Protestant, I am from those who took on the Crusading, Inquisitional Church, and moved it back to non-violence.

Now lets look around the world today, show me where Christians are on Crusade to convert the world to Christendom?, were are Christians killing hundreds of thousands in suicide bombing that target their own?

Were is there today any compunction to convert to Christendom on the pain of Death or Second Class subservience to Christians?

Now just read the papers, look at the Evening New, surf the web, and day after day, Islam is murdering, it's own, and any others who do not adhere to the Tenet of Islam.

Even being a Moslem doesn't protect you from being targeted by Moslems for murder, rape, torture, sodomy, slavery, and second class status in you rown country.

Now as to:

Mathew 7:3
"Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?

I have on many occasions pointed out that I have no problem with the prosecution and conviction of those who commit crime, wether in the Military, or anywhere else.

Mathew 22:37
34 But the Pharisees, hearing that he had silenced the Sadducees, came together. 35 And one of them, a doctor of the law, asked him, tempting him: 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said to him: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with thy whole mind. 38 This is the greatest and the first commandment. 39 And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets.

And one of them, a doctor of the law, asked him, tempting him: 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

Are you a Pharisee?
The same backward places where dictators have been established, funded and armed by the US? Those places? Tell me why your government is supporting these dictators.

Because the same leaders with citizens who weren't insane...would be presidents. There's something in Islam that encourages paranoia, and I am sick of their propaganda leaking over their borders. Respect to nations like Georgia. Arab nations should be looking to Israel to discover how to appropriately make a free society, Israel should be looking to America to discover how to make a working democracy. But NOONE should look to the Arab nations for anything but resources, it's all they have to offer the world.
Arab nations should be looking to Israel to discover how to appropriately make a free society, Israel should be looking to America to discover how to make a working democracy.

Israel is smarter than that. Lets hope they wake up before they commit mass suicide.
As I was reading this thread i put myself as a judge and wanted some reality .
There is a barrage of attacks on Islam and Muslims as if this universe has only Islam and Muslims . I noticed the word " terrorism " very well associated with Muslims and Islam too . For facts : The Muslims suffered centuries of colon-ism on the hands of the most brutal Christians and Jews . The Muslim countries and not the Christians and not the Jewish countries that are being made colonies by Christians and Jews such as : Iraq , Afghanistan and Palestine . So who the hell is kidding whom here ?. Let us be adults and see reality as it is . America , NATO , and Israel are the most brutal regimes on earth and their shocking history is a witness on this fact .
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