Islam, and the Problems it Causes, by the Cults of Personality.

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Buffalo Roam

Registered Senior Member
Islam as far as I can see, has a problem with the world because it has become a cult tied to the Personalities of the Various leaders who practice this religion.

Each part of Islam is associated with a different, Caliph,

According to Sunnis he is ideally a member of the Quraysh tribe elected by Muslims or their representatives.

According to Shia Islam, an Imam descended in a line from the Ahl al-Bayt.

The Umayyads

The Abbasids

The Fatimids

The Ottomans

Each and every Caliph, (based on the notion of a successor to the Islamic prophet Muhammad's authority.) has placed his own mark on Islam, and in doing so, today there is a fight as to who is the right full Caliph of Islam.

Osama Bin Laden leads a cult of personality under his ideas of advancing the World Caliphate under the Sharia and Quran.

Mullah Omar's established his Idea of Islam based on his own interpertation of the Quran and Sharia.

The Ahyotollia Khomeni, in Iran, change Iran to suit his thought on Islam and its tenets.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India, who claimed to be the promised Messiah and Mahdi, the one awaited by followers of all major religions, who bent Islam to his own purpose. After his demise in 1908, his first successor Noor-ud-Din became head of the community and assumed the title of Khalifatul Masih (Caliph of the Messiah). The line of successors continues to this day, the current head being Mirza Masroor Ahmad, residing in London. From the outset the Ahmadiyya community has been viewed as heretical by other Muslim groups due to the founder's claim to prophethood. Muslims hold the view that Muhammad was the final rasul (prophet) and no apostle can come after him. Ahmadis however argue the possibility and need of subordinate prophethood to Muhammad. Ahmadis call themself Muslims and claim to practice Islam in its pristine form

The Ahmadiyya caliphate is not recognised by mainstream Islam, Sunni and Shia.

So what is Islam that so many have made it a cult to their personality?
Over the last 1200 years Islam has not caused as many problems as Christianity has.

Cults of personality can easily form around either Christian or Muslim leaders.

In this last decade as socialism and other forms secular idealism have been largely abandoned religious traditionalism and extremism has reasserted itself in all around the world via many different religions.

There are Four notable things that make Islamic extremism seem different than Christian Extremism:
1 Wounded pride; Christians societies are dominant and Islamic societies are weaker.

2 Victorianism (minus Victoria); Islamic lands never went as far down the wild and crazy, slutty, liberated, gender bending, confusing path as the Christian West did. Islamic Hedonism can be wrongly blamed on the Wests perverted hedonistic influences. Islam will have to find it's own way of dealing with feminist demands for justice. Western criticism of Islamic patriarchy won't help anything.

3 Western Propaganda, Israel backers have their reasons to smear Arabs and Islam and the Neocon's need a public enemy if they want the people of the west to give them permission to use Western tax money in their attempt to dominate the world. Perhaps if Russia throws it's weight around a bit Russia could once again replace Islam as the prime enemy.

4 Islam is the other religion and Christian Extremists have always been antagonistic towards other religions. Jews and native Americans have experienced how vicious Christians can be when they rationalize being hateful towards "the others".
Over the last 1200 years Islam has not caused as many problems as Christianity has.

Cults of personality can easily form around either Christian or Muslim leaders.

In this last decade as socialism and other forms secular idealism have been largely abandoned religious traditionalism and extremism has reasserted itself in all around the world via many different religions.

There are Four notable things that make Islamic extremism seem different than Christian Extremism:
1 Wounded pride; Christians societies are dominant and Islamic societies are weaker.

2 Victorianism (minus Victoria); Islamic lands never went as far down the wild and crazy, slutty, liberated, gender bending, confusing path as the Christian West did. Islamic Hedonism can be wrongly blamed on the Wests perverted hedonistic influences. Islam will have to find it's own way of dealing with feminist demands for justice. Western criticism of Islamic patriarchy won't help anything.

3 Western Propaganda, Israel backers have their reasons to smear Arabs and Islam and the Neocon's need a public enemy if they want the people of the west to give them permission to use Western tax money in their attempt to dominate the world. Perhaps if Russia throws it's weight around a bit Russia could once again replace Islam as the prime enemy.

4 Islam is the other religion and Christian Extremists have always been antagonistic towards other religions. Jews and native Americans have experienced how vicious Christians can be when they rationalize being hateful towards "the others".

Moslems Have always been extreamly antagonistic towards any other religion,
and it doesn't matter what that religion is, It kills all, who are not Molsem, and even it's own over who is the rightfull Caliph to Mohammad.

Seems Mohammad place his Personality on Islam from the begining:

I have stated below just a few of the verses from the Koran, which support this fact. As the Koran is supposed to be timeless and universal, the verses in it hold true even today and are used everyday by pious Muslims to justify their brutal and terrorist activities.

1. (Koran 8:12) "Remember Thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the believers, I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips of them."

In the above verse the great prophet of Islam, Mohammed, is giving step by step instructions on how to torture and kill the unbelievers if they don't follow Islam. He is clearly instructing Muslims to commit cold-blooded murder in the name of religion.

2. (Koran 2:216) "Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, you knew not."

By stating the above verse, Mohammed completely absolved himself from all blame for having murdered innocents. The most insidious and devilish implication of this verse is that God is completely justifying Mohammed�s murder of the innocent Meccans. The import of this verse is that killing and violence are JUSTIFIED for Muslims, because they are doing it by divine ordinance! It is a religious duty of every Muslim to murder anyone who comes in the way of Islam. Since it is also the duty of every Muslim to ensure that the entire world is converted to Islam by force if necessary, one must directly conclude that it is the religious duty of Muslims to kill all those who are non-Muslim. This conclusion is derived directly from the supreme edict of Allah, who admonishes that even the Muslim who feels it is wrong to kill, must murder in the name of Allah, otherwise he is not a true Muslim. Over and above this, Mohammed is hypocritically implying that warfare is hateful to him, but he participated in it because God ordained it.

1) India - Muslims have been terrorizing this country since the 7th century AD. Muslim regimes throughout India have a record of unparalleled terror and torture described in gory detail by contemporary Muslim chronicles themselves. Subjecting all non-Muslims to abject atrocities, plundering their wealth, abducting their women and usurping their houses of worship to be used as mosques and tombs, has been considered sacred duty of every Muslim. Such acts earned for the tormentors the coveted title of Ghazi, to be paraded as a citation of great Islamic glory and greatness. Aurangzeb, one of the last Muslim emperors had 10,000 Hindus massacred everyday for an entire year. He alone was responsible for the massacre of at least 3,650,000 Hindus and destruction of more than 11,000 Hindu temples. William Durant, author of the voluminous "Story of Civilization" has described the Muslim conquests in India as constituting the saddest and goriest chapter in human history. Muslims have destroyed and looted the whole country and have killed countless innocent Hindus in the process.

(3) Bangladesh - Bangladesh was a part of India before the Muslim terrorists led by Mohammed Ali Jinnah separated it from India in 1947. It was then called East Pakistan. Jinnah lied to the thirteen million Hindus, Buddhists and Christians in East Pakistan and told them that they would not be persecuted against. He promised that they would be given full freedom under the Islamic rule. However, these religious minorities�especially the Hindus and the Buddhists have been tortured, raped and murdered by the pious Muslims ever since 1947. Over 2.5 million Hindus alone were slaughtered during the Pakistan-Bangladesh war in 1971. The types of crimes committed were perfectly in accordance with the Koran. Robert E. Burns, the author of Wrath of Allah states, "The mutilation was disgusting�eyes gouged out, pregnant women disemboweled, male genitals cut off, women�s breasts cut off�.."

(4) Egypt - Egypt has been terrorized by Muslims since the time of Umar II (8th Century AD.). With Umar�s raid on Egypt began the destruction of Egypt�s Christians. Their Churches were destroyed, Umar imposed Jizya�a special tax that was invented by Mohammed , where all the "non-believers" had to pay or face death. They lost ownership of all their land and had to pay a special land tax, kharaj, simply in order to use it . They were ridiculed, made to wear discriminatory clothing and were made to ride on donkeys. Anyone not complying with the wishes of the Islamic terrorists was tortured to death in absolute accordance with the Koran. The ongoing Islamic terrorist attacks on innocent people in Egypt even today prove that Islamic terrorism is alive and kicking in this country as well. In this country the tourists are special targets of the Muslim terrorists. Just last year in Cairo, the pious followers of Mohammed murdered an entire bus load of German tourists. In another incident, Muslim fundamentalists killed more than 40 tourists near the Pyramids.

(5) Algeria - Algeria has been under Islamic terrorist attack for quite some time now. Accurate casualty figures are difficult to acquire, but as many as 50,000 Algerians (militants, security personnel, and civilians) have died as a result of the nearly four-year-old insurgency. Even the U.S. embassy's warehouse was the target of Islamic terrorists. They set fire to the warehouse and threatened to kill the security guard just because he was working for the United States. The Islamic terrorist organization which carries out most of these attacks is called GIA (Algerian Armed Islamic Group). The GIA was responsible for the deaths of 31 foreigners in Algeria in 1995, compared to at least 64 in 1994. Most of the foreigners killed were "soft targets," such as teachers and nuns. Cowardly Islamic terrorists, conform to this pattern of targeting the most vulnerable and helpless segment of the population, in imitation of Prophet Mohammed's life. From July to October, a terrorist bombing campaign in France began against civilian targets, killing eight persons and wounding 160. And such attacks continue on even today in Algeria.

(6) Pakistan - Like East Pakistan (Bangladesh), Pakistan was also founded by the terrorist leader, Mohammed Ali Jinnah. Ever since its foundation, Pakistan has sponsored terrorism and Islamic terrorist groups all over the world. Pakistan�s main focus of terrorist activity has always been India. This nation is obsessed with the downfall of India and will do anything to accomplish this goal. It has gone to war with India three times in the past and failed miserably all three times. Pakistan continues to support Islamic terrorist organizations such as Harakat ul-Ansar (HUA) and Al-Faran. Al-Faran is the group that claimed responsibility for the kidnapping in Kashmir of two US citizens, two Britons, a German, and a Norwegian. Other Pakistan-backed groups have claimed responsibility for numerous bombings in Kashmir, including one against foreign journalists.

The Armenian Genocide (Armenian: Հայոց Ցեղասպանութիւն, Turkish: Ermeni Soykırımı), also known as the Armenian Holocaust, the Armenian Massacres and, by Armenians, the Great Calamity (Մեծ Եղեռն)—refers to the deliberate and systematic destruction (genocide) of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire during and just after World War I. It was characterised by the use of massacres, and the use of deportations involving forced marches under conditions designed to lead to the death of the deportees, with the total number of Armenian deaths generally held to have been between one and one-and-a-half million. Other ethnic groups were similarly attacked by the Empire during this period, including Assyrians and Greeks, and some scholars consider the events to be part of the same policy of extermination
The Dar al-Islam does not recognise any ‘interfaith council’, and neither does it recognise the Jewish holocaust. Its truth is immutable, and its history inviolable. Anything which does not accord with its politico-theology is purged: if necessary, gradually, but certainly most thoroughly. When a battle has been won in the Dar al-Harb, the territory belongs to the Dar al-Islam. There may be no reversion without Jihad, and Jihad will be waged until there is victory.

During mid-November, 2007, a grim milestone was recorded in the macabre tally being kept assiduously in cyberspace by blogger Glen Reinsford: the 10,000th attack by jihad terrorists resulting in some 60,000 dead and 90,000 injured since the cataclysmic acts of jihad terrorism on September 11, 2001.

Reinsford does not include combat-related statistics, and he acknowledges that the death toll may increase in the days and months following any given attack (as victims die from their injuries), and this rarely gets reported. His tally also excludes the genocide in Darfur committed by the Islamic government in Sudan, and their marauding jihadist militias (the Janjaweed), whose murderous ravages the UN estimated last year had resulted in some 400,000 dead, and 2 million displaced.

And every Imam and Ahatollya and Goat hearder with a vision ever since.
Just look at any continent occupied by Muslims vs those occupied by Christians. Where have the natives been decimated or thrown into reservations?
Just look at any continent occupied by Muslims vs those occupied by Christians. Where have the natives been decimated or thrown into reservations?

From my view point as a Infidel'

Any were the Moslems raised their Mosques, only they call them Infidels, Zimmis, and Dhimmis, (not natives), and to stay alive you accept second class status and pay for the privilege, to live.

You have to remain in your own enclave/Reservation, and don't piss off the Moslems, by praying to loud, trying to convert any Moslems, or any one else to your religion, don't hold any of your festivals were it will be seen by a Moslem, that will piss them off, Don't display the symbols of your religion, that will piss them off, Don't build a new part to your house of worship, that will piss them off, Don't have a Church with a tower Higher than the Mosque, that will piss them off, and the penalty for pissing off a Moslem is Death, or at the very least one hell of a beating, the rape and sodomizing of your women and children.
Fred Phelps
Pat Robertson
Jim Baker
Al Sharpton
Oral Roberts
The list goes on and on.

Islam most certainly does not own the exclusive rights to cult of personality.
Fred Phelps
Pat Robertson
Jim Baker
Al Sharpton
Oral Roberts
The list goes on and on.

Islam most certainly does not own the exclusive rights to cult of personality.

But their cults of personality leads to massive death and destruction even of their own.
I would argue that Fred Phelps congregation is easily as evil as any of the worst Islamic congregations.

Plus, be fair and compare apples to apples.
Have you never heard of Christian separatsist/white supremacist movements?
Have you never heard of Elohim (who funded McVeigh)?

As much as I hate to arm Sam in her non-sensical and non-sequitur rants, here is some information...

I am not saying American Chirtisans are evil, I am saying that if you are going to look at Muslim extremist groups, perhaps you would do well to educate yourself on religious extremists that are not Muslim.
Otherwise you may just end up prejudice.
I would argue that Fred Phelps congregation is easily as evil as any of the worst Islamic congregations.

Plus, be fair and compare apples to apples.
Have you never heard of Christian separatsist/white supremacist movements?
Have you never heard of Elohim (who funded McVeigh)?

As much as I hate to arm Sam in her non-sensical and non-sequitur rants, here is some information...

I am not saying American Chirtisans are evil, I am saying that if you are going to look at Muslim extremist groups, perhaps you would do well to educate yourself on religious extremists that are
not Muslim.
Otherwise you may just end up prejudice.

The thing is I have, all because of SAM, maybe you need to do a little more research into Fundamentalist Islam.

We prosecute those of our fringe religions who murder and bomb, the Protestant Church,
or the Catholic Church doesn't support the
Fringe, in any violence.

We turn them in, and we don't condone their Crusade, like SAM does if they are on Jihad,
and dismiss all of their actions, as a moral equivalent.

Now show me were any of those you have listed have come anywhere near this:

During mid-November, 2007, a grim milestone was recorded in the macabre tally being kept assiduously in cyberspace by blogger
Glen Reinsford: the 10,000th attack by jihad terrorists resulting in some 60,000 dead and 90,000 injured since the cataclysmic acts of jihad
terrorism on September 11, 2001
. ”

“ Reinsford does not include combat-related statistics, and he acknowledges that the death toll may increase in the days and months following any given attack (as victims die from their injuries), and this
rarely gets reported. His tally also excludes the genocide in Darfur
committed by the Islamic government in Sudan, and their marauding
jihadist militias (the Janjaweed), whose murderous ravages the UN
estimated last year had resulted in some 400,000 dead, and 2 million displaced.

The religion of Womens Rights:

Yea, some muslim women don't look so human after they piss their husbands off :


I wonder what NOW would do if American men did this to their wives ?

Well send that to all of the Imam and Ayatollahs that write supporting Fatwas of Jihad, against the west.

You want to paint me against all Moslems, I spent two years studying the Bahi, and have absolutely no problem with them, or their tenets, now as for SAM, and Shia, Sunni, and Whab, their actions speak louder then I ever could, just look at Shia of Iran and their assault on the Bahi, Islam at it's finest.
And look at the Christian separatist groups.
Are they violent because they are Christian?
I can point to many passages in the Bible that suppoort their violence against others.
What's the difference?

The point is, religious violence has nothing to do with religion - it is just used as an excuse or justification.
And look at the Christian separatist groups.
Are they violent because they are Christian?
I can point to many passages in the Bible that suppoort their violence against others.
What's the difference?

The point is, religious violence has nothing to do with religion - it is just used as an excuse or justification.

Religious groups and sects believe they should interact primarily with co-religionists.

English Christians in the 16th and 17th centuries who wished to separate from the Church of England and form independent local churches were influential politically under Oliver Cromwell, who was himself a Separatist. They were eventually called Congregationalists. [12]

The Pilgrims who established the first successful colony in New England were separatists.

Zionism sought the creation of the state of Israel as a Jewish homeland.

Muslim groups may seek to separate from each other, especially the Sunni and Shiite sects in Iraq and Lebanon.

Russia, China, India and the Philippines have Muslim-separatist groups.
Some British Muslims seek to have Sharia law recognized in predominantly Muslim areas of Britain.[13]

Indonesia currently has both Christian and Muslim separatist groups. Predominantly Christian East Timor separated from Indonesia in 2002.[14]

Members of animist and Christian tribes in Sudan seek to separate from the Muslim-dominated government.[15]

Is this what you are refering to?

Seems that they are trying to protect themselves from Islam.

Some Sikhs in India sought an independent nation of Khalistan during the 1970s and 1980s. The Khalistan movement inside India largely ended with the Inidan military Operation Blue Star against Sikh militants and the retaliatory assassination of the then Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi. However, some outside India still support such a movement.[16]
You forgot the Jharkand Mukti Morcha, the Uttaranchal project and the LTTE. Kashmir too. Hawaii still has a separatist group, as do the native Americans. The KKK is still functional, as are the neo-Nazis.

Are you an athiest now?
buffalo said:
We turn them in, and we don't condone their Crusade,
Some of us do. Eric Rudolph had the protection and support of a community of like-minded folks. So did McVeigh.
Modnote: Please stick to discussing problems inherit in particular religions, not psychological problems of particular persons. Offtopic will be deleted.
Actually, I'm just pointing out the flaws in your argument that Islam is somehow unique in its cult of personality aspect and this is the root of its "problems".

And just how does this aspect and cult of personalities not apply to Islam in killing it's own apply? or their destruction of any other community not of the Ummah?

Show me any other Religion that is as hostile to other religions and cultures as Islam, as Interpreted by their Imam and Ayatollahs.

Yes a small community did provide cover for Eric Rudolph, but the greater community turned him in.

So as a society we do not approve of those action at any were the level of Islam as expounded by the Imam and Ayatollahs, especially from the middle east, not only the Imam and Ayatollahs, but every little bigot of a Jihad commander who leads this terrorist war.
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