vincent28uk said:
what corrupt politicians in the uk or us
i think not
Exactly, you not think. You had brain washed and dried.
please show me corrupt uk or us presidents

how old are you? or can you just be that ignorant?

i am english and i speak for english speaking countries only the uk us australia nzealand
and canada
I too speak for English-speaking countries, if you want to say that, and I disagree completely with your stereotypically racist, conservative views.

as far as europeans are concerned they are all corrupt like muslims
like Muslims and American, Canadian, Australian, and English politicians (not that just the politicians are corrupt).

i like most uk citizens are bonded through history and a common language to engish speaking countries only and you will find there is far less corruption in english speaking
countries than in any other countries in the world fact
or fiction?
Stars inspire. (135 posts)

Yesterday, 04:04 PM
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"It's not just the Muslims' fault, it's all the arrogant fools in this world who think there religion or God is better than all the others. "

Mr cotton
i like catholics, buddhists,christians, and most peaceful religons, because religon is about peace and praying

however with muslims religon is about murder
whether its strapping bombs to there children or women to become a suicide bomber

or in one case a muslim sent his pregnant uk girlfriend home on a plane with a bomb packed in her suitcase

In 1986 a pregnant woman flying out from Heathrow to Tel-Aviv was found carrying a gift-wrapped bomb. It had been given to her by her Palestinian "boyfriend" who told her it was a Christmas present. It was found by El-Al security staff during a routine baggage-search.)

or when they are beheading thai monks

beheading is the most disgusting and despicaple way to kill a humanbeing

and muslims make a habit of beheading monks preists and even nuns!!!!!!!!
in the Philippines

And a muslim even shot pope john paul 5 0r 6 times

That should tell you they are fighting against our religons because these monks and priests and popes are the symbols of our religon

do we see catholics buddhists attacking muslim imaans no we do not
Stars inspire. (137 posts)

oh dear mr cotton

you ramble on about christian corruption
and i supply you with facts about muslim presidents and prime ministers jailed or on trial for corruption

and you supply no evidence of native english speaking countries alleged corruption
where is your case
where are your facts

then you say how old are you

the classic i have lost a argument line

what next my lack of punctuation marks or maybe my spelling

i always find i have won a argument when the other person attacks your mental age or education for a laugh

How can you stereotype all Muslims because of what an extreme minority does? If that is your intention, you might as well condemn all Christians, Buddhists, etc., etc. Think about what you are saying sir.
Koyaanisqatsi said:
The Holy bible teaches us to do the exact same thing.
We have become lost in a world of peace and do not realise that those who stay true to scripture shall one day overtake and slaughter us all.
You cannot pick out those parts of the Holy Bible that you like - it must be adhered to in all ways.
Those who strike down the Heathen in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ are the only true christians.
I do seriouslly hope that you are either joking or being sarcastic.
If you are serious, then you are just a bigot and just plain ignorant.
vincent28uk said:
Stars inspire. (137 posts)

oh dear mr cotton

you ramble on about christian corruption
and i supply you with facts about muslim presidents and prime ministers jailed or on trial for corruption

and you supply no evidence of native english speaking countries alleged corruption
where is your case
where are your facts

then you say how old are you

the classic i have lost a argument line

what next my lack of punctuation marks or maybe my spelling

i always find i have won a argument when the other person attacks your mental age or education for a laugh

Whatever dude. You win. I'm outa this thread.
Stars inspire. (138 posts)

Today, 08:33 PM
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How can you stereotype all Muslims because of what an extreme minority does? If that is your intention, you might as well condemn all Christians, Buddhists, etc., etc. Think about what you are saying sir.

Mr cotton switch on the news channel and you will hear 365 days of the year on the news channel about muslim terroists

either in india pakistan indonesia lebanon saudi arabia kuwait spain thailand

and many other countries to many to list here

now out of those 365 days find catholic buddhists running around beheading or blowing up muslims i am not refering to governments i am refering to people on the street

there are none sir!!!!!!

muslim terroist dominate the news channel for 15 minutes if not more 365 days of the year fact

put it too the test switch on the news
are maybe you are too busy watching the cartoon channel sir looney tunes
Stars inspire. (139 posts)

Today, 08:45 PM
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Whatever dude. You win. I'm outa this thread.

I will think about accepting your defeat and let you know in time if i accept it

may i suggest
stay out of religous topics because there is no defence of islamic terroists
Shut up vincent, the rest of us think you lost this thread. You're attempts to blame the Islam religion as the cause of some Muslim extremist's actions are pathetic.

vincent28uk said:
The religion doesn't bomb anyone, people do. you say you missed out 1 important
detail these bombers are all muslim and they claim to be acting in the name of islam
So? The Crusaders and the Inquisitors were all Christian (Catholic to be precise), and carried out thier grisly work in the name of 'jesus' and 'god', but does that mean *all* Christians are crazy, overzealous, nutcases, bent on bringing painful slaughter to all who don't accept christ? No, far from it.
You are prejudging a large amount of people merely because of a fringe extremist group of them. That, my little ignoramus, is profiling, stereotyping, and prejudging, all of which spell 'racism' to me.
Holy Roman Emperor, Biatch (880 posts)

Today, 08:03 PM
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“ Originally Posted by vincent28uk
The religion doesn't bomb anyone, people do. you say you missed out 1 important
detail these bombers are all muslim and they claim to be acting in the name of islam

So? The Crusaders and the Inquisitors were all Christian (Catholic to be precise),

Back to the crusades again typical to justify muslim suicide bombers and beheadings today blame it all on the crusades of centuries or was it thousands of years ago only muslims no of the crusades now because it was that long ago and no doubt in another thousand years we will be still be blamed for muslims woes because of the crusades

the west to blame as usual
any more history books to dust off to blame the west for
Well, in that respect, they are right. The islamic caliphates and empires were thriving centers of learning, entertainment, happiness, money, etc...
Then the christian crusaders came in, and destroyed everything in thier way. That really did fuck up the middle east quite a bit, displaced thousands of people and overthrew and messed up governments.
The point is, you are basing a whole peoples off of a small, extremist MINORITY.
Can you not get that simple fucking fact through your thick fucking head, or are you that fucking blind?

EDIT-changed it. :p
Last edited:
Hapsburg said:
or are you that fucking retarded?

HAPSBURG! I will not stand for you to stand there and make such insults. This is a place for discussion, not for you to go around and make petty, disgusting insults. I personally demand that you apologize to the retards this instant!!
notice i do not sink to your levels of swear words

i suppose the crusades are to blame for you swearing as well
those nasty christians introducing swear words to the limited muslim dictionary of bombs, suicide, hate, beheading,jihad
vincent28uk said:
i suppose the crusades are to blame for you swearing as well those nasty christians introducing swear words to the limited muslim dictionary of bombs, suicide, hate, beheading,jihad
Go fuck yourself Vincent.

Where are the mods?

vincent28uk said:
notice i do not sink to your levels of swear words

i suppose the crusades are to blame for you swearing as well
those nasty christians introducing swear words to the limited muslim dictionary of bombs, suicide, hate, beheading,jihad
I'm not sinking to a level, I'm just pissed.
I'm not muslim, so I have no beef with christianity, I'm just saying that they have a good reason.
Islam does not teach hate. Maybe if you knew something about it, you'd know that.
Holy Roman Emperor, Biatch (885 posts)

Today, 08:37 PM
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“ Originally Posted by vincent28uk
notice i do not sink to your levels of swear words

i suppose the crusades are to blame for you swearing as well
those nasty christians introducing swear words to the limited muslim dictionary of bombs, suicide, hate, beheading,jihad

Islam does not teach hate. Maybe if you knew something about it, you'd know that.
Malaysia's Government has accused its religious schools of teaching hate, not religion,

malaysia is a islamic state is it not then why are a islamic state schools teaching hate to the west


Yes, yes, we're head this a thousand fucking times. Say something new, you parrot fuck. You're just repeating the same bullfuck again and again. If you knew ANYTHING AT ALL about what Islam is really about, you wouldn't be babbling about this bullshit.
Fuck off, you worthless little prat. Go die somewhere, no one will miss you.
Hapsburg said:
you parrot fuck
God I love you Hapsburg, thanks for the laugh. I'm done with this moron. Who do I talk to about getting us some more mods?
