
Sir Vincent, knighted by HM
Registered Senior Member

Police said the man, a travelling salesman, was shot twice and then decapitated in the shop in Narathiwat province, in the middle of the day.

It was the fifth beheading in just over two weeks, and is thought to be the first carried out so publicly.

His attacker carried off his severed head by motorbike before dumping it by the roadside in Joh Irong, about 2km (1.2 miles) .

Police Lieutenant Panongsak Wangsupa told the BBC Thai service that witnesses were unwilling to give any information.

Eight bodies have been beheaded since the upsurge in violence began.

How much longer can humanbeings tolerate this disgusting habit of muslims beheading infidels in this case buddhists

Thailand the land of smiles and now the land of beheadings 8 in total
in 5 months 3 this week

the beheadings include 2 monks
67 year old farmer
a retired teacher

there crimes being buddhist in a buddhist country
or there true crime is being infidels a non believer in islam
there are 5 billion infidels in this world and we are all potential victims
of being murderered by this massive cult they call islam

they are even blowing up mosques in pakistan there so called sacred place of worship

Funny how we dont see catholics blowing up churches or buddhists blowing up temples

could it be because our religions are civilised and we recognise places of worship are sacred ground

i heard some american politicain say on tv the middle east is still living
in the 9th century i think he is being generous here it seems mor like the 2nd century to me

In the case of the thai buddhist beheading today after beheading him he picks up his head and drives of with it with his friend on a motorbike with it maybe a muslim in this forum can tell me this is not a satanic act of men who are pure evil!!!
Hey, don't pick on Islam. Ever heard of Ireland? That's extremist Christianity right there.

Also I know several islamic people, and none of them have tried to decapitate me for being an infidel.
could it be because our religions are civilised and we recognise places of worship are sacred ground
I heard some american politicain say on tv the middle east is still living
in the 9th century

the religion is no different than others, it is simply a matter of zeal. the western world learned the downfalls of being over zealous with their religions (witch burnings, crusades, ect.)
Fundi muslims like Osama want to establish a wahabist type of islamic empire, and these recent beheadings are probably the result of this movement. They don't represent most muslims.

I wouldn't focus and the beheading part, dead is dead, wether shot or otherwise.
“Ever heard of Ireland? That's extremist Christianity right there”

Maybe you can tell me of the last barbaric beheading in ireland or bombing of a church
in ireland

muslims are famous the world over for bombing mosques churches and beheadings be it in philopines or saudi arabi iraq pakistan or thailand to name but a few of there favourite beheading countries

and can you tell me of other religions that strap bombs to there children and women
to become a suicide bomber please enlighten me oh wise ones

these barbaric acts are unique to the islamic cult
So a suicide bomb is somehow less civilized than a remote controlled bomb, or one dropped by an airplane? And losing your head from a daisy cutter is the more civilized way to get beheaded? Give me a break, dead is dead. It's a war, and you are not on their side, I don't blame you, me either. The method has psychological effects that increase it's effectiveness as opposed to a plain jane shooting, that's why they do it.

The religion doesn't bomb anyone, people do.
So a suicide bomb is somehow less civilized than a remote controlled bomb, or one dropped by an airplane?
the bombs are not intended to hit innocent people. otherwise, you are right.
vincent28uk said:
... or bombing of a church
in ireland

Yes, the IRA and similar groups frequently used to blow up restaurants etc because they were owned by black people, people of different religions etc.
Kustom Uzer Tytle (2,973 posts)

“The religion doesn't bomb anyone, people do.

So a suicide bomb is somehow less civilized than a remote controlled bomb”

The religion doesn't bomb anyone, people do. you say you missed out 1 important
detail these bombers are all muslim and they claim to be acting in the name of islam

“So a suicide bomb is somehow less civilized than a remote controlled bomb”

Most civilised humanbeings can not understand or comprehend the barbaric satanic act of strapping bombs to children or women to be a suicide bomber this is absolute depravity

Nearly a third of all muslims think israel where behind the sept 11 attacks on america
and you say most muslims are decent people they believe in only muslim propaganda where israel are behind all international terroism and muslims are the victimised and victims

muslims see one thing 5 billion infidels non believers or dogs

all muslims think this way whether they will be open about it or not
in malaysia today schools openly teach hatred to the west in maddrasses there
to kids

so please wake up to reality muslim schools in pakistan indonesia and malaysia
are on a daily basis preaching hatred to there children about western infidels

There are no western schools who preach hatred to islam
why is that
is it because our religions are civilised and we have learned not to preach hatred

As long as muslim schools not all of them are guilty of this
continue to preach hatred there will always be hundreds of thousands of muslim terroists and suicide bombers out there
Vincent........ you are raising the wrong question!!

Why does the Thai government always repond by killing muslim protesters in the south burn there homes and starve them in a country that is considered to be economically growing fast?

What happened in south Thailand is a response to unjustice the people there suffer daily!!

The problem is that some people find killing muslims isn't all that bad, but if a muslim responds to the act its a grievous sin blammed on all muslims and Islam itself!! :mad:

I do not agree with what you said happened to that buddists, it is bad and I hope muslims there wouldn't follow such acts because it would only worsen there situation, but why don't we see anyone shouting for those poor muslims too!! :mad:
Thai government always repond by killing muslim protesters in the south burn there homes and starve them i

get real thailand is the most peaceful country and friendly country in the world i should know i live here

but they have 1 problem every 20 years the muslims start asking for there own state or own country in thailand probably so they can practice shia law

they are uncapable of living alongside buddhists or accepting thai laws
do you see thai people burning muslim businesses or beheading muslims in revenge attacks no if muslims beheaded uk citizens in the uk there would be riots in the streets
and lynchings of muslims because the british would not be able to control there anger

yet local thai buddhists have shown no violence to the muslims in response
does that not tell you about thai people and buddhists

now if you are referring to the thai military responses if your country is faced with mad muslims going around beheading buddhists monks how do you respond

in my a opinion they have been to soft they should shovel all the shit back into malaysia where they belong

and once again thailand will be the land of smiles not the land of beheadings
For your damn information that part of Thailand originally is part of malaysia until the Thai king decided to increase the size of your "peaceful" country by force!!
one question if the muslims do not like living in thailand why do they not pack there bags and go live in malaysia with there fellow muslim brothers

I look at singapore once part of malaysia now indepependent a thriving economy
a port second only to hongkong

why because singapore is chinese dominated corruption free and the chinese know how to use there brains

now look at malaysia left to its own devices like singapore after the british left
what do we find a country that is totally corrupt to the extent there own prime minister is jailed
a police force that even robs banks yes there have been many shoot outs between off duty police officers robbing banks and the police force

some schools that to this day are still teaching hatred to the west
a economy of a third world nation
as well as massive poverty

so why is singapore a sucess story well one the muslims there are dealt with a iron hand singapore like china will not tolerate muslim fanatics

sinapore government is run by the chinese so corruption is kept to zero

all muslim countries are corrupt that is why all muslims lack education
and wealth

muslim countries like african countries have only themselves to blame for tolerating corrupt leaders and corrupt or non existing elections

if they do not like there lot in life overthrow there governments like the americans did to the british, do not blame the west for your poor life blame your leaders

sadam blead iraq dry over 70 billion dollars
africa has been blead dry to by one corrupt loony after another

south africa johannesburg crime free under the whites now it is the most violent city in the world there deputy prime minister is facing corruption charges too
ex pakistan prime minister jailed too for corruption too

muslims and blacks love 2 things power and money
power to lead and then steal all the money when they are in power
Matthew 10:34-39:

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."

Modern day christians have it all wrong. It is the followers of Islam who show true adherence to their Holy Qur'an, and Christians who have distorted the true Word of God.
Christians have lost their way. They have abandoned the teachings of the Holy Bible, the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Only when the heathen has been rent from the world, only when those who do not Believe in the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ have been rightfully deprived of their lives, can there be Peace on Earth and Goodwill unto all Men.
Every culture thinks they are the civilized ones, and the enemy is not. Don't be hatin'.
Registered User (16 posts)

"Modern day christians have it all wrong. It is the followers of Islam who show true adherence to their Holy Qur'an, and Christians who have distorted the true Word of God. '

so the followers of Islam who show true adherence to their Holy Qur'an

so the Holy Qur'an is telling these muslims to behead buddhist monks
so the Holy Qur'an is telling muslims to blow up catholic churches in indonesia
so the Holy Qur'an is telling muslims to strap bombs to there women and children to be a suicide bomber
so the Holy Qur'an is telling muslims to crash planes into high rise building in america

You say muslims show true adherence to their Holy Qur'an.
well it seems to me the teachings in this unholy Qur'an have alot to answer for
all these worldwide jihads and worlwide beheadings

Holy Qur'an unholy evil i say
The Holy bible teaches us to do the exact same thing.
We have become lost in a world of peace and do not realise that those who stay true to scripture shall one day overtake and slaughter us all.
You cannot pick out those parts of the Holy Bible that you like - it must be adhered to in all ways.
Those who strike down the Heathen in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ are the only true christians.


You, my friend, sound racist. It's not just the Muslims' fault, it's all the arrogant fools in this world who think there religion or God is better than all the others. It's humanity's fault. Always has been and always will be; until fools get brains, and stop relying on some fucking fantastic God to think for them. Wake up, you fucking morons.

Stars inspire. (132 posts)

Yesterday, 04:04 PM
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what corrupt politicians in the uk or us
i think not

now if your refering to muslim corrupt politicians look no further than

1. pakistan prime minister jailed for corruption

2. Malaysia's former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has lost an appeal to set aside a conviction for corruption.

3. Indonesia President Suharto's corruption trial resumed in the south of the capital.

4, Palestinian
A number of Palestinian intellectuals and professionals have been arrested for accusing Yasser Arafat's authority of being corrupt and tyrannical.

5. Former Turkish Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz has appeared at the country's Supreme Court to face corruption charges over a banking scandal.

6. Nigeria is seen as one of the world's most corrupt countries.

and thats just a small sample of muslim president and prime ministers
as the middle east is not democratic we will never no of the corruption going on in iran
saudi arabia kuwait etc

please show me corrupt uk or us presidents
i am english and i speak for english speaking countries only the uk us australia nzealand
and canada

as far as europeans are concerned they are all corrupt like muslims

i like most uk citizens are bonded through history and a common language to engish speaking countries only and you will find there is far less corruption in english speaking
countries than in any other countries in the world fact