Islam and Suicide Bombers

If so, that seems somewhat less dramatic than being forced.

Is it appropriate to talk of fairness when Arab mobs were going around murdering Jews?
spidergoat said:
If so, that seems somewhat less dramatic than being forced.

Is it appropriate to talk of fairness when Arab mobs were going around murdering Jews?

Hmm they did perceive themselves under attack by the British and Jews.
And if I remember right, far more Arabs were killed than Jews.

Anyway, this is all pointless; we should focus on the future.
spidergoat said:
What makes you think they were forced?
Why would a family leave their house and move to live in a camp? That makes no sense....

If the family sold their house they'd probably use that money to buy a new and better house - it makes no sense that they'd pick up and go to live in a camp? I really couldn't see so many people doing that? Sure maybe a couple suckers but not thousands of people.

So, asumming that all of the land was owned by someone - and there is no doubt that the land in the cities surely would have had non-European owners.

How did the Europeans end up owning so much of it?
There could have been some information or rumour that led them to evacuate in a hurry.

...and there is no doubt that the land in the cities surely would have had non-European owners
Really, do you have any evidence of that? Jews generally lived in the cities, they could have been relatives of European Jewish refugees. The war (for independance) changed everything. Predominately Arab nations were trying to kill them and prevent any immigration.

Once an Arab family left Israel, it would be difficult to prove they belonged back there, especially if they were unprepared to go in the first place.