Islam and its factual claims

What happens to a person who thinks God's a douche? I mean, not parts, but a whole singular used douche. You know, whole. Not parts. Like when gods talking, "He" doesn't have a mouth, He IS voice. Or when He's creating, then He IS creation. Or when he's douching, then He IS one big douche.

Nice try, but it is not specifically directed at Christians or the Trinity the fact is any theist can conceive of God as having a partner or parts so the statement doesn't target any particular belief systems either.​

Feigned ignorance, no surprise there.
What happens to a person who thinks God's a douche? I mean, not parts, but a whole singular used douche. You know, whole. Not parts. Like when gods talking, "He" doesn't have a mouth, He IS voice. Or when He's creating, then He IS creation. Or when he's douching, then He IS one big douche.
You have 14,000 posts, and this is the quality of your answer? This is the Religion forum; presumably it behooves contributors to maintain some semblance of respect.
the only think stupid is your stubborn and biggoted insistince of anything even remotely attached to islam is bad.

Are you supporting the claims made by the OP as being correct? For example, do you believe that the writings about evaporation in the Qu'ran is a miracle and we can ignore the fact that anciety societies like the Egyptians had been using evaporative cooling methods for generations prior to that? How about the colour of a woman's vaginal discharge? Is it a miracle?

How about the claim made by him that if someone does not convert to Islam and they die tomorrow, then it will be too late? Do you think that was 'good'?

A word of advice... Choose your fights better..
Seriously guys,
...God has partners or parts...
is not a direct reference to Christianity or the Trinity.

In context of the other comments, though, it is without doubt what he meant, no matter how slippery he wants to pretend he is.
you do know technically speaking circumcision is genital mutilation and technically speaking it really took of thanks to jews right?

the only think stupid is your stubborn and biggoted insistince of anything even remotely attached to islam is bad.

If it's based on faith, then I think it's bad. Faith undermines our intelligence and dignity as human beings. I'm not bigoted, since I have no animosity towards the people that hold these beliefs (some of them close friends). It's the belief itself that I object so strongly to, and the stupid behavior that results from those beliefs. Islam is one of the worst, since it has undergone very little reformation due to the influence of the enlightenment and secular society, and it's so abhorrent to the rights of women and freedom of thought. What other religion prescribes death to those who leave it?

The comment doesn't imply it is directed at Christianity so prove that it does the onus is on you to prove it because the claim is yours.​
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The comment doesn't imply it is directed at Christianity

Historically, it's always implied that.

Big Chiller said:
How about a statement like this, "Those who believe in God but believe God has partners or parts will surely be chastised by God after death unless they change their belief to God not having any partners or parts before dying." Note this statement does not speak of any particular belief system.

You're trying to distance this statement from that, but that's what it was invented to refer to. Is it that you want it to mean something else now? So you're saying that Christianity, then, is not a belief that God has partners? Or that Christians are one of several or many groups that you assert make partners with God?

so prove that it does the onus is on you to prove it because the claim is yours.

Actually the initial claim is by you that it doesn't refer to Christians. I gave you one link of probably - what? thousands? - that it does. So, 'splain away. Which traditions or references will you be drawing on? Or are you just being wider in your accusation?
The comment doesn't imply it is directed at Christianity so prove that it does the onus is on you to prove it because the claim is yours.

Apologies. First time I read through this, I went back to your post previous for historical context and could have sworn your post immediately preceding it made reference to Christianity. I cannot find it, and conclude I was in error.

So, not only retracted, but acknowledged that you've made no reference to Christianity, let alone a direct one.

Defining a set of things to which that one particular thing belongs, is not making a reference to that particular thing, either directly or indirectly.

Historically, it's always implied that.
That's not Chiller's problem.

You're trying to distance this statement from that, but that's what it was invented to refer to. So you're saying that Christianity, then, is not a belief that God has partners? Or that Christians are one of several or many groups that you assert make partners with God?
The second one.

Or are you just being wider in your accusation?
Yes. He's defining a superset.
A superset it may well be, but the original meaning cannot be ignored.

Apologies. First time I read through this, I went back to your post previous for historical context and could have sworn your post immediately preceding it made reference to Christianity. I cannot find it, and conclude I was in error.

So, not only retracted, but acknowledged that you've made no reference to Christianity, let alone a direct one.

Defining a set of things to which that one particular thing belongs, is not making a reference to that particular thing, either directly or indirectly.

Apologies accepted. :)

I was making a statement of an abstract that has real world representations of course but it is an abstract because the idea in the statement can be represented in the real world by anyone under any title.
Not exactly something you'd just pull out of your ass. Are you saying its meaning is untethered? Come on. Why not condemn people who wipe with their right hands, instead? Or play sports? Or who take God's name in vain? It's defined as it is for a reason.