Islam and its factual claims

I don't offer a counter claim because I can't be arsed to do the research right now, I've more compelling things to learn.
No-one seems to be offering a counter claim, so you must be right Unconcept.
I'll wait one more day, but then I'm off to buy a prayer mat.:)

You'll wait one more day?! What if you die by then?
Repent to Allah before it's too late!
"But when Our Signs came to them, that should have opened their eyes, they said: "This is sorcery manifest!" [27:13]

Btw, "Ibn" means "Son of", they call him Ibn Abbas as meaning "Son of Abbas"
Yes but I want a nice mat.
I'm not just going to buy any old mat.

I've found this about global rainfall.
The total amount of rain falling on land surfaces across the globe remains relatively constant in each decade. The distribution of rainfall is patchy and dry desert areas are clearly visible. On a global scale the size of very dry or very wet areas changes only slightly. However it is predicted that the intensity of rainfall events will increase leading to more water running off the land and less being retained in the soil.

Not quite what Ibn said, but close enough I think.
I still think it's more to do with weather than divine intervention,
but that's one nil to you.
We'll have a look at another one tomorrow maybe.

Have you got any more scientific sayings from Ibn we could look at?

(I am only joking about the prayer mat.)
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You'll wait one more day?! What if you die by then?
Repent to Allah before it's too late!
"But when Our Signs came to them, that should have opened their eyes, they said: "This is sorcery manifest!" [27:13]

Btw, "Ibn" means "Son of", they call him Ibn Abbas as meaning "Son of Abbas"
Well if he dies 'by then', I'm sure the Mormons will convert him to their religion so it will be one less heathen peeing on Heaven's lawn..
You'll wait one more day?! What if you die by then?
Repent to Allah before it's too late!
"But when Our Signs came to them, that should have opened their eyes, they said: "This is sorcery manifest!" [27:13]

Btw, "Ibn" means "Son of", they call him Ibn Abbas as meaning "Son of Abbas"

Allah needs to repent before me, otherwise it will be too late, and I won't be able to forgive his sins.
You'll wait one more day?! What if you die by then?
Repent to Allah before it's too late!

Unconcept, you've slipped from asking for facts from rational people to preaching to them. Is that what you meant to do?

Wait ... you're kidding around aren't you?

You must be. I know you are a Qu'ran critic, so you wouldn't be preaching except in jest...
Kidding? You could be right but I don't think so.
I hope not. We have an oversupply of jokers.

I think unconcept is a devout Muslim,
but has doubts about claims for religious writers
having a knowledge of science that can not be explained through the learning of the time.
Perhaps he could comment on this himself.

Usually, on this type of thread,
the poster will post their ideas, and then will not defend them.
Unconcept is willing to reply.

I'm glad you picked me up on my initial rudeness to him
He's a bona fide poster, and has scientific knowledge.

Please avoid any future comments which infer that people not holding a particular belief will be punished by a deity after death.
That is something expressly not allowed on this site, and it is only being tolerated because you are new here.

Similarly, encouragements that a person adopt a particular religious faith, are not acceptable.

Those are the rules of the site, and I hope you can abide by them.
If not, they will ban you.
It's not your fault, because by this time some member, possibly me,
should have mentioned those rules to you.

On the other hand, the mocking of religious faith is also banned.
So let's all work within the rules from now on in this thread.
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I just mock faith, without it being religious faith specifically. I'm sure that's allowed.
Please avoid any future comments which infer that people not holding a particular belief will be punished by a deity after death.

How about a statement like this, "Those who believe in God but believe God has partners or parts will surely be chastised by God after death unless they change their belief to God not having any partners or parts before dying." Note this statement does not speak of any particular belief system.

You'll wait one more day?! What if you die by then?
Repent to Allah before it's too late!
"But when Our Signs came to them, that should have opened their eyes, they said: "This is sorcery manifest!" [27:13]

I know what he's saying but on a side note there's a wise saying "Time and tide waits for none".
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@Captain Kremmen

Assuming you're replying to me how does what it means matter when it's not demanding adherence to any particular belief system.​
Don't be coy
How about a statement like this, "Those who believe in God but believe God has partners or parts will surely be chastised by God after death unless they change their belief to God not having any partners or parts before dying." Note this statement does not speak of any particular belief system.

That is specifically directed at christians and their concept of the trinity of god.
Feigning ignorance doesn't work.

Nice try, but it is not specifically directed at Christians or the Trinity the fact is any theist can conceive of God as having a partner or parts so the statement doesn't target any particular belief systems either.​
Somebody sent me this image earlier today, does that help?
How about a statement like this, "Those who believe in God but believe God has partners or parts will surely be chastised by God after death unless they change their belief to God not having any partners or parts before dying." Note this statement does not speak of any particular belief system.

That's a direct reference to Christianity.