Islam and homosexuality

Flores said:
DoctorNo, your punishment for lying is not in the least that you are not believed, but that you cannot believe anyone else.

I pity your suffering.

Lying? Prove it. Mohammad did statutory rape 9 yr old ayesha. He fingers his slaves. And he stole the wife of his adopted son. Your punishment for blindedness is not in the least that you are gullible, but that you cannot be corrected.

I pity your suffering. :D
Vienna said:
and 1.2 billion idiots worship him. LOL!

Actually, I'm not aware of any Muhammed worshippers out there....certainly they would be very few and not billions Muslims worship the creator god, named Allah, meaning exalted above all, the same god that christians and jews worship.

PS. I reported your post to James, you can ignore my reply if James end up deleting your post.
Medicine Woman said:
Personally, I don't care if Paul was or wasn't gay. He was a misogynist, a murderer, a thief and the liar who created Christianity.

Im not a Christian but I do know that assertion for a stupid lie. Murderer & thief? What on earth gave you that idea?

Watch out that Flores guy above is out on a witch hunt for liars. Since he couldnt convict me, therefore he might fall on you. :D
Vienna said:

err, which 1.2 billion worship Mohammed (saw). if you do you're NOT mulsim AT ALL (not in the slightest) one God only. no one else

I told you dont make silly claims about Islam unless you do your research becasue it only STRENGTHENS my claim that your silly views are due to ignorance of Islam

now this one just TOTALLY proves it. you have FAILED to understand the MOST BASIC belief in Islam. the BASIS OF ALL OF ITS BILIEFS by saying we worship someone other then Allah. if you CAN'T understand the most simpliest and root belief of Islam then how can you argue about the complicated stuff? how? if you cant understand this now wonder you didnt understand anything else.

and all of you people actually listen to this fool?
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Vienna said:

oh thats so offensive... :rolleyes:

you silly little misguided girl. you dont know the Muslim mind frame, we are not weak people [deleted]. dissing my religion doens't do anything to me i just think whats going to happen to you when you die (argue you about this all you want but this is what MUSLIMS believe, this is what I belive amd u cat argue with that)

so it makes me feel more sorry for you and doesn't offend me or any Muslims AT ALL!!

[personal argument removed]
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Medicine Woman said:
M*W: No, I'm not suggesting that being gay is evil or repulsive.
then what are you suggesting? BTW, did you lose your degree or star, where you demoted or banned? what happened to your (*), between your name?

What I am suggesting is that Christians say that being gay is evil, repulsive, and not befitting of someone like Paul,
Funny, so did Paul, what are you suggesting? That he was self-hating?

yet they worship Paul
not worship, there you go again, putting words & actions into us Christians, why don't you study up first?, so that at least you could get things half right? or is that to much work? or is your hate so strong, that you can't bear to say anything nice about Christianity?

and deny his homosexuality.
he never said that he was gay, only that he had a "thorn" in the flesh, that could have been any weakness, my belief is, that unless someone comes out of the closet, they are not gay

Personally, I don't care if Paul was or wasn't gay.
there you go again lying, why don't you come out of the closet, tell everyone that you are so rabidly anti-Christian, that you can't think straight, you just have to lie, it is your "thorn" in the flesh. Come on, admit it, the truth will set you free.

He was a misogynist, a murderer, a thief and the liar who created Christianity.
Paul? you are confused, you mean Mohammad, why do you think that islam is so anti-women? Mohammad had to use them as objects, to "plow" them, his word for sex

One should not be condemned for his sexual preferences (unless its pedophilia or the like)
why are you having special cases then? if you can not be condemned (in your opinion), for your sexual preferences, why are you condemning pedophilia? if anything goes, then, why not that? how do you make distinctions if you do not believe in rules? what about Mohammad & the 9-year old Ayesha? is all forgiven, because he's not christian?

no more than they should be condemned for the color of their eyes or hair. Homosexuality occurred in those days just like it does today.
that doesn't make it any more right, then as now

That doesn't mean all homosexuals are evil and repulsive murderers, thiefs and liars who create misogynist new religions.
there you go talking about ol' Mo again, you're in the right thread for that, remember? this is supposed to be on "islam & homosexuality"? can you stay focused? can you get back to the subject? "islam & homosexuality", yes, "islam & homosexuality", you can do it, focus, relax
Proud_Muslim must have overlooked this Islam-thread. I'll give it a bump to allow him to explain how tolerant his religion is towards same sex sexual based relationships.
A4Ever said:
Proud_Muslim must have overlooked this Islam-thread. I'll give it a bump to allow him to explain how tolerant his religion is towards same sex sexual based relationships.

Islam teaches that homosexuality is a sinful and punishible act by Allah. He told us in the Quran how Lot's people were severely punished, including his wife who approved of the act. Several Quranic verses prove this, such as Qur'an 26:160-175.
26:164 "Go you unto the males of the 'Alamin {mankind}"
26:165"And leave those whom Allah have created for you to be your wives? Nay, you are tresspassing people."
26:168: "My Lord, save me and my family from what they do"
26:169-171 "So we saved him and his family, all, Exept an old woman {his wife} among those who remained behind, Then afterward We destroyed the others"

Its more of the cause that stops the whole 'same sex' phase in the begining. People avoid it because it is MORALY wrong, not because of the harsh consequenses.

daisy250 said:
Islam teaches that homosexuality is a sinful and punishible act by Allah. He told us in the Quran how Lot's people were severely punished, including his wife who approved of the act. Several Quranic verses prove this, such as Qur'an 26:160-175.
26:164 "Go you unto the males of the 'Alamin {mankind}"
26:165"And leave those whom Allah have created for you to be your wives? Nay, you are tresspassing people."
26:168: "My Lord, save me and my family from what they do"
26:169-171 "So we saved him and his family, all, Exept an old woman {his wife} among those who remained behind, Then afterward We destroyed the others"

Its more of the cause that stops the whole 'same sex' phase in the begining. People avoid it because it is MORALY wrong, not because of the harsh consequenses.


And whose morals are you quoting, Islams???

Homosexuality has and always will be a part of mankind - get used to it.
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Randolfo said:
then what are you suggesting? BTW, did you lose your degree or star, where you demoted or banned? what happened to your (*), between your name?
M*W: When the website was upgraded, I could not login. I contacted the webmaster about this, but nothing was done to correct it. I had to re-register, but for some reason, the program wouldn't allow me to insert the "star," and no one contacted me back about it! So, that's the story of my missing "star."
Funny, so did Paul, what are you suggesting? That he was self-hating?
M*W: Well, now that you mention it, as anti-semitic as Paul was, that may be a correct conclusion on your part. Hate emanates outwardly from hate that dwells within.
...not worship, there you go again, putting words & actions into us Christians, why don't you study up first?
M*W: If you have read my previous posts, you would know that at one time I was a staunch Christian.
so that at least you could get things half right? or is that to much work? or is your hate so strong, that you can't bear to say anything nice about Christianity?
M*W: It's not that I can't bear to saying anything nice about Christianity, I just can't find anything nice to say.
he never said that he was gay, only that he had a "thorn" in the flesh, that could have been any weakness, my belief is, that unless someone comes out of the closet, they are not gay
M*W: I guess we'll never really know if Paul was gay or not. However, Paul is known for creating Christianity and not as a backer of homosexuality. I'm sure it existed in those times just as it does today. Evolution will take homosexuality further, and we will be seeing more and more of it in our society but as androgyny. I'm not homosexual, but I know this is where we're going on an evolutionary basis, so I don't condemn it. Why should I? Homosexuals contain the One Spirit of God, and perhaps are closer to God than heterosexuals. There are homosexuals in my family, and I love them. There are homosexuals in our Earth family, and we should love them, too.
there you go again lying, why don't you come out of the closet, tell everyone that you are so rabidly anti-Christian, that you can't think straight, you just have to lie, it is your "thorn" in the flesh. Come on, admit it, the truth will set you free.
M*W: What may be a lie to you is truth for someone else. Just because you call something a lie means that your perception of it is invalid. I don't need to "come out of the closet" regarding my beliefs about Christianity. I think everyone on this forum already knows I'm anti-Christian. I don't believe I have to justify that again. I'm anti-Christian because I don't believe the LIES. If you choose to believe lies, that's your perogative.
Paul? you are confused, you mean Mohammad, why do you think that islam is so anti-women?
M*W: No, I never meant Mohammad. I have not studied Mohammad, so I have no opinion of him. Nowhere have I said anything about Islam being anti-women. You're CONFUSING me for someone else. I've said just the opposite, if anything, when discussing the burka and hijab. None of the Muslims I know are anti-women, in fact, the ones I know tend to indulge their wives and families, and communities.
Mohammad had to use them as objects, to "plow" them, his word for sex
M*W: Well, that's not any different than men of today using their verbal degradation of women in their "locker room" talk. You can't blame Mohammad for "using" women for sex. ALL MEN USE WOMEN FOR SEX!
why are you having special cases then? if you can not be condemned (in your opinion), for your sexual preferences, why are you condemning pedophilia? if anything goes, then, why not that? how do you make distinctions if you do not believe in rules? what about Mohammad & the 9-year old Ayesha? is all forgiven, because he's not christian?
M*W: I condemn pedophilia because it is non-consensual and it's against the law for good reason. It's a power and control issue these perverts have over helpless, weaker people. It may have not been such a social irregularity in some cultures, therefore, it was not considered to be wrong. Arranged marriages have been around a long time. In some cultures, betrothal occurred before the age of 10, sometimes earlier. Homosexuality, on the other hand, is consensual. I'm sure in some cases rape happens, in fact, I know it does. Our local law has exposed some horrible things going on in the male gay community. Recently, our sodomy law was found to be unconstitutional, and it was removed from the books. In this good-ole-boy redneck state, that was a truly major victory. Until you've seen an 18-month-old come into the emergency room with bruising and bleeding from the mouth and vagina or anus, you can't imagine the abomination of pedophilia.
that doesn't make it any more right, then as now there you go talking about ol' Mo again, you're in the right thread for that, remember? this is supposed to be on "islam & homosexuality"? can you stay focused? can you get back to the subject? "islam & homosexuality", yes, "islam & homosexuality", you can do it, focus, relax
M*W: Nothing in my book makes pedophilia right. I've seen to many horror stories. Personally, I've seen no cases of homosexuality, pedophilia, or other sexual perversions, by any Muslim, and we do have a very large Muslim population here. Also, for what it's worth, there are virtually no crimes committed in the Muslim community here. You want me to "stay focused" and "get back to the subject of "Islam & Homosexuality," but I am focused on the subject, and I have made my comments. Just because what I have to say, you don't want to hear, is your problem, not mine. You should go take a good dump, because you're full of shit.
Medicine Woman said:

HEY HEY! MY WIFE USE ME FOR SEX! Men only become agressive at a younger age. When females start hitting 30 WATCH OUT!!!. :D :D :D
DoctorNO said:
HEY HEY! MY WIFE USE ME FOR SEX! Men only become agressive at a younger age. When females start hitting 30 WATCH OUT!!!
M*W: Okay, you got me there! The idea age for a good human sexual relationship is a 30-year-old woman and a 19-year-old man.
Vienna said:
And whose morals are you quoting, Islams???

Homosexuality has and always will be a part of mankind - get used to it.

For your information, I was replying to a question. Secondly, homosexuality was not a part of mankind, it was started. I'm surprised you didn't know that.. :rolleyes:
daisy250 said:
For your information, I was replying to a question. Secondly, homosexuality was not a part of mankind, it was started. I'm surprised you didn't know that.. :rolleyes:
It was started - how do you mean IT WAS STARTED.

Do you mean it was started like a revolution or something?? :D - what on earth are you babbling about.??
A4Ever said:
Proud_Muslim must have overlooked this Islam-thread. I'll give it a bump to allow him to explain how tolerant his religion is towards same sex sexual based relationships.

Actually Islam in the Quran never prescribed death to homosexuals, but the bible did.

22 `You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.

13 `If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.

7 as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

ROMANS 1:24-28 NKJ
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,
25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator . . . .
26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,
10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
Vienna said:
It was started - how do you mean IT WAS STARTED.

Do you mean it was started like a revolution or something?? :D - what on earth are you babbling about.??

You said that homosexuality has and always will be a part of mankind. I'm saying that it is NOT a part of mankind, it was started by people who have no boundaries. It wasn't there from the beginning, and it was not a revolution, if thats what you're suggesting..
Did Paul have gay urges?

1: And he came also to Derbe and to Lystra: and behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewess that believed; but his father was a Greek.
2: The same was well reported of by the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium.
3: Him would Paul have to go forth with him; and he took and circumcised him because of the Jews that were in those parts: for they all knew that his father was a Greek.
(Acts 16:3 American Standard Version)

Converts to Judaism in the Roman period had to undergo circumcision....Strangely enough, in Palestine rules were more liberal than in the Diaspora, and there were Proselytes of the Gate, as they were known, who were allowed to 'become Jews' without circumcision. But such was not the general rule. It was widely believed that the admission of uncircumcised men into Jewish religious worship 'impeded the arrival of the Messiah'. While 'semi-converts' were allowed, those who observed the Sabbath and the dietary laws, they were to be regarded as heathens if after a twelve-month period they had not undergone circumcision. These stringent rules did not deter converts....
(A. N. Wilson, Paul The Mind Of The Apostle, Pimlico. 1998. ISBN 0-7126-6663-X p. 128)

So now we need to ask, how was circumcision practised then? What was the method used in those days to circumcise someone? This is explained in detail by A. N. Wilson who writes:

By Roman times, circumcision was done with a metal knife, and, if we believe that Paul did insist on Timothy undergoing circumcision, it is perhaps worth reminding ourselves of the three essential parts of the ritual, without which it is not complete. The first part is milah, the cutting away of the outer part of the foreskin. The is done with one sweep of the knife. The second part, periah, is the tearing of the inner lining of the foreskin which still adheres to the glans, so as to lay it wholly bare. This was (and is) done by the operator - the mohel, the professional circumciser - with his thumb-nail and index finger. The third and essential part of the ritual is mesisah, the sucking of blood from the wound. Since the nineteenth century, it has been permissible to finish this part of the ritual with a swab, but in all preceding centuries and certainly in the time of Paul it was necessary for the mohel to clean the wound by taking the penis into his mouth. In the case of a young adult male such as Timothy the bleeding would have been copious. 12 We can easily imagine why Paul's Gentile converts were unwilling to undergo the ritual; and, given the more liberal attitudes towards the Torah which had already begun to emerge among the Hellenists of Syrian Antioch, it is not surprising that the custom of circumcision should have started to wane. It took the extremism of Paul to think that the knife of circumcision would actually 'cut you . . . off from Christ'. But could any greater contrast be imagined between this belief and the traditional Jewish view that those who did not weild that knife delayed the coming of the Messiah?
(Ibid., p. 131)

In other words, Paul had to take the penis of Timothy in his mouth in order to circumcise him! Note also how strongly Paul opposes circumcision elsewhere in the New Testament:

2: Behold, I Paul say unto you, that, if ye receive circumcision, Christ will profit you nothing.
3: Yea, I testify again to every man that receiveth circumcision, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.
4: Ye are severed from Christ, ye would be justified by the law; ye are fallen away from grace.
5: For we through the Spirit by faith wait for the hope of righteousness.
6: For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith working through love.
(Gal 5:2-6 American Standard Version)

Source: Paul have gay urges?
Listen Homosexuality is a genetic relation. Who says these unique people should not have the same rights as everyone else. Muslims, damn it realise that, you are not the only religion in this world. You must adapt to society. I mean cmon. It is that "Im a proud muslim, and alah is the only god" mentality that cause problems.....SNAP out of it.