Islam and Cardiovascular Science

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Get your facts straight before spreading false information.

I would suggest you get your facts straight before denying what is publicly known.

When the Taliban destroyed two Buddhist statues in Afghanistan in the spring of 2001, there was an international outcry. But similar incidents are now occurring in northwest Pakistan, where radical Islamists recently blew up a sculpture of Buddha in broad daylight.

The phenomenon is new and disconcerting. Even the Pakistani government describes it as "Talibanization:" Parts of the country are now in almost exactly the same situation as neighboring Afghanistan was when the Taliban were still in power there.

This is especially the case in the formerly peaceful Swat region, where a militant Islamist leader has even proclaimed an "emirate." And just as in Afghanistan, the Islamists' hatred is directed, in part, against the traces left by the ancient Buddhist civilization in the region.

Islamists inspired by the Taliban recently destroyed an important Buddhist sculpture 40 meters (131 feet) tall and about 1,300 years old in the north-western part of the Swat Valley, reports Vishaka N. Desai, the director of the US-based Asia Society.


Only the Beginning?

Now Desai is warning that other Buddhist cultural legacies in Pakistan could also be destroyed: "There are vast numbers of important Buddhist sites in Swat and other areas of northwest Pakistan," she writes. "At this point, all of them are under threat of destruction, thanks to the influential voice of the Islamist leader Mullah Fazlullah."

Mullah Maulana Fazlullah is currently the strong man in the Swat region, notwithstanding his youth: He is only 28 years old. He thinks of himself as part of the Taliban movement and accepts only one authority: Mullah Omar. He has even proclaimed an "Islamic emirate" in his area of influence, and he commands a militia estimated to comprise some 4,500 men.

But Buddhist artefacts are not the only thorn in the Islamist's side. He also emulates the Taliban's religious and moral terror in other respects. For example, he threatened members of the Christian minority in the region -- about 1,000 people -- with death if they do not convert to Islam, Swiss daily Neue Zürcher Zeitung reported recently. And a Christian girls' school was forced to close and only allowed to open again on condition that all the girls wear a burka.,5349,0,0,1,0
It was also the Americans fault people from there came to the USA and blew up two buildings - or let me guess, the USA did that too?

Taliban are homegrown - they are Afghans who fought against the Arab Mujaheddin who presumed they could have forced sex with Afghan girls. The Taliban arose WELL and truley AFTER the USA had helped the Afghans get rid of the Soviets (A HUGE mistake in my eyes).
Bell, you mentioned Buddhist statues still destroyed in Pakistan. This is completely false, Pakistan has one of the largest collection of Buddhist artifacts in the world, lest you forget that Pakistan and Afghanistan both were majority Buddhist before Islamic preachers entered the region.

Pakistan may indeed have the largest collection of Buddhist cult artifacts in the world, but this fact in no way invalidates what Bells actually said and referred to vis a vis an an online article, which is that extremists of Islamic cults are threatening that collection of Buddhist cult artifacts with destruction based on their superstitions.

This is a very well known and sad state of affairs in the archaeological community. Der Spiegel[url] carried the same article back in 2007 and the situation is worsening.
so michael did you ask wether it was budget cut backs yet?
also im wondering if this was an australian or US uni because VSU has cut into uni's achademic budget because they have needed to pay for falling services which were previously paid for out of the union fees
No I haven't yet. But, it's going to have to be a chance run in. I am flat out busy at the moment. Even the few minutes I'm typeing here I feel like shit I should be doing some more work. As a matter of fact, I was 85 kg in July and I weighed myself just today 76kg! Shit my last 3 weeks of dinner has mainly consisted of a tin of sardine + crackers and 3 beers. :puke:
Tonight I'm getting home early, 10pm! yeah..... I can eat something, maybe I'll make a salad with tuna..? :)
I would really like to know the name of the girl and the department. Since you have seen fit to rant about all Muslims from Australia to USA to Afghanistan based on the story, you need to back it up with independently verifiable information.
I said if I run into the person I will ask for a clarification. Actually, I really don't care, I'll ask what happened and post what ever I am told. I'm big enough to admit if I was wrong - although I don't think I was as that's what I was told. But, I said I'll ask, and when I get a chance I will do so.

Regardless of what the clarification comes to -that still doesn't chance my mind in regards to teaching monotheism. In a modern multicultural world it's a regressed backwards medieval mindset.

In my last job I had two Muslim students SAM. I did so much work to help the one guy graduate he still mails me gifts. By work I mean real work, we're talking well over 100+ hours if you count all 4 years.

Don't hate the people SAM, hate the ideology.

Just Say NO to religious supremacy :)
Just say yes to verifiable information. PM me the department address. You may not care, but as part of the group being vilified, I most emphatically do.
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Skinwalker, viewing your constant warnings against me over the last couple of days. I can think of no other reason than that you want to silence me. Please don't debate with me, because anyone debating with a moderator such as you is at a severe disadvantage. Many members were banned while debating you, i.e. our dear friend Kadark. I'm not going to debate you.

As for Bells. You stated that Buddhist statues are being destroyed in Pakistan, yet you give no evidence to substantiate these claims. Your sources only indicate a feeling that this might happen in the distant future. Mere speculation is not proof of guilt.

This article is 2 years old, and Maulana Fazlullah has long since been replaced and his militancy crushed. Pakistan is not at fault for the Buddhist statues, this is a response to anger at the US and Westerners, who in the eyes of Afghans view statues as more important than human beings. That's the crux of the argument.

By the way, many Buddhists in India don't actually worship Buddha. Therefore they are not offended by the destruction of the statues. It is the Chinese and East Asian Buddhist who worship stone images of Buddha.
First it was The West's fault because of food aid. Now it's the West's fault because some Westerners view the statues as more important than the people that live near them.

I suppose it was the West's fault when Mahmud of Ghazni attacked the statues.
I suppose it was the West's fault when Nāder Shāh Afshār attacked the statues.

One could also argue it was the "West's fault" that Mohammad attacked and destroyed the statues in Mecca. After all, the West invented and developed Christianity a prominent monotheism. Mohammad copied this and used the idea of monotheism as an excuse to send his henchmen to destroy Ancient Meccan statues. Yup, always the West's fault.

It's also the "West's" fault China is overpopulated was so utterly poor during communism. You see, Communism after all, is a Western idea. Yup, always goes back to the West.:bugeye:
Come to think of it, SAM blamed the Persians for the Islamic Crusades - yup, that was all the Persians fault. The Arabs living in Mecca they were at fault because they were "polytheists". Yup, so they had it coming. The singing girl who had her head chopped off her shoulders - yup, she was at fault.

It's always someone elses fault.

You are absolutely right. While I didn't make up the post, it was stupid of me to post it. The person could have just as well have been anyone and it may have indeed been a made up story. It wasn't worthy of me posting anyway.

James, I think SAM is right in that my posts recently have been unproductive wastes of Sciforms space. I'm sure for some people they are entertaining, but, I just want back and reread some of what I have written and these posts really are not the way I think.

They don't even sound like me.

Go back a couple years ago and those were decent debates.

Anyway, you can delete this whole thread or send it to cesspool or do whatever.

I once sent a PM not to be offended, that's because real debates can be offending - challenging what we hold most dear is hard. But what I've been posting recently is not challenging and it's not even debateful, just picking the worst observations and posting them.

It's like some of us have morphed in CNN or BBC. Lets just show the ugliest face.

So, I'll end by saying, I have a really dear friend who is Muslim. A month ago he had some hard time. He doesn't have many people to talk to but I'm one of them. He cut his wrists. I stayed up with him and took him to his mosque. He's not a religious person but I hoped that his religion could help him get through these tough times.

And, really, yeah, all religions at some point have been good and bad. I have always focused on the bad, but there's a lot of good in there too.
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