Billy T said:
Assume a train is moving past a line of men who are standing extremely close to the passing train. Assume two small bombs have been placed on the outside of the train and they just graze the noses of the men standing along the track as they pass. The bombs will explode when light from a flash bulb, placed on the train’s side, equally distant between the bombs, reaches them. An observer on the train standing midway between the bombs observes simultaneous explosions shortly after setting off the flash bulb.
I cannot agree with your conclusion here. For this to be a correct statement, the men seen from the train frame of reference(at the ends of the train) must have died at the same time, but this cannot be true as they died sequentially. One cannot have it both ways, because in the moving frame the light arrives at the end of the frame simultaneously, or so the claim. The light flashes seen from the ground will be identical to the light flashes seen on the train. In other words, if the light emitted on the train also was split in two parallel paths, the embankment observers would see each light pulse moving at the same speed. Yes, the forward light would arrive at the forward end of the train before arriving at the rear of the train, Likewise, the observers on the train would see the same thing.
We do not need clocks here to describe the event, we only need to see if the events of the explosions killed the men sequrntially or at the same instant.
The clocks synchronized on the train would record the sequential arrival of the lights as did the observer's clocks on the embankment. There is no way the observer at the midpoint between the ends can "see" the end points in a different context from the clocks located there. The lights will reflect back to the moving observer, and will arrive there simultaneously, but will arrive at the end points sequentially as these points are moving away from and townrd the two oncoming lights. The observer who is moving along with the physical device that emitted the light might think he is stationary, but he is in fact moving. Both endpoints are moving wrt the point of the emitted light (which coincidentally, cam be recorded in the embankment).
Look at chapter 7 of Einsteins, "Relativity". He has two conditions. First he has a man walking on the moving train. AE wri8tes the expression for the man's velocity seen from the embankment frame of reference as,
Vme = Vte + Vmt,
or, the velocity of the man wrt to the embankment is the sum of the velocity of the train wrt thew embankment plus the velocity of the man wrt the train. Actuall y AE wrote the expression as, W = v + w.
In the beginning of chapter 7 AE reminds the reader of the independence postulate of light, that the velocity of light is independent of the motion (the speed) of the soure of the light. However, he makes a curious statement stating that it is obvious that the light seen from the embankment can be replaced by c, while the man walking on the can be replaced y the light moving inside the train. However, this clearly violates the independence postulate. AE looks at the expression as c - v = w, which is less than c and he complains. He started talking about the light seen in the embankment frame and would have us believe that the rearranged expression is seen from the train as the coordinate frame. The c-v = w statement, or Vle - Vte = Vlt is an accurate statement for the relative motion of light seen from the embankment frame of reference. If we recognize this statement then when writing Vlt = Vte + V'le (where the prime is the light speed in the train same as the vacua) then Vle = Vte + Vlt,
Vle = Vte + V'le - Vte, then the Vte cancel and we have as expected Vle = V'le. One must subtract out the velocity of the moving train in order to maintain the independence postulate and to remove the problem from the man walking on the train.
Billy T said:
Two of the thousands of men, who were standing on the ground right next to each other and right next to the passing train are killed by the exploding bombs. The man near the end of the train dies before the one near the front. They do not die simultaneously because in the line of men’s reference frame, the light flash moving towards the rear of the train explodes its bomb before the bomb at the front of the train explodes. (During the transit of the light towards the bombs, the bomb at the rear of the train has been moving towards the on coming light, while the one at the front of the train was trying to race away from the on coming flash of light.)
Note that their “non-simultaneous deaths” is not due to the time for light to travel to any observer - I had the two (now dead) stationary observers stand right next to the bombs when they exploded. If a third stationary observer, is standing mid way between the two that get killed, that third observer would observer them die at different times. (The two delays for him to see them die, due to finite speed of light, are equal.)
One must understand that AE made an arbitrary derfinition of "simultaneous". Lights emitted at A and B are simultaneously emitted if they arrive at their common midpoint. So, using AE's model slighty different from your own, lights can never be simultaneously emitted in a moving frame, as the mispoint moves from wher that midpoint was in space when the lights were emitted. In AE's gedanken he uses the sequential arrival of lights from the forward emitter than from the rearward emitter as proof of loss of simultaneity, but the test is for the emission of the lights, not when they arrive at the observer. Lights emitted in the embankment will always arrive at their midpoint simultaneously, there is no need to measure that point. Likewise, lights emitted at the A and B point on the train simultaneously, as determined from the clock measurements on the train, will always arrive at the observer sequentially.
Using your scenario, the lights will also arrive at the A and B points
on the train sequentially whether the physical emitter is on the moving frame or the embankment, yet will reflect back to the moving observer and arrivie there simultaneously.
Billy T said:
CONCLUSION: Simultaneous event in one frame are not simultaneous in one moving wrt to it. This is real effect of SRT. It is not due to any delay of light traveling to an “observer” waiting to sees the events.
The disagreement cvontinues. It is not the effect of SRT that the moving observer sees something different than the stationary observer, it is because of the "definition" that AE imposed that simultaneity is lost. In AE's definition he starts out with simultaneous question bening whether the lightning flashes striking A qand B on the train and the embankment are seen as simultaneous, yet he uses the moving observer and his, AE's, defintion of simultaneous to determine what he thinks is the physics of the matter.
Billy T said:
People who dispute SRT often claim that the events are “really” simultaneous in all frames, but only “seen to be non simultaneous.” Events (or clocks) synchronous in one frame are not synchronous in a different frame and “seeing delays” are not the reason for their lack of simultaneity as most opponents of SRT claim. Thus clocks that strike noonday chimes simultaneously in one frame can not strike them at the same time as synchronized clocks are striking noon day chimes in another frame. That is, synchronized clocks distributed about in one frame can not be synchronous with many in another frame which are correctly keeping time in that frame.
The lights arrive at the endpoints at the same instant as observed by both, without recourse to looking at clocks or comparing synchronicity. If the moving observer looked at his clocks he wouild see the lights arriving there sequentially, from his own frame of reference.
Billy T said:
If the time dilation of SRT is computed and used to adjust the rate of clocks in one frame, it is possible to synchronize any pair of clocks in two different frames, but not all of them, if they are to correctly keep time in their own frame. The reason is simple. A set of clocks that are separated only by space in one frame are separated by a mixture of space and time in the other. Thus clocks at different locations can not be both synchronous with each others in the same frame (keep time correctly) and yet synchronized with all synchronous clocks in another frame. Take your pick, (but only one of the following two):
Without going into time dilation, both sets of clocks would maintain synchronicity in their respectivie frames. Therefore the moving observer can check his own clocks and see the lights arrived at the end point s sequentially.
Billy T said:
(1)You can have all clocks in two different frames all show the same time (Each has a unique SRT correction to it rate, which depends on the clock‘s location.) but they do not show the same time as clocks that are synchronous in their own frame. (I.e. they are not keeping correct time in their own frame.) OR
(2) You can have all clocks in both of two different frames synchronized with others in their same frame, (Keeping correct time in their own frame.) but the clocks in one frame will not be synchronous with the clocks in the other frame.
You cannot determine loss of simultaneity in each frame using this statement as the clocks are symentriacal in each frame for rate etc.
Billy T said:
Any comments from people who claim that all clocks in two different frames can both keep time correctly in their own frame and yet be synchronized with clocks in another frame that are all also showing the correct time in their frame? I.e. people who think time is universal for all frames and thus SRT must be wrong.
Remember, this thread says that the men will die at different times as seen in both frames, meaning that, the embankment observer will see them die seqeuntially, the moving observer sees them dying at the same instant. This is not a condition where the embankment sees them dying sequentially and the moving observer seeing them dying sequentially but at different instances.
In laws of testacy, or the transfer of propery upon death of an ancestor is determined often from which ancestor died first, the wife or the husband. How do you argue your case in a court of law when the man and wife were standing at opposite ends of the train or the embankment?