Is this justifiable?

Right...the sad part about being a human is that we have to eat and drink everyday! not just once and awhile. So yes BM I agree with you about the 44 tons. But what if we instead of feeding them we just evacuate the whole damn country, to other parts of the world including here, who can't eat because of the environment. Not all of them but those who wish to leave?
ReighnStorm said:
But what if we instead of feeding them we just evacuate the whole damn country, to other parts of the world including here, ...

Sure, that's a great idea! Do you have enough room in YOUR backyard for all those people, ReighnStorm? And if not, do you have enough friends who'll volunteer to put them in THEIR backyard?

How many of those professing liberalism would be willing to take in, say, a couple of hundred of the people? Or will it be like during the Civil War, when northerners professed such wonderous freedoms and goodwill to the blacks, then pushed them into ghettos and let them starve? Nice caring people, huh?

Reigh, the issue is one of absolutely overwhelming numbers and problems. No single answer exists for it ...except perhaps evolution. I hate seeing little kids starving or hurt, it's one of my most terrible feelings, but I've come to realize that those little kids, the ones who survive, are also the ones who grow up to be violent, vicious, mean, hateful, greedy, terrible adults. Is there any way that we can keep the little kids little?

Solving the massive problem of starvation in Africa is like trying to empty the ocean. I'm sure that it can be done, I just don't think we know how yet!

Baron Max
This opinion is not going to be popular, but I'm an honest person... so here it is;

We need to stop sending aid, entirely.

It's a self-perpetuating problem, and the more we "help" the worse and more expensive the problem becomes. We feed them, and they survive... great. But then they grow up to be young adults who, like their parents, breed out of control with most women in Niger averaging 5-6 children. And now we have more mouths to feed because we fed them instead of teaching them. We gave them aid instead of setting up schools to teach them how to rotate their crops, and how to build efficient irrigation systems. We fed and clothed them instead of teaching them about the importance of medicine, food preparation and proper hygiene. We enable them to remain a third-world country.

It's not that I don't care, I do care. But feeding them, clothing them and vaccinating them to feel better about ourselves with a quick fix does absolutely nothing good. It only enables the cycle to continue. They need education, global awareness, metaphysical thought processes, less fatalism and more positive reinforcement. They need to be taught how to think and act for themselves. They need to learn that the consequences of breeding with wild abandon.

Quite honestly, we need to let them go. We are only making the problem worse. The cycle snowballs and will become more grave until we teach them instead of coddle them. Rough idea, but I am personally tired of watching African children die in the arms of a pregnant mother with her five other children watching. It breaks my heart for the kids, but I know that they will grow up to be just as stupid as their mother until they get some education. Not trying to be heartless, but we give them supplies instead of tools and they learn nothing.
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The best other countries can do is educate them.
And if they won't want to learn - worse for them - they die. Survival of the fittest and all.
And this all has been said at sci for a number of times,
but none at power would do these things suggested, because it would be bad PR and they get voted in by dumb crowds.
Yes, the over-breeding over-bearing often-religious masses... so stupid that they vote the same people who don't fix anything into office year after year after year. There is no difference betweent the mother who has 7-10 children here and the mother who has 7-10 children in Niger. Put in the same situation, they would be just as stupid and helpless to do anything but cry.

I am all too painfully aware.
"This opinion is not going to be popular, but I'm an honest person... so here it is;

We need to stop sending aid, entirely."

cheers. i was getting tired of beating around the bush. :)
QUOTEby Baron Max
Sure, that's a great idea! Do you have enough room in YOUR backyard for all those people, ReighnStorm? And if not, do you have enough friends who'll volunteer to put them in THEIR backyard?
Actually yes I do have room for some (not all). I'm sure some of the rich people in the USA can give up some of the land for golf, snow boarding and private hunting land to some people unfortunate enough to be born in a damn near barren part of the globe. People migrate to this country every year by the millions!

by Baron
Or will it be like during the Civil War, when northerners professed such wonderous freedoms and goodwill to the blacks, then pushed them into ghettos and let them starve? Nice caring people, huh?
I will be glad when that generation finally dies out. The new one would probably be no better.

by Baron
Reigh, the issue is one of absolutely overwhelming numbers and problems. No single answer exists for it
Who says it has to be one single answer? You mean that's about as much as a person of that nature can do? Think of one answer every 50 years?

by Baron
I've come to realize that those little kids, the ones who survive, are also the ones who grow up to be violent, vicious, mean, hateful, greedy, terrible adults.
You know that's a ridiculous statement. Those children are a product of their environment (literally). If you had to live under that disease, heat, extremely wild animals, no water, no'd be a raving lunatic yourself!
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ReighnStorm said:
But what if we instead of feeding them we just evacuate the whole damn country, to other parts of the world including here, who can't eat because of the environment. Not all of them but those who wish to leave?
And then what? What do we do with them then? Where do we put them then? And what about the evacuated country itself? What of it? What will happen when another country has starving masses? We evacuate them as well? In the end, the whole continent will be an empty place. And we will be bursting at the seams with no way to support or feed that many people. While what you are proposing is all warm and fuzzy in thought, it is in no way viable.

As I said to you before and as several people have also pointed out, feeding them and giving them cash is not enough. It never will be. Not only does the cash and aid simply not reach the people who need it (the politicians in those countries keep it all and plump up their bank accounts with it), it also runs out very quickly and the people are left with their hands still outstretched. After the first Live Aid in the 1980's, we are now seeing a whole generation entirely dependent on handouts. We need to teach them to be self-sufficient. We need to educate them about family planning and we need to get the Church to butt out and allow these people to be educated about the use of contraception. We need to educate them to not depend solely on others for all their food. As Kotoko rightly pointed out, they need to take out the despots who run their countries. We need to stop supporting said despots and tyrants. They need to learn better land management care.. as in stop land clearing and burning down forrested areas. Tribal warfare and religious warfare has also brought most of these countries down to their knees. They need to get themselves out of that mentality.

Yes their actual environment in their countries are bad. But other countries also have large tracts of desert drought ridden land and they still manage. Look at some of the countries in South America in the highlands where they get no rainfall at all. They still manage to sustain themselves. It is not easy but they manage.
QUOTEby Baron Max
Sure, that's a great idea! Do you have enough room in YOUR backyard for all those people, ReighnStorm? And if not, do you have enough friends who'll volunteer to put them in THEIR backyard?
Actually yes I do have room for some (not all). I'm sure some of the rich people in the USA can give up some of the land for golf, snow boarding and private hunting land to some people unfortunate enough to be born in a damn near barren part of the globe. People migrate to this country every year by the millions!

by Baron
Or will it be like during the Civil War, when northerners professed such wonderous freedoms and goodwill to the blacks, then pushed them into ghettos and let them starve? Nice caring people, huh?
I will be glad when that generation finally dies out and hopefully the new one would be better. I doubt it though.

by Baron
Reigh, the issue is one of absolutely overwhelming numbers and problems. No single answer exists for it
Who says it has to be one single answer? You mean that's about as much as a person of that nature can do? Think of one answer every 50 years?

by Baron
I've come to realize that those little kids, the ones who survive, are also the ones who grow up to be violent, vicious, mean, hateful, greedy, terrible adults.
You know that's a ridiculous statement. Those children are a product of their environment (literally). If you had to live under that disease, heat, extremely wild animals, no water, no'd be a raving lunatic yourself!
"I'm sure some of the rich people in the USA can give up some of the land for golf, snow boarding and private hunting land to some people unfortunate enough to be born in a damn near barren part of the globe."
HA! good luck with that. :rolleyes:
ReighnStorm said:
Actually yes I do have room for some (not all). I'm sure some of the rich people in the USA can give up some of the land for golf, snow boarding and private hunting land to some people unfortunate enough to be born in a damn near barren part of the globe. People migrate to this country every year by the millions!
Do you think that you and all the golf clubs, snow capped mountains, private hunting lands, etc is enough to take in 11,665,937 people? What happens when the next country in Africa suffers the same problem? Where do we put them then?

They have made the land barren through deforestration and land clearing and very poor land management.

Current issues in regards to their environment: overgrazing; soil erosion; deforestation; desertification; wildlife populations (such as elephant, hippopotamus, giraffe, and lion) threatened because of poaching and habitat destruction

ReighnStorm said:
Those children are a product of their environment (literally). If you had to live under that disease, heat, extremely wild animals, no water, no'd be a raving lunatic yourself!
And yet others in other countries living in a similar environment manage and do not turn out to be raving lunatics. Those children need to be taught to not depend solely on the charity of others as a means to survive.
Those children are a result of stupid parents, who bred without thinking about those results in an area that was ALREADY barren, acrid, and already riddled with disease. And if we don't teach them anything, they will start the cycle all over again.

Bringing them to America won't help them... I understand it upsets you, but if you really want to do something about helping them... volunteer to go teach over there. Volunteer to go train them about birth control, crop rotation and how to not just accept their fate. Teach them about free will or that there isn't a God at all, and you'd have a chance of saving them.
QUOTE by Kotoko
Those children are a result of stupid parents, who bred without thinking about those results in an area that was ALREADY barren, acrid, and already riddled with disease. And if we don't teach them anything, they will start the cycle all over again.
This is a copout by you. I would expect that on sciforums.
And how long has this part of the country been receiving aid? 20,000 years. I do believe that part of the country was sustainable long before america was here. This is not the reason however, that this country is in need
In Africa, malaria is the number-one killer of children: a child dies of malaria every 30 seconds.
Southern Africa continues to experience a chronic emergency as a result of abnormal meteorological conditions that have occurred over the past recent years resulting in prolonged drought, devastating impact of HIV/AIDS pandemic and a state of socio economic decline and increasing poverty
by kotoko
I understand it upsets you, but if you really want to do something about helping them... volunteer to go teach over there. Volunteer to go train them about birth control, crop rotation and how to not just accept their fate. Teach them about free will or that there isn't a God at all, and you'd have a chance of saving them.
Your understanding for me is not the issue. I asked how you feel and what would you do (if anything at all). Teaching someone about birth control is not a simple answer. If that were the case then we would have less children in the entire world for that matter. Shipping them a boat load of condems will help though. Even with all the money we have here...birth control is still a large ignorant problem. There's (in my opinion) no such thing as fate. That's a copout once again by you.
QUOTE by Bells
Do you think that you and all the golf clubs, snow capped mountains, private hunting lands, etc is enough to take in (11,665,937 people)
First I said, "those who want to leave" and I never said ship them to one country and yes 11 million plus people can fit on this planet in other parts of the globe. Again, millions of people migrate to america every year! You think because they're from Africa there should be no place for them except that country?

by bells
What happens when the next country in Africa suffers the same problem? Where do we put them then?
Who said that Africa was the only topic of discussion? What if it's America with the problem next? I never said just take them away and put them somewhere....that statement came after previous conversation...that would be as a last resort.
by bells
They have made the land barren through deforestration and land clearing and very poor land management.
Yeah right :bugeye:
recurring droughts
landlocked; one of the hottest countries in the world: northern four-fifths is desert, southern one-fifth is savanna, suitable for livestock and limited agriculture ,predominately desert plains and sand dunes; flat to rolling plains in south; hills in north .desert; mostly hot, dry, dusty; tropical in extreme south.
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malaria - teach them to make their own medicine. if they want their children alive, they'll make it instead of buying loads of weapons and killing other tribes

meteorological conditions - sucks for them, maybe if they wouldn't ruin their land by cutting it bare from trees that help to keep the soil more humid and rich

hiv/aids - safe sex education? birth control?

socio/economic decline - that's because they didn't want to be colonies any more, wanted to rule themselves, you see. just they were too dumb to realise that they are too dumb to govern their own countries (with a few exceptions).
QUOTE byAvatar
buying loads of weapons and killing other tribes
meteorological conditions - sucks for them, hiv/aids - safe sex education? birth control?
too dumb to realise that they are too dumb to govern their own countries (with a few exceptions).
So you got this REPLY from natural drought and mosquitos (disease) DAMN :eek:
Again, the best aid these people would have is education, because food and money from sky won't save them, just make them dependent on them like drug addicts.
They either need to become smart enough to support themselves or die out. Simple as that.
I'll welcome any educational help other more technologically advanced societies can give.

p.s. Newsflash: Africa consists of countries that "need aid" as you say.