Is this in the Bible


The word in question from Isaiah 40:22 is "chug"(using Roman char transliteration)

Like I posted some time back.

and you can look this up yourselves.

I did.
I cited the words above.
Did you miss my post?

Again, read Genesis 1 for this explanation.

You think no-one has ever read Genesis 1?
Only you have?

They did NOT think the earth was spherical.

As several of us here have pointed out.

So, technically, both sides are wrong here !

What two sides are wrong?

Apologists claim the Bible means a spherical earth.
Sceptics claim they refer to a flat earth.

You say they refer to a flat earth.
How can both sides be wrong?
Please explain.

:) So why isn't the term "going around in circles" NOT "going around in balls" instead?

What the F?
Are you totally insane?

The term "going around in circles" refers to taking a path which is a CIRCLE and repeating it.

It is not POSSIBLE to "go around in balls".
It does not even make sense.

The terms it uses clearly describe the earth and are easily understood today.

They describe the earth as a FLAT CIRCLE.
Very easy to understand.

Apologists just deny the plain facts.

The snake is Satan who is a supernatural entity, and can talk and shape shift.

Were you there?

You really believe in a shape-shiting Satan?
You really believe in the Garden of Eden story?

Mate - these are fairy tales.

All you are doing is repeating faithful beliefs you picked up in church.

I hope one day you have enough gumption to question these legends.

Good luck.

Those patriarchs have been listed as the Egyptian Pharaohs David and Solomon. Other texts list Moses as a contemporary. Therefore, the timeline for the publication of Job would be 1490-1350 BCE. This timeline is even much later than what biblical scholars have determined the writing of Job to be. Further, Job is a work of poetry or perhaps a play.

No scholar supports this crackpottery.

Moses, David and Solomon are clearly myths.

The OT was first put into writing in the 8th and 7th centuries or so.

Some books are as late as 2nd C. BCE (e.g. Daniel.)

No scholar supports this crackpottery.

Moses, David and Solomon are clearly myths.

The OT was first put into writing in the 8th and 7th centuries or so.

Some books are as late as 2nd C. BCE (e.g. Daniel.)


What evidence do you have to dismiss the existence King David?

Can you provide evidence to back up your dating method?
The ocean is very deep. Almost all the ocean floor is in total darkness and the pressure there is enormous. It would have been impossible for Job to have explored the "springs of the sea." Until recently, it was thought that oceans were fed only by rivers and rain.
Springs in the ocean are quite common off of coasts, and even fairly deep ones are usually well known to local fishermen and so forth - have been for thousands of years, apparently.

Humans have lived near the ocean, fished out of the ocean, crossed the ocean and explored the ocean, for a very long time - tens of thousands of years. Many very sophisticated observations of ocean topography, currents, and weather were made by those ancient peoples.

btw: Fire and brimstone are specific substances, not found in the deep interior of the earth as far as anyone knows.
...and springs feed rivers, which means they thought the ocean was the accumulation of springs. In this passage, Job was just reiterating what he thought of God's injustice, the reference to natural phenomenon is incidental.
...and springs feed rivers, which means they thought the ocean was the accumulation of springs. In this passage, Job was just reiterating what he thought of God's injustice, the reference to natural phenomenon is incidental.

Alot of sense in this post.

exactly WHAT?

What IS your point davewhite?

When we say "go round in circles",
we use the word "circle", not "ball",
because using the word "ball" would make no sense at all.

Are you trying to say the bible writers used the word "circle" because using the word "ball" would make no sense ?

That is completely false.

It WOULD make PERFECT sense to use the word "ball" to describe the earth.

The fact the bible writers used the word "circle" and used phrases implying a flat earth clearly shows they thought the earth was flat.

What evidence do you have to dismiss the existence King David?

Two things argue against King David being historical :
1. History
2. Archeology

There is no history or archeology supporting King David (there are quite a few forgeries though),

The Bytdwd inscription does not clearly say
"House (meaning dynasty) of David",
but rather it may say more like
"Chief's House".

What history and archeology we have found does NOT match the bible stories.

If YOU believe King David is historical, then YOU better provide some evidence for his existance.

There is none.

Can you provide evidence to back up your dating method?

Any modern biblical scholar or reference work, such as :
* the Jerome commentary
* Friedman's "Who Wrote the Bible?"

Among modern scholars, it is commonly accepted that David and Solomon did not exist.

Faithful believers are the last to know.

Two things argue against King David being historical :
1. History
2. Archeology

There is no history or archeology supporting King David (there are quite a few forgeries though),

The Bytdwd inscription does not clearly say
"House (meaning dynasty) of David",
but rather it may say more like
"Chief's House".

What history and archeology we have found does NOT match the bible stories.

If YOU believe King David is historical, then YOU better provide some evidence for his existance.

There is none.

This is rubbish. Try typing in "King David + Archeology evidence" instead of the opposite into

Reading a few books on how history works is a good start too.

Any modern biblical scholar or reference work, such as :
* the Jerome commentary
* Friedman's "Who Wrote the Bible?"

Right, read some books from the other side of the argument even if it doesn't sit well with you.

Among modern scholars, it is commonly accepted that David and Solomon did not exist.

Which scholars?

Faithful believers are the last to know.

True. As a believer what do you believe in?
Shape shifting would require a new configuration of particles after t=0. Such particles in massive amounts cannot time reverse, so sporadic transformation cannot happen.
Shape shifting would require a new configuration of particles after t=0. Such particles in massive amounts cannot time reverse, so sporadic transformation cannot happen.

Based on lack of evidence which is not evidence.

t=0? Explain...
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It might be possible for a supermaterial. One capable of intelligent/intentional design. Such metamaterials might be called ''smart materials.'' This stuff rearranges itself after a morphic change. The change can be physical, in this pseudo-sense, and cause the sucbject to physically morphicate. They could change into a new entity. Like as described in the American Warewolf in Paris shows a fictional character that changed in a ware wolf, then back again, displaying a smart material. Morphic change occurs though in cacoons, where a worm changes into a butterfly. This change is the closest thing to hit on it... Variably, you can have a heavy field (i think) supporting the conscious state.
They determine the possibility of such a change.
It might be possible for a supermaterial. One capable of intelligent/intentional design. Such metamaterials might be called ''smart materials.'' This stuff rearranges itself after a morphic change. The change can be physical, in this pseudo-sense, and cause the sucbject to physically morphicate. They could change into a new entity. Like as described in the American Warewolf in Paris shows a fictional character that changed in a ware wolf, then back again, displaying a smart material. Morphic change occurs though in cacoons, where a worm changes into a butterfly. This change is the closest thing to hit on it... Variably, you can have a heavy field (i think) supporting the conscious state.
They determine the possibility of such a change.

Now this sounds interesting