Is this in the Bible

"I really don't think the writers thought" is quite far from proving that the bible is scientifically correct, don't you find?
With the amount of text in the bible and the vastly greater number of possible interpretations, the bible getting something possibly right is even less impressive than successfully predicting that a dye will roll "6" once within a hundred rolls.
Without any supporting numbers, I would suggest that with the religious bias included, the bible actually gets less predictions correct than one would expect from a completely random set of predictions.
:) It will be geometrically 3-D...I really don't think the writers thought on two dimensional plains when considering the earth.

The writers clearly DID think of a flat two dimensional plane :

They have God sitting above the circle of the earth.

They have Jesus seeing ALL the earth from a high Mt.

They used the word for "circle" (which is FLAT) when they could have used the Hebrew word for "ball".

It is clear the Bible authors thought the world was flat.

The writers clearly DID think of a flat two dimensional plane :

They have God sitting above the circle of the earth.

They have Jesus seeing ALL the earth from a high Mt.

They used the word for "circle" (which is FLAT) when they could have used the Hebrew word for "ball".

It is clear the Bible authors thought the world was flat.


Is it clear?

1. The LORD would need to sit above His creation... he certainly wouldn't be underneath it now would He?

2. Jesus saw a hallicination of grandure. Nothing more nothing less. Again, people take the Bible too literally.

4. The Hebrews, i vey much doubt used ''ball'' or circle. These words are what we use for theire obtuse and difficult language...
Are these Bible quotes true? I seen this on another site and found it ninteresting.:

I am assuming the quotes are accurate, i will check on them but like i said they are probably in there.

Were these things written similarly in other texts from the period. The last one seems to imply a spherical object floating in space...that sounds like the Earth.:rolleyes:

Psalms 148:1-14 ¶ Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights. Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts. Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light. Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.

Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created. He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass.

Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps: Fire, and hail; snow, and vapour; stormy wind fulfilling his word: Mountains, and all hills; fruitful trees, and all cedars: Beasts, and all cattle; creeping things, and flying fowl: Kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth: Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children:

Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.

He also exalteth the horn of his people, the praise of all his saints; even:D of the children of Israel, a people near unto him. Praise ye the LORD.
Theists cannot make claim to anything because it was THEY who refused to believe the earth was round. Funny but true. Those religious folk.
1. The LORD would need to sit above His creation... he certainly wouldn't be underneath it now would He?

Well isn't it highly amusing how when people pray, they look skywards assuming god is ABOVE them? On a flat Earth, it would be easier to assume this... hence the biblical importance of being up high above. But on a spherical Earth...

I also find it funny how Muslims always pray East towards 'mecca' or whatever... because on a flat Earth they feel like they're actually achieving something, but on a spherical Earth they are literally going around in circles :D
The writers clearly DID think of a flat two dimensional plane :

They have God sitting above the circle of the earth.

They have Jesus seeing ALL the earth from a high Mt.

They used the word for "circle" (which is FLAT) when they could have used the Hebrew word for "ball".

It is clear the Bible authors thought the world was flat.


People still say "the four corners of the earth" now. It's a figure of speech. God wasn't spending time giving the Israelites science lessons.
Most ancient people who paid any attention to astronomy were able to figure out that the earth had a circular shape, since the earth casts a circular shadow over the moon. But many of them thought it was a flat disk, not a sphere. The phrasing in Isaiah seems to suggest that the Israelites made exactly that mistake, since its statement about god being “above” everyone doesn’t make any sense if you know that the earth is a sphere – on a sphere he would be above some of the people, below others, and sideways to still others.

And in any case, people have known that the earth was a sphere at least as far back as the time of Ptolemy in ancient Greece. He not only figured out that the earth was a sphere, but he was able to calculate the diameter of the earth with startling accuracy. Then for an encore he went on to calculate the size of the moon, the distance between the earth and the moon, the size of the sun, and the distance between the earth and the sun. He did it all with careful observation and simple math – no miracles were apparently necessary. And since he claimed in his own writings that most of his work was done with techniques that he learned from ancient Egyptian manuscripts from the library at Alexandria, it seems highly likely that the ancient Egyptians knew that the earth was a sphere as well. The ancients knew a lot more than most modern people give them credit for.

All of which makes all these “Ooooh, look, my ancient document implied that the earth was a sphere! Since it was right about that, all the magic stories in it are probably right too!” claims rather unimpressive. Especially since, as has already been pretty thoroughly discussed here, usually the documents don’t state anything as clearly as believers would like to think. If you want some really stupid stuff along these lines, look at some of the scientific stuff that certain groups of Muslims like to claim was “foretold” by the Koran.
What does the original language say?
M*W: Excellent point, S.A.M.! I've been harping on this for years now. People today believe in the much fallible translations. There have been so many false or mis-translations that, if the bible started out as positive information (I can't call it the 'truth'), well, it is certainly full of lies now. Unless we all could speak ancient Hebrew and ancient Aramaic (or even Greek and Latin, for that matter), we'll never be able to agree on what was first written. Even then, the first scribes were prone to human error. After all, they were slaves. In any event, it was a book written of men, by men, and for men, and that makes it a false and biased document in any language.
People still say "the four corners of the earth" now. It's a figure of speech. God wasn't spending time giving the Israelites science lessons.
M*W: Interesting point. If there were a god, seems like that would be exactly what he would do!
God may be a scientist, but he may know things beyond the human observer... so... i don't beleive God would have taught us science. We wouldn't have the capacity to understand.
God may be a scientist, but he may know things beyond the human observer... so... i don't beleive God would have taught us science. We wouldn't have the capacity to understand.

Yeah so he taught us worthless BS like not creating false idols :rolleyes:
In fact, it was fallen angels who taught us the sciences.
Do you seriously believe that, or are you just chattering?

In any case, if any ancient holy book contained clear information that would have been genuinely impossible for someone back then to know - like, say, information about the planet Pluto, or information about the human genetic code - that would actually be very convincing evidence for the book's accuracy.
No ofcourse i don't beleive that... But behind every ancient myth, there is an ancient truth to be uncovered. Maybe angels where aliens? Who knows?
God may be a scientist, but he may know things beyond the human observer... so... i don't beleive God would have taught us science. We wouldn't have the capacity to understand.
M*W: I guess that's why we had to teach ourselves. We understood it then.
Is it clear?
1. The LORD would need to sit above His creation... he certainly wouldn't be underneath it now would He?

To sit above the circle of the earth and observe it all means it was a FLAT circular disk.

It's very clear - a flat circular disk.

2. Jesus saw a hallicination of grandure. Nothing more nothing less. Again, people take the Bible too literally.

The text does NOT describe a hallucination.
You just made that up.
The text is clear and literal.

4. The Hebrews, i vey much doubt used ''ball'' or circle. These words are what we use for theire obtuse and difficult language...

Hebrew has words for CIRCLE (chuwg) and words for BALL (duwr) - both words are in Isaiah.

The bible uses the word CIRCLE to describe the earth, and NOT the word BALL.

It's crystal clear - the writers of the bible thought the world was flat.

People still say "the four corners of the earth" now.

a saying that comes from the ancient times when people thought the world was flat.

Including the writers of the Bible - who thought the world was a flat disk, and wrote the bible based on that false view.

So what?

It's a figure of speech.

but what does that have to do with statements in the bible that are based on a flat earth view?

God wasn't spending time giving the Israelites science lessons.

That is why the bible is wrong on so many issues of science.

Including the view that the world was a flat disk.
