Is there an Information Control Agenda at Forums?

Is there an Information Control Agenda at Forums?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 10 66.7%

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Tic Toc, World in Cobalt Blue
Registered Senior Member
Is there an Information Control Agenda at Forums?

Since ETI are on earth and the conspiracy of a cover-up is real then would they have Information Control Agents posting at forums across the Internet to discredit, sidetrack and discourage those learning about the cover-up?
Many times at forums over the years I have encountered what would be called “tactics” that would lead one to think there are IC agents in some of the forums. Great Poll Fieryice.
The information control agenda at this forum is obvious, by catagorizing UFO's as pseudoscience it is institutionally obvious. However, as for the single proponents of anti-ETI agendas, I do not believe they are information control agents, as they are of little capacity. They are just average people confined to their box of a world.

However, I do not appreciate these people deliberately posting to annoy or ridicule the issue, or the poster, which only retards constructive discussion. I think moderators should take some measures against these people.
Well let's see there's

1. Information agents

2. Mis-information agents

3. counter mis-information agents

4. anti counter mis-information agents

5. anti -everybody agents

6. And there's me, I have never lied or covered up mainly because "I know nuthinnnng"
My understanding is that if a person was a problem, then there would be no information added to a post. In fact I think the way that business would be done is that they would be watched and their post ignored, allowing it to live its life on as a forum post and eventually be outdated and move nearer the bottom of the pile of crackpot conspiracies.

If there was some mass conspiracy/coverup, don't you think Sciforums would suddenly get purchased from Porfiry and the domain turned into a spaceholder with a search engine on it?

Since the main factor about the internet was "Freedom of Speech" I don't think there is going to be a mass government conspiracy to remove that ability (Unless of course your promoting hatred against race, religion or sex.)

Government bodies should be use to having things discussed about them because afterall they are suppose to be there dealing with the things that most people take for granted and therefore are always at the centre of most peoples disgruntled opinions because those people feel leftout from having their say in one of those "greater matters".

[Perhaps one day we could just remove governments and use an electronic system, that instead of voting for a Party or Individual, you vote for just the policies, the things that actually matter to everyone.]
Actually Stryderunknown, I find it more revealing for a thread or poster to "be watched and their post ignored, allowing it to live its life on as a forum post and eventually be outdated and move nearer the bottom" than for a thread to be swamped with idiot responses of no added merit.
no, there is nothing of the sort! now, lets change the subect
omocron persaii 8 sure beat zuabia in space soccer didnt they *forced laugh*

anyway, youd have to assume they would have some way of monitering the net, even if its as simple as typing in alien coverups on google
Greco said:
Well let's see there's

4. anti counter mis-information agents

On my NWO ID card it says;

"Anti Counter Dis Information Specialist."

I think you must have seen a bad photocopy, ....
Believe one conspiracy theory, and you believe them all, it seems.

No aliens do not need to hire people to cover things up for them; their is enough rational people willing to do it for free and unaware.

By the way "they" tell me we should move this thread to psuedosicence, oh wow they did already... wish they were that quick when they play around with my butt late at night.

Your poll was not taken personally, I misread your opening statement. It is
interesting, however, to see another conclusion leapt to, without sufficient facts.

:rolleyes: Peace.
WellCookedFetus said:

No aliens do not need to hire people to cover things up for them; their is enough rational people willing to do it for free and unaware...they play around with my butt late at night.

Those ones that are doing it my dear WCF that are human (free or not), I only have one word for them and that is:

Maybe you enjoy anal probing with foreign objects, must be a personal preference thing or guess you would have to kinda be there to appreciate what WCF means.
:D :D :D
goofyfish said:

Your poll was not taken personally, I misread your opening statement. It is
interesting, however, to see another conclusion leapt to, without sufficient facts.

Need I remind you Mr. Fish that I am Mrs. FIERYICE not Mr. Craterchains. First there is a gender difference, among other things, I am also Canadian (if that means anything anymore) not down below the border in the grand ol' United States of America.
:D :p
FieryIce said:
Those ones that are doing it my dear WCF that are human (free or not), I only have one word for them and that is:

I'm sorry craterchains, but they paid me so much beautiful space money, how could I resist? Don't worry, the world homosexual conspiracy (My particular branch of the global conspiracy) assures me that we can count on at least 40% of humans surviving the holocaust the ETs are preparing, and our lives as slaves will not be too hard, considering our frailty relative to our new extra dimensional space masters.
Being that online forums have so very much political clout, I think it's only safe to assume that "the government’s” disinformation agents are crawling all over it! It would only make sense.
Both fishy and moosy have minds like steel traps. Everything that gets in them gets mangled all to hell.

No wonder they cant seem to understand anything or get anything correct.

,,, and where are the missing posts to this thread? Reads kind of funny with out them, seems kind of fishy to me. :D
Actually craterchains (Norval and FieryIce might be the same person; they both come form the same site.

Could it be that this is a sign of the conspiracy theorist (dis)information network? Their obviously working in together to (dis)inform us.
No as none of us source the same site as our home page. Remember evidence is required for every claim.

Hope you change that.
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