Is the Pope slamming Islam for what the Vatican and Christianity used to do?

Most conspiracy theorists think that Hitler's money came from the USA.
And not just conspiracy theorists.

Here's an old article from the Guardian:
"Union Banking Corporation
Bush was one of seven directors (including W. Averell Harriman) of the Union Banking Corporation (holding a single share as a director), an investment bank that operated as a clearing house for many assets and enterprises held by German steel magnate Fritz Thyssen.[6][7] In July 1942, the bank was suspected of holding gold on behalf of Nazi leaders.[8] A subsequent government investigation disproved those allegations but confirmed the Thyssens' control, and in October 1942 the United States seized the bank under the Trading with the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II.[6]
According to journalist Joe Conason, Prescott Bush's involvement with UBC was purely commercial and he was not a Nazi sympathizer.[9] The Anti-Defamation League[10] and historian Herbert Parmet[7] agreed with that assessment."

Holding a single share really isn't relevant because it is not uncommon for there to be fewer than a hundred shares issued with private enterprises like this one. The relevant figure is percentage ownership which isn't stated.

I don't know Bush's involvement with the Nazi's, but some American companies were trading with Nazi Germany prior to the war. But American companies were also trading with the United Kingdom and France and other European countries.
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Accepted. You don't have to support an ideology to be complicit with it.
A modern example would be the US/Western backing of the regime in Saudi Arabia.
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OK, where did Hitler attain all that money he needed to finance world domination? He robbed the Jews who didn't want to go along with him but most of the Jews took their money out of Germany before Hitler started raiding the banks.

The problem that I have documenting this close relationship with the Catholic church is very difficult to attain for the Vatican will never let anyone see their books or how much wealth they have. Ever wonder why the Catholic church doesn't want anyone peering into their business?

This is silly. If you put forward a theory that the Catholic Church financed Hitler, that is an appallingly serious accusation. You MUST show some evidence for it. To say you have no evidence, because the church is secretive about its affairs, is ridiculous.

If you have no evidence you should not make the accusation.
"Union Banking Corporation
Bush was one of seven directors (including W. Averell Harriman) of the Union Banking Corporation (holding a single share as a director), an investment bank that operated as a clearing house for many assets and enterprises held by German steel magnate Fritz Thyssen.[6][7] In July 1942, the bank was suspected of holding gold on behalf of Nazi leaders.[8] A subsequent government investigation disproved those allegations but confirmed the Thyssens' control, and in October 1942 the United States seized the bank under the Trading with the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II.[6]
According to journalist Joe Conason, Prescott Bush's involvement with UBC was purely commercial and he was not a Nazi sympathizer.[9] The Anti-Defamation League[10] and historian Herbert Parmet[7] agreed with that assessment."

Holding a single share really isn't relevant because it is not uncommon for there to be fewer than a hundred shares issued with private enterprises like this one. The relevant figure is percentage ownership which isn't stated.

I don't know Bush's involvement with the Nazi's, but some American companies were trading with Nazi Germany prior to the war. But American companies were also trading with the United Kingdom and France and other European countries.

It is often forgotten that it was quite respectable in the 1930s to support the Nazis and Mussolini, because a lot of people saw them as providing a welcome defence against the tyranny of communist Russia. It was not yet obvious what these regimes would lead to, whereas the atrocities of Stalin were already well known.

Modern people sometimes tend to read history backwards when making moral judgements about people living at that time.
Wouldn't be surprised at any of it. Hitler could hardly be the first leader financed by extremists from abroad, or the last to raid the Church for cash.
The history of the Catholic Church in the 20th Century shows that it considered its good reputation as more important than good conduct.
It became a "whited sepulchre", beautiful externally, rotten within.
I'm very impressed with the coverage of CNN on this issue.
Particularly Amanpout.
I've never thought of CNN as a good news source.
Is CNN changing/improving?
This is silly. If you put forward a theory that the Catholic Church financed Hitler, that is an appallingly serious accusation. You MUST show some evidence for it. To say you have no evidence, because the church is secretive about its affairs, is ridiculous.

If you have no evidence you should not make the accusation.

As I stated the Catholic church will not let anyone to see their "books" dealing with their finances so it is very difficult to show you or anyone where they spend their money. That said I really don't know where Hitler got the billions of marks to fund his entire military when there wasn't that much in his banks. Isn't is strange that the church won't allow anyone to see their books? That is the real question, to me, that must be answered to put to rest the question if they supported Hitler or not.

Remember that the Pope at the time of Hitler's reign never said anything about what he was doing killing the Jews or invading other countries. That , to me, shows implications that the church was in on the war and not against it.
As I stated the Catholic church will not let anyone to see their "books" dealing with their finances so it is very difficult to show you or anyone where they spend their money. That said I really don't know where Hitler got the billions of marks to fund his entire military when there wasn't that much in his banks. Isn't is strange that the church won't allow anyone to see their books? That is the real question, to me, that must be answered to put to rest the question if they supported Hitler or not.

Remember that the Pope at the time of Hitler's reign never said anything about what he was doing killing the Jews or invading other countries. That , to me, shows implications that the church was in on the war and not against it.

What you said was "Yes, they helped Hitler with money to buy more weapons."

And now you are saying you have no evidence for this, and that in fact you don't know where Hitler got his money from!
What you said was "Yes, they helped Hitler with money to buy more weapons."

And now you are saying you have no evidence for this, and that in fact you don't know where Hitler got his money from!

I'm through with this discussion. I know from someone , who even if I told you their name,money was being given to Hitler by the church. I will never prove it but my source is very competent that money was given. Again I['ll ask you why didn't the Pope at the time of the war say anything against hitler? Don't you think that is strange? The only Pope that ever mentioned anything was just a few Popes ago during the 1990's. Why doesn't the church let anyone see their records. that's what YOU should be asking them.
I'm through with this discussion. I know from someone , who even if I told you their name,money was being given to Hitler by the church. I will never prove it but my source is very competent that money was given [snip] .

Readers, this is beginning to sound a bit of a "green ink" job………..:confused:
Yes, let me see the books so I can be disproven. Where was the Pope back then to say the war wasn't a good thing?

That's like me saying you are a murderer, and when you challenge me as to why I say so, I say that it's up to you to prove you're not. There is a reason why our court system doesn't work like that. The burden of providing evidence rests on the person making the claim. It's the same in science and , as here, in history.

I'm not saying you are wrong, necessarily, but you cannot expect to convince people based on, "We'll I've got no evidence, but I've been told by someone I trust and that's all I can say." That way of arguing belongs, as I say, in the realm of "green ink" (i.e. loony conspiracy) theories.
That's like me saying you are a murderer, and when you challenge me as to why I say so, I say that it's up to you to prove you're not. There is a reason why our court system doesn't work like that. The burden of providing evidence rests on the person making the claim. It's the same in science and , as here, in history.

I'm not saying you are wrong, necessarily, but you cannot expect to convince people based on, "We'll I've got no evidence, but I've been told by someone I trust and that's all I can say." That way of arguing belongs, as I say, in the realm of "green ink" (i.e. loony conspiracy) theories.

And claims made need to be shown the books so that those claims can be proven. Without being able to see the evidence that the Catholic church is withholding for no court can touch them then neither you or I can ever find the truth but only go on the circumstantial evidence.

1. The Pope at the time Germany started the war never said anything to Hitler to stop what he was doing.
2. The Pope never said anything about the killing of the Jews.
3. No one can research the Catholic church records for they hide everything from public view which tend to make them very suspicious when it comes to proving they did nothing wrong.
4. The Catholic church never lets their child molester priests be put into jail but moves them into another parish to do the same thing. Again hiding the truth about child molesters and letting them stay within the church and paying the children off that the molesters molested. No one can see where the church placed these molesters because we can't view the records.

Seems the church hides things all of the time from public view and that tends to make people think what they might be doing or might have done.
Seems the church hides things all of the time from public view and that tends to make people think what they might be doing or might have done.

"God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart... this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out."
"God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart... this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out."

What does that have to do with the Catholic church not allowing the public to view their records. Hiding them only makes the church more dubious.
What does that have to do with the Catholic church not allowing the public to view their records. Hiding them only makes the church more dubious.
In time God will reveal those things the institution you refer to are hiding...there is nothing hidden that will not be exposed. As pertains to each and every one of us, it behooves us to bring things out in the light now and get rid of them... do not seek to conceal the wickedness of our hearts...if we reveal them now thru obedience to theGospel, the shame of future exposure is eliminated.
"God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart... this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out."

Er. Yeah. Caleb. Verily. Or something……..
In time God will reveal those things the institution you refer to are hiding...there is nothing hidden that will not be exposed. As pertains to each and every one of us, it behooves us to bring things out in the light now and get rid of them... do not seek to conceal the wickedness of our hearts...if we reveal them now thru obedience to theGospel, the shame of future exposure is eliminated.

Hiding behind the Bible isn't very "Christian like".