Is Terrorism Ever justified?

Baron Max said:
So, Gustav...........

So, Gustav, all ye're saying is that if someone or some group can "justify", say murdering little kids in a school, then you consider it "justified", right?

my my
how sensationalistic of you to drag out "little kids." indulging in the very thing you deride. rather hypocritical and very disingenuous, ja? i give all humans an equal value. i am not predisposed to irrational and irrelevant notions of the "innocent child." why accord granpa a lesser value?

i ask again, consider perspectives. imagine different arenas of conflict. imagine we angelenos invade you texans and subjugate you. what would you and others do, max? you think you are special?

oohh. i like that! fuck texas and the subhumans that live there

wrong. are you really that naive to think that mere justification provides legitimacy? of course i would want to know the basis on which it lies. dragging out.... say biblical texts or the fucking koran aint gonna work for me

By the same token, ye're saying that if anyone or any group deems some violent act as "terrorism", then you agree that it IS terrorism?

so. is this the extent of your intellect?

And if that's so, what's the difference between, say, murder and terrorism? Do you consider murder to be justified if the murderer claims it as justified?

i guess so. this gem proves it beyond a doubt

the goals and perps are different, lil max
conventional usage assign the former within a social context while the other is used in the political. restitution could be had in the first without recourse to violence thru the legal system. war, in all its various forms, is mere extension of politics. of course, we all know the high regard you and your idols have for the international legal system (treaties/conventions/whatnot).

you will reap what you sow. expect things to get much worse

Hiroshima was a city at work. The streets were filled. Children had reported to schools; it was a time when direct exposure in the open was at its peak…then, at 8:14 AM a prolonged and brilliant flash......
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Baron Max,

On 9/11 the 'terrorists' succeeded in doing many things that can be likened to the objectives of any war.

Disrupted trade and tourism.
Gave the public a lot to think about. [Many people will now think about who they vote in very very carefully, not just in America].
It drew attention to the problems in Islamic countries.
Cost America alot to clean up the mess and is now costing them billions to fight a 'war'.
Plus a lot more.

Now when America goes off to war they plan to do exactly the same things - disrupt the economy, change public opinion, draw attention [usually lies] as to what the war is being fought over, costing the nation in question billions.

The one shit thing about it all is that people die on both sides.
The difference is that while America are 'terrorists' under the guise of army uniforms and status. 'Terrorists' are ordinary men willing to die for what they see as worth dying for. If you research why these 'terrorist' groups came about, you might actually justify their actions yourself.
So .....from the posts above, I can assume that any and all killing and/or physical destruction of property is, in fact, justified ....because if only one person thinks it's justified, then it's justified.

Thank you all for clearing that up. We've gone thru numerous posts here trying to get to the bottom of it, and y'all have done it in only, what, three posts?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
So .....from the posts above, I can assume that any and all killing and/or physical destruction of property is, in fact, justified ....because if only one person thinks it's justified, then it's justified.

baron max: shit! they got me good!, lemme cover my tracks by misrepresenting all that was said.

Baron Max said:
So .....from the posts above, I can assume that any and all killing and/or physical destruction of property is, in fact, justified ....because if only one person thinks it's justified, then it's justified.

Thank you all for clearing that up. We've gone thru numerous posts here trying to get to the bottom of it, and y'all have done it in only, what, three posts?

Baron Max

Who the fuck is this one person that supposedly thinks it is justified? There are many people who think terrorism is justified and equally as many who think the war against terrorism is justified. Why should either side be right?

You continue to make yourself look like a gobshite everytime you post.
I just want to point out a statement from the US Declaration of Independence - The phrase itself is referring to the English King.

"He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures."

Ok now i am not the sharpest tool in the box but America went to war to be free of a country who in times of peace kept among the 'american' people, standing armies without their consent.

Now look at the countries of the world where America have soldiers based. 'The standing armies in times of peace'. These are enough to piss off the country in question. Now imagine what it does when they are being attacked by American missiles?

Just a few more from your own declaration:

For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury:
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.

Yes, only on American soil? I mean they really should practise what they preach.
America expected freedom but now she won't allow the rest of the world to have the same.

DarkThorn said:
There are many people who think terrorism is justified and equally as many who think the war against terrorism is justified. Why should either side be right?

I agree ...and I've already said so. Terrorism is justified if some people think so ...likewise, the war against terrorism is justified if some people think so. All we really need is for ONE person to make either of those claims, then they're justified.

"Right" is determined by whoever is speaking/typing at that moment. There is no "right or wrong", there is no "just or unjust", there's only individual emotional determinations.

DarkThorn said:
You continue to make yourself look like a gobshite everytime you post.

Ahh, thanks's just a natural talent, I guess.

Baron Max
DarkThorn said:
Ok now i am not the sharpest tool in the box but America went to war to be free of a country who in times of peace kept among the 'american' people, standing armies without their consent.

I think there were a few more reasons than that for America's War of Independence. You might check some history books to see.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
I think there were a few more reasons than that for America's War of Independence. You might check some history books to see.

Baron Max

I was merely comparing one of the reasons the Americans went to war with the English with a reason the islamic fundamentalists have gone to war with America.

If you want more i can get more.
Infact i actually posted more reasons above but i am sure i can dig up more.
This topic is about terrorism and justification of terrorism. And y'all have convinced me that terrorism is, indeed, justified.

So the next time I see little kids blown to bloody messes and women screaming with blood streaming down their faces, I'll just laugh and say, "Hey, those terrorists were justified, bitch, quite ye're fuckin' cryin' and screamin'!"

I've also been duly informed that any and all violent conflicts in the world are terrorist acts ...but seeing as how they're all justified, then it's okay!

Violence must be a wonderful thing ....humans have been doing violent things since they first walked upright on the African plains ...and we just keep doing it, day after day after day.

Baron Max
You still are not getting it. What i am saying is - if Americans, Brits, etc can justify their war then i can just as equally find reasons to justify the actions of the terrorists who are fighting back,

some people 'tagged terrorists' take things too far when they kill children or have no political, economical targets. These kinds of attacks are unjustified. If however i got on the Glasgow subway tomorrow and found myself lying face down in a pool of blood with both legs missing. I wouldn't spend my life hating the 'terrorists' i would hate the British government, the American government and the terrorists for not sorting their differences out in a peaceful non violent manner.

Do you get me now?
DarkThorn said:
some people 'tagged terrorists' take things too far when they kill children or have no political, economical targets. These kinds of attacks are unjustified.

Well, someone obviously "justified" those acts or they wouldn't have been done. So therefore, those terrorist act are, indeed, justified. Y'all have convinced me of that already, and yet now ye're changing ye're fuckin' mind?? Why? How?

Yeah, I "get you" ...if YOU think an act of terrorism is justified, then it is. If not, then it's not justified. But you've forgotten that there are a few more people in the world other than you. You are NOT the final judge of the justification of terrorist acts.

Baron Max
I am not the final judge of anything. So if this is where the argument is headed you win.

I think you know exactly what i am saying really but refuse to say you understand. I am not changing my mind, i am simply pointing out what the majority of people see as either justified or unjustified.

In this case i see the terrorists as justified, not just me but a huge amount of people not because the terrorists justified the actions themselves but because i have looked into the reasons for the terrorism and made a choice.
DarkThorn said:
...i am simply pointing out what the majority of people see as either justified or unjustified.

Good! Great! I always like what the majority think and approve. :)

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Good! Great! I always like what the majority think and approve. :)

Baron Max

12 justices
opinions based on precedent and consensus
majority wins

it is the fallible human way
wishing for god is childish and immature
good going max