is suicide a civilised act ?


i have decided to go see the quack tomorow to get a referal to a shrink because xev and adam keep telling me i should but *shrugs* i don't see what point there is to it all

Life sucks, big time. Believe me I know. BUT! I talk to you all the time on IM and in here, and you seem like one of the coolest persons I have ever got the pleasure of talking to. Where would the world be if the good people like you werent here? :)
I agree with Xev and Adam, you should see a shrink. I work with them and they ARE on your side. If anything, at least you'll get to talk your feelings out which is always a good thing. Let me know how it goes.

Take care:)
Asgaurd, suicide is not the answer to any questions, it is the elimiantion of the question.

If you want to talk about anything, myself and I'm sure many others are happy to talk on private message or over here. And yes, a therapist is a good idea.
Thank you star (and tyler)

i didn't end up going to see the quack today because he is still on holidays till thursday and i really don't want to talk about if with a doc i don't know

plus i have to see him about a lump thats been bothering me in my neck, thats my cover so my parents don't know what i am really going to see him for. After the way mum treated me when they found out i had ADD (like every arument was just the ADD and not because i actully HAD a problem with something) i chose not to get them in on this

i will go see him when he gets back

its nice to know that someone gives a dam

seems like no one in this world dose (except TI and my friend dan)


You thow how I feel regarding tis subject. I hope to talk to you more in depth of this.

Love ya!