is suicide a civilised act ?

To work out wether Suicide is civil or not, you have to term what suicide is and why it occurs.

Suicide is when someone imposes death upon themselves.

What reason's would a person do this, well there is the fact that some have stated that some people who are hospitalised get to the point were there body degenerates beyond the capacity to either look after itself, or even to the point of being reliant upon machines to breath etc.

There are some suicides that occur due to Depression, these don't have to happen, the person can still exist, but is just lacking something from the world. In usual cases most of these are "Attempted suicides" as the person is caught in the nick of time, and it's percieved as an expression for help.

[No matter how depressed a person is one day, they shouldn't take it upon themselves to commit suicide, as the next day might have bring the answers they sought.]

There is suicides that just occur because o the above, but the reason is that something has occured and they see no solution to get out. For instance they are caught for 3 years tax evasion and don't have the money to pay because of their villa in the south of France.

These people are just after Escape.

The way I perceive it there are two types of suicide, one that could be justified when endurance is plagued with infermity, and the other type being the COWARDS way out.
(Q) ...

Re. "What society condones suicide? "

Ancient Japan ..... Hara-kiri (Samurai warriors)

Modern Japan ..... Divine Wind (Kamikaze pilots)

Take care ;)
Originally posted by Chagur
Re. "What society condones suicide? "

Ancient Japan ..... Hara-kiri (Samurai warriors)

Modern Japan ..... Divine Wind (Kamikaze pilots)

And, lest we forget the events of September 11. Not only condoned but deified.

originally posted by stryderunknown

[No matter how depressed a person is one day, they shouldn't take it upon themselves to commit suicide, as the next day might have bring the answers they sought.]

I think you could put this quote in a nutshell by saying there is always hope.
By definition a person suffering the effects of depression has no hope. None! There are good days when moving forward is a possibility. There are manic days when a laugh is just as possible as smashing up a room. There is, however, no hope.

Try to remember the most bored you've ever been.
Now try to remember the exact moment you discovered you were so bored.
Now imagine that moment in a loop, a time loop that never goes away, that never changes always there is no hope of improvement.

We on the outside can see there is a better way.

I've been on the inside and nothing anyone could say could improve my mood as much as I desparately wanted it to.

That's depression There is no hope!

All of you who've been there know I speak the truth. Those who haven't... I pray you never do.


Re. "What society condones suicide? "

Ancient Japan ..... Hara-kiri (Samurai warriors)

Modern Japan ..... Divine Wind (Kamikaze pilots)

Suicide is NOT condoned in Japan.
bbcboy ...

Re. "And, lest we forget the events of September 11. Not only condoned but deified."

I don't know about 'deified'. but definitely celebrated in many parts of the
world ... like places where suicide bombers, male and female, are martyred.

Take care ;)
bbcboy what you said is so true (its what i was trying to say before but i couldn't find the words to describe it like you could)

*By definition a person suffering the effects of depression has no hope. None! There are good days when moving forward is a possibility. There are manic days when a laugh is just as possible as smashing up a room. There is, however, no hope.*

I agree! I climbed out by myself in several of those cases and came out stronger every time..!

So, I learned it the hard way! Do I need to be more specific guys? Go into detail and so on? Or do you get the message finally?

Start imagine parents, posessed by god, been thrown in the complete dark cellar with the door locked, for a long time, every day and from the age of 4...:confused:
Welcome back to the land of the living. Your girlfriend desrves a medal for perseverance. I know how much hard work we can be.

Peace my friend

If you get any stronger you'll be superwoman :D
Hey, I heard that a deer, if it is caught in a trap or bleeding to death, can stop his own heart. Does anyone know of this?

Okay, back to suicide, it is a civilised act. It is a concious and well thought out act. I completely understand why people do it, I have actually tried it before, thank god I didnt succeed. My situation got better, some people's dont. But it is a selfish thing to do. You have to think about what your leaving behind.

And Banshee, I understand how you feel, but there is hope. There is always hope:)

Groove on:cool:

If you're just a little pissed off sometime, there is a time when you'll feel better. Of course there is!!
I refer you to my post above..
We're not gonna start up again are we? :D
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Try as I may I just can't sit thru Bambi.

It's just too sad !!!!!!!!


Your a friggin crack up:D

BUT... Im not talking about when someone is just caught up in the heat of the moment, those are usually when people are drunk or something. But I know of people that did take their own life and it was something that they had talked about and it seemed like they had planned it. They werent psychos, they were normal CIVILIZED people, therefore, they were making CIVILIZED choices.

Groove out
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Not sure about the worldwide fame of this man.
Who hasn't heard of Kenneth Williams.
Very, very famous british comedy/serious actor, most recognised for the 'Carry on' films (Typical british bawdy humour).

Anyhoo. I read his diaries some time ago which span sum 40+ years and it seems that in all of that time there wasn't a week went by he didn't speak of suicide and eventually did take his own life with an overdose of barbiturates.

He was not a happy homosexual and he was also obsessed with his bowels. Go figure. Does anyone think people could be genetically pre-disposed to suicide? Just a thought.

Another facinating fact. A Large percentage of suicide victims are found having been listening to Phil Collins.
When will this man shut the fuck up?
Does anyone think people could be genetically
pre-disposed to suicide?

I think a person could be genetically pre-disposed to depression, which leads to suicide. Alot of suicides are from young adults/teenagers and I think at this time, you dont know what the hell your thinking.

And your joking about the Phil Collins thing, right?:D

Oh, and how the hell do you use the coloring on these texts?????:confused:

I don't know about genetically pre-disposed, but I definatly believe that a person can be "situationally" pre-disposed. If someone close, especially family members, commit suicide that could lead to a person wanting to kill themselves so they can be with their loved one again. Did that make any sense?? Happened to a friend of mine :(
Aphrodite, that I recognize. :) Same happened to some close friends of mine. They were not family, I considred them as family.

One of them commited suicide, the other one followed...just three days later. It leaves you behind with an immense feeling of sadness and despair. :(

Civilised? Guess it is this so called human civilisation which brings some people to commit suicide, because of the civilisation! The human race has civilised itself...It's a fucking miracle...!!
Nobody knows where you are, how near or how far
Shine on you crazy diamond
Pile on many more layers and I'll be joining you there
Shine on you crazy diamond
And we'll bask in the shadow of yesterday's triumph
And sail on the steel breeze
Come on you boychild, you winner and loser,
Come on you miner for truth and delusion, and Shine.!!!
- quote by Pink Floyd...