is suicide a civilised act ?


Registered Member
if there is nothing then life is nothing,if life is nothing then its birth is nothing if birth is nothing then its end is nothing then who ends it that is nothing, nothing gives birth to everything and evrything is nothing.

Hi imimim, i got your PM, and welcome to forum.

I think suicide is not a responsible act, and life is NOT nothing. There is a purpose for us to life.

Btw, based on what do you think there is nothing, and life is nothing?
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i tend to dissagree if life is that terible (and i mean this as the oppinon of the person in question, NOT anyone around them) what right do we have to force them to continue it. i mean if u can quit a job or whatever just because u hate it why not life.

I belive life is a gift but if u don't want it anymore why shouldn't u take it back
Is suicide a civilized act? ...


To the best of my knowledge, only our species commits suicide;

Since we only use the term 'civilized' with regard to our species;

Therefore, suicide must be a 'civilized act'!

Although, considering how many horrendous acts our species is capable of,
I have to wonder if that's a plus.

Take care ;)
Originally posted by Chagur
To the best of my knowledge, only our species commits suicide;

Honey bee dead after it stink on something. Night insects come to the light/fire and then dead fried. Mother spider let herself eaten by their babies. Etc, etc...

Is it suicide or kamikaze? :D
Posted by Chagur
"To the best of my knowledge, only our species commits suicide."

I think there is a bird possibly indigenous to australia called the thorn bird. It is a silent bird until the end of its life when it impales itself on a long thorn and sings for the first and last time.

Also I know of a goose (Either the grey necked or ring necked)which is mongamous and on the death of its partner will fly around it in a circle until it too dies.

Of course we'll never know if they choose to do so or whether instinct takes over and maybe our ideas of the reasons why are a little romanticised.

But aah! :(

For the record As a nurse I've been involved in prolonging the suffering of many people in the name of compassion and I'm all for suicide and euthanasia. There is a time when you know there is no hope

Live long as you want to :D
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Guess suicide is a civilised act yes. Typical human. The human race has civilised itself...It's a miracle! :rolleyes:

You people forgot about the Lemmings in Norway, I believe it is, who throw themselves in the Seas, by millions and millions at a time.

Suicide is a deed of cowardness in any case. Life has not been given to you to just let go if things go 'bad'. You can run from life into suicide and then deal with the consequences when you come back, in another life. Everything comes back to you, one way or another.

Euthanasia is a different matter. I've seen people who were kept alive artificial, while they would be better of dead.

In stead of comitting suicide, people better learn to look at the good things life brings or brought to them, not only the bad things. For the good things are mostly the first forgotten...
Re: Is suicide a civilized act? ...

Originally posted by Chagur

To the best of my knowledge, only our species commits suicide;

Since we only use the term 'civilized' with regard to our species;

Therefore, suicide must be a 'civilized act'!

Although, considering how many horrendous acts our species is capable of,
I have to wonder if that's a plus.

Take care ;)

Would this make murder, rape and genocide civilized as well?
I surpose you have had a good life. Have you ever felt despair. Have you ever felt despair so total it seems to draw all the light out of the world. Once the world is empty it isn't a choice between courage and weekness, its only a choice between freedom and the despair that has consumed you. You say to rember the good times but to someone that depressed there is No good times. It is not a choice to be their they just are, it took something from outside me to bring me back. If my girlfriend hadn't found me then i would have been dead. She is the only thing that saved me.
The blackness of my life

I do have a very good life nw, at home, at work, in all fields.
But I have known the dark times. Only my partner at the time wasn't my salvation, but almost my undoing.
I was at a stage of life where I didn't want to come home from work. I prefered to stay on the bus than return to my own home. I have seen the black bleakness of despair. I have known depression. I know not of your previous troubles, but please do not presume that I have no appreciation of the road to suicide. Codydramol gives you a severe headache.
*I surpose you have had a good life. Have you ever felt despair. Have you ever felt despair so total it seems to draw all the light out of the world. Once the world is empty it isn't a choice between courage and weekness, its only a choice between freedom and the despair that has consumed you. You say to rember the good times but to someone that depressed there is No good times.*

Believe me, I know what despair is. Very, very well. I've had more then my share of the darkside of life. There were times in my life all the light had faded away. It is certainly not easy and I know that. Somehow I climbed out of my darkness and despair and slowly the light came back into my life.

And I did it alone, on my own. As I did til this day. I've always found my way alone. Guess I came out much stronger, just because I did make it on my own. :confused: There is something to say for that you know...

I learned to remember the good times and keep on going, even in the darkest days, remember there is always a little sunshine peering through...
Civil death, the separation of a man from civil society, or the debarring him from the enjoyment of civil rights, as by banishment, attainder, abjuration of the realm, entering a monastery, etc. --Blackstone.

What society condones suicide?

It isn't possible for suicide to be civil. Civility and suicide are diametrically opposed terms.
Originally posted by (Q)
What society condones suicide?
Society in the United States appears to be trending in that direction with the "death with dignity" push that many are advocating.

originally posted by (Q)
What society condones suicide?

I believe certain american indian tribes would send the old and infirm out into the snow to die as their usefulness in society had been exhausted.
Doesn't this constitute the acceptance of suicide ?
I believe certain american indian tribes would send the old and infirm out into the snow to die as their usefulness in society had been exhausted.
Doesn't this constitute the acceptance of suicide ?

No, that constitutes the acceptance of murder.
Sorry ESP it wasn't aimed at you it was aimed at Banshee and you are right Banshee i did make an asumption but i have herd that opinion before normally from someone who has never felt anything like it

So I make a genral appology to everone my post offended but i do NOT retract it because it is still the truth

I suppose you have a point.
Thing is, if it's an isolated incident I could go along with it. On the other hand it would appear to be an accepted part of that culture that continued for many generations. And this from a group of people respected for their views on society and the environment, right down to persoanal ethics and lasting philosophy.

Of course the great white hunter couldn't have that could he?

Thing is, he felt he had the right idea as well.

On the whole I don't think any society would condone such an act. It's just a pity that so many individuals within any society don't seem to give a shit enough to change things.

Suicide will always be with us. We should just be thankful that for the most part we can cope enough to find another option.

"Is suicide a civilised act?"

Yes, insofar as it is committed by the civilised. But I wonder how the word (and concept of) "civilised" has been able to hang on to its positive connotation for so long.

"..Civilized men arrived in the Pacific, armed with alcohol, syphilis, trousers, and the Bible" (Havelock Ellis)

Moral Judgement Warning:

For Suicide:

some might feel that they had no choice to refuse life when it was given to them, so for them suicide might mean "having a choice at last".

Against Suicide:

It is very unfair to those who stay behind. It's the ones who love you that will, inevitably, feel guilty (amongst other things).