Is Rape Natural?

its not a new concept, it just now has a name attached to it. you see the sun in the morning and the moon at night, it is what it is identified or not.
The question is, though, whether giving it a name defined it as something new, causing people to think about it in a new way. I mentioned in the opening post that the Greeks saw rape as a 'right of domination by men'. I'm not an expert on Ancient Greece so can't verify the accuracy of this but, assuming that it's true, I wonder whether anyone then recognised that rights were being violated. I wonder what the womenfolk thought of it. I know that sounds like a stupid thing to ask but is it possible that they failed to question the status quo, if I can put it like that, in the way we do today. I wonder precisely when Western civilisation began to recognise rape as the violation we now see it as.
The question is, though, whether giving it a name defined it as something new, causing people to think about it in a new way. I mentioned in the opening post that the Greeks saw rape as a 'right of domination by men'. I'm not an expert on Ancient Greece so can't verify the accuracy of this but, assuming that it's true, I wonder whether anyone then recognised that rights were being violated. I wonder what the womenfolk thought of it. I know that sounds like a stupid thing to ask but is it possible that they failed to question the status quo, if I can put it like that, in the way we do today. I wonder precisely when Western civilisation began to recognise rape as the violation we now see it as.

Ah, well in that case, not very long ago.

In antiquity and until the late Middle Ages, rape was seen in most cultures less as a crime against a particular girl or woman than against the head of the household or against chastity. As a consequence, the rape of a virgin was often a more serious crime than of a non-virgin, even a wife or widow, and the rape of a prostitute or other unchaste woman was, in some laws, not a crime because her chastity could not be harmed.

The penalty for rape was often a fine, payable to the father or the husband whose "goods" were "damaged".[citation needed] That position was later replaced in many cultures by the view that the woman, as well as her lord, should share the fine equally.

In some laws the woman might marry to the rapist instead of his receiving the legal penalty. This was especially prevalent in laws where the crime of rape did not include, as a necessary part, that it be against the woman's will, thus dividing the crime in the current meaning of rape, and a means for a couple to force their families to permit marriage.

In pagan Rome, it was expected that an honorable woman, being raped, would like Lucretia remove the stain on her honor by committing suicide. (This was also the scenario in India and may still be prevalent in closed communities).

Rape, in the course of warfare, also dates back to antiquity, ancient enough to have been mentioned in the Bible.

The Greek, Persian and Roman troops would routinely rape women and boys in the conquered towns.

Rape, as an adjunct to warfare, was prohibited by the military codices of Richard II and Henry V (1385 and 1419 respectively). These laws formed the basis for convicting and executing rapists during the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453).

Current perceptions and laws:

Since the 1970s many changes have occurred in the perception of sexual assault due in large part to the feminist movement and its public characterization of rape as a crime of power and control rather than purely of sex. In some countries the women's liberation movement of the 1970s created the first rape crisis centers. This movement was led by the National Organization for Women (NOW) ([1]). One of the first two rape crisis centers, the D.C. Rape Crisis Center ([2]), opened in 1972. It was created to promote sensitivity and understanding of rape and its effects on the victim.

Marital rape first became a crime in the United States in the state of South Dakota in 1975. Marital rape is not a crime at common law.[1] In the 1980s, date or acquaintance rape first gained acknowledgment. On July 5, 1993, marital rape became a crime in all 50 states, under at least one section of the sexual offense codes.

On September 2, 1998 the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda made sexual violence a war crime.
Here are some statistics:

So it's certainly widespread.

And apparently the fall in rape incidence-

What do you think?
Well, sam: my first thought is that this is just slightly off-topic. :p

Second, I'd be surprised if there's any direct link between increased pornography consumption and a lower incidence of sexual assault. I would have thought that there would be either a positive correlation or none.

But anyway, I'm far more interested in what you think than what I think.

So what do you think?
Well, sam: my first thought is that this is just slightly off-topic. :p

Second, I'd be surprised if there's any direct link between increased pornography consumption and a lower incidence of sexual assault. I would have thought that there would be either a positive correlation or none.

But anyway, I'm far more interested in what you think than what I think.

So what do you think?

I realised immediately from your following post to iam that it was more than slightly off-topic (sorry I did not read the whole thread:eek: ), so I posted again.

Just came up with the two simultaneously in google and wondered what the relationship could be.

What do you think might be the cause for the decline in incidence of rape?
I, frankly am flabbergasted that it could be greater availability of porn!
i see the real point as being it doesn't matter whether something is considered natural or not, what i do know is that it is inferior and harmful. If i put my hand on a hot stove, i will feel pain and my body will tell me to get my hand off. If a disease wanted to use your body and kill you, would you let them? No because its "unnatural." So this question of what is natural to me is that anything harmful is not natural to anyone within ourselves and others but this is an element of struggle we have to live with in this imperfect world for all of us to balance our desires against others who also don't appreciate it at their expense.

Now getting back to the reality we haven't been honest about the deviousness of rape, its wrong for a reason because it is. If you're horny masturbate if you don't have a relationship, and for every male or female there is someone out there that will want to have a sexual relationship with you no matter who you are. Also there are prostitutes, porn etc. Rape is a violation of someone you have no business having sex with period. Why? because they don't like or want your @ss for whatever reason and thats their business. No male wants someone else dictating who or when they should be having an intimate relationship with. right? Right. Well guess what women don't either and the pain, humiliation and violation and loss and disempowerment is felt by both parties when they become a victim because we are human. Rapists are dishonest so they like to beat around the bush of truth. no pun intended.
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i see the real point as being it doesn't matter whether something is considered natural or not, what i do know is that it is inferior and harmful.
Most people know it's harmful. I think I know what you mean by inferior too, and I agree with that.

In asking 'Is Rape Natural?' I suppose what I was really asking is... well, lots of things. What makes men do it? Are the men that do it dysfunctional in some way? Are they different genetically, maybe. Or, given that sex is a biological drive: why don't all men do it? Why don't women do it? Is that just a matter of physical power, ie they're physically unable to, or is something else? If it's something else - what? If sam's figures are right, why is the incidence of rape decreasing? What's changed? If it's because of the evolution of the higher brain, as you've said, then how come things were so different - so much worse - only 200, 300 years ago? Is the answer, then, that the evolution has been cultural - and that we're becoming better, smarter people as a result (I think there's probably a lot of truth in that).

A lot of these questions were bothering me whilst reading the other thread. Thanks to you and others a lot of them have been answered, so I'm grateful for that. And keep educating me. And don't be so angry.
What do you think might be the cause for the decline in incidence of rape? I, frankly am flabbergasted that it could be greater availability of porn!
Me too, I don't believe a word of it. The article mentions increased awareness of the dangers on women's part, and therefore more women taking preventative measures. I expect iam's going to butt in at this point and accuse me of...

Well - let's just see. We know I'm not like that, don't we? ;) :p
The whole concept that women have individual rights as opposed to being the property of their fathers or husbands is fairly recent. Rape in the past was as much an insult to the family as an injury to the woman. A woman who had been raped was treated as damaged or used goods.
Me too, I don't believe a word of it. The article mentions increased awareness of the dangers on women's part, and therefore more women taking preventative measures. I expect iam's going to butt in at this point and accuse me of...

What do you think of the statistics themselves?

Do all women report rape? I don't think so.

In the climate today, are women more or less likely to report it?
How would it come across as a power issue, in the workplace for example?

What do you think?
Well - let's just see. We know I'm not like that, don't we? ;) :p

You might be a closet pervert.
Can't trust these online impressions.;)
What do you think of the statistics themselves?

Do all women report rape? I don't think so.
No, absolutely not. Most crimes are underreported, and sex crimes considerably more so.
In the climate today, are women more or less likely to report it?
How would it come across as a power issue, in the workplace for example?

What do you think?
I think more people are likely to report it today than in the past, therefore a fall in the reported incidents probably does reflect a fall in the true number of incidents. I'd like to think that things are getting better and that we're becoming more educated about it. You disagree?
You might be a closet pervert.
Can't trust these online impressions.;)
sammy! :mad:
No, absolutely not. Most crimes are underreported, and sex crimes considerably more so.

I wonder what the true incidence is. Looking at current stats, the mind boggles.
I think more people are likely to report it today than in the past, therefore a fall in the reported incidents probably does reflect a fall in the true number of incidents. I'd like to think that things are getting better and that we're becoming more educated about it. You disagree?

To some extent.

How is intimate partner rape categorised? As rape or domestic violence?

And how are the rape statistics collected? Is it the reported cases or the indicted or the ones who are convicted?

It may be that women who are unable to provide medical evidence etc are also unable to get conviction for the offenders or offenders may plea bargain to lesser offences.

I know standards for conviction have become more sophisticated with DNA evidence, I wonder if they have affected the rates of conviction.

All speculation of course, but I'm always wary of statistics.

Just kidding! :)
From this thread:

Is it human nature to rape? If child rapists aren't obeying their own natures... what are they obeying precisely? I think it's a very interesting topic - not something that can be dismissed in a single paragraph, and worthy of it's own thread. If only Satyr were around to lay this out eloquently and logically, in far more words than is strictly necessary. But he isn't. So my collection of confused and jumbled thoughts on the matter will have to do. I'm sure that all of the deeply penetrating insights that will be your contributions will quickly improve things.

So: on the one hand, man is a social species, dependent on his fellow man for his sense of self, his emotional well-being, often for his very survival. On the other hand, man is an animal like all the others, driven by need and desire - the need to eat, the need to drink, the need to breathe... and the need to procreate. Thousands of years of civilisation have taught us what is acceptable and what isn't; what is beneficial to our society and what is harmful. Laws have been developed to punish those whose actions are thought to do our society harm.

But: what if we were to cast off all the millennia of cultural progress and return to our 'natural state'? Would we still be so 'moral' in our treatment of others if there were no laws to govern what we can get away with and what we can't? Rape appears to be quite common throughout the animal kingdom. Lone alpha males of many species make it their business to drive away the males of a social group and impregnate the females. Without any laws or morals to govern their actions, need and desire are everything. Are we so different? When a male cat mounts a female in an alleyway does the female have to give it's consent? Is it good manners for the male cat to seek it? Perhaps all of the Sciforums members who are having such a hard time understanding that RAPE IS BAD are just throwbacks to an earlier time - living curiosities who've somehow managed to unlearn everything that the Ancient Greeks taught them about what it means to be human. Or maybe not:

Edit: I've had a PM from Bells. I just want to make it clear that no criticism of her is implied in using her post as the opening comments. I like Bells - she's a smart woman and I've got nothing but the greatest respect for her opinions. It's just that I feel that this and similar comments need further exploration, and the thread that they came from wasn't the right place to do it.

Anything any human has ever done since the time of our existance is human nature. However, it's not NATURAL to rape, anymore than it's natural to have beastiality sex, or be gay. So yeah, anything can be human nature but it's not the best of our nature, it's not our good nature.
I wonder what the true incidence is. Looking at current stats, the mind boggles.

In somewhat knowledgeable circles, it's thought that only 1 in 4 rapes are reported. And considering the number that ARE reported makes that stat pretty damned hard to swallow! If I'm not mistaken, it's thought that there's one rape every single minute in the USA. How many minutes are there in a year?????? Geez!

Rape cases can ONLY be called rape cases, and reported as crimes, if they're actually reported to the police. In some cases, emergency rooms will notify the police, but they're not supposed to do that without the victims consent.

As to the evidence, it's unfortunate that many rape victims go home and take a long bath BEFORE reporting the crime ...thus losing all of the sperm/DNA samples. The other factor is that even knowing the DNA of the perpetrator, the legal bullshit that exists keeps the cops from doing much about the crime unless the victime can actually identify him. The ACLU has fucked the police again!

Baron Max
No, absolutely not. Most crimes are underreported, and sex crimes considerably more so.

I think more people are likely to report it today than in the past, therefore a fall in the reported incidents probably does reflect a fall in the true number of incidents. I'd like to think that things are getting better and that we're becoming more educated about it. You disagree?

sammy! :mad:

What about when women rape men? Is this natural? Is this right?
Anything any human has ever done since the time of our existance is human nature. However, it's not NATURAL to rape,...

Ahh, but you're wrong! It IS natural for that particular male to rape's not natural for all men, but for rapists, it is natural.

Baron Max
Natural for a rapist?

Natural? are conjoined twins natural? are congenital defects physical or mental natural? Yeah, its called a mistake and that is natural. its dysfuntional.

boys and young men as in teenagers are vulnerable to rape or molestation. Theres been a lot of focus on women probably because some men are trying to find some bullsh*t excuse to justify it but males are also victimized but its very underreported due to fear of social stigma, shame and pride. I had an exboyfriend who was molested by a female babysitter. Of course, this happens but RAPE is very difficult for a woman to do, thats why its usually men who rape boys if that is their preference. Rape has to do with psychologically and emotionally controlling and degrading as it is about sex, sex is part of it as well. It makes the rapist feel powerful.
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Ahh, but you're wrong! It IS natural for that particular male to rape's not natural for all men, but for rapists, it is natural.

Baron Max

It's also natural for people to put them behind bars out of fear. It's all cause and effect here, just because something is natural instinct it does not mean you have to give into your weaknesses and your caveman instincts.
Natural for a rapist?

Natural? are conjoined twins natural? are congenital defects physical or mental natural? Yeah, its called a mistake and that is natural. its dysfuntional.

boys and young men as in teenagers are vulnerable to rape or molestation. Theres been a lot of focus on women probably because some men are trying to find some bullsh*t excuse to justify it but males are also victimized but its very underreported due to fear of social stigma, shame and pride. I had an exboyfriend who was molested by a female babysitter. Of course, this happens but RAPE is very difficult for a woman to do, thats why its usually men who rape boys if that is their preference. Rape has to do with psychologically and emotionally controlling and degrading as it is about sex, sex is part of it as well. It makes the rapist feel powerful.

Rape is not difficult for women to do, it happens all the time, man goes into a bar, has a drink with two hot females, the drink is spiked, and he wakes up naked being raped, tied up. It happens.

It's not as common as males raping females but rape is rape.