Is rape always the mans fault?

An immodest proposal?

Visceral Instinct said:

Or we could just treat rape like any other crime. A crime. No culture supporting the abuse of those who don't do enough to avoid it.

But wouldn't it be easier if we all just bought guns and shot everyone who looked at us wrong?

"Hey, babe, if I said you had a hot body, would you hold it against me?"


After all, if she didn't shoot him, she would only be leading him on, right?

Definitely easier, right?
I guess hot topics are bound to be discussed in black-and-white terms, the greys be damned ...
Apart from complete sequestration from society or suicide, there is no action that will guarantee rape prevention.

You know, this topic has come up a few times in recent years, and it's always the same. Someone proposes that women can prevent rape by changing their behavior, and nobody who agrees can explain what a reasonable limit to that is.

Where is this feminist blog?

I saw dark:zzz: didn't put the blog here. Did he C one (on:m:) I also agree on the point made that males rape males ( prison) an women. Get raped by women (prison) an I'm sure it happens across any country not just in prisons. So men are not at fault. All the time. An as for prevention most collage towns will say stuff like like don't go out at night alone an with out mace or a defence an know a escape route. Travel well lit areas an carry a phone. I say also know your friends ur with. Because it is true what was mentioned that some rapes. Occure by known "friends". An NO I don't believe any one really asks for it in any situation. That's why there victims. :idea: Unless u talk about statatory rape. Then they may have asked for it. An got it. Under age. One bein under 18 an one being 18 an up
Part of their discussion was about whether women need to take responsibility while doing drugs or drinking so they don't get raped in the first place
No amount of doing drugs or drinking or any other action makes it OK for another person to sexually assault someone.

The crime is not 'sexually assaulting a sober, careful person', (as if it's OK to sexually assault someone who is not sober or careful); the crime is 'sexually assaulting a person at all'.

So, yes, rape is always the rapist's fault.
It must be the rapists fault that's why they go 2 Jail when "caught" even though in statory rape its the oldest that goes. To jail in consentual agreement the parents find out WAM jail record
I saw darksid:zzz: didn't put the blog here. Did he C one (on:m:) I also agree on the point made that males rape males ( prison) an women. Get raped by women (prison) an I'm sure it happens across any country not just in prisons. So men are not at fault. All the time. An as for prevention most collage towns will say stuff like like don't go out at night alone an with out mace or a defence an know a escape route. Travel well lit areas an carry a phone. I say also know your friends ur with. Because it is true what was mentioned that some rapes. Occure by known "friends". An NO I don't believe any one really asks for it in any situation. That's why there victims. :idea: Unless u talk about statatory rape. Then they may have asked for it. An got it. Under age! One being under 18 an one being 18 an up!
Mutual agreement/permission among adults to engage in sex is considered consensual sex. Anything less than mutual agreement/permission should be considered rape.
So the consensus is rape is not ALWAYS the mans fault.. DarksiZz any comment?