Is rape always the mans fault?

If the man chooses to commit rape, duh, it's his fault. Basic logic. You committed the crime, you CHOSE to, it's your fault. The only exception is for those with mental illness who don't understand what they are doing.
Also, enough of the rape apologies.

Sensible precautions are one thing. Sure, it's not smart to go off alone with someone you don't know, for example, but I am sick and tired of hearing about how women should change their actions, because often people just don't draw a line. They go to further and further lengths to put the blame on the woman. If she was sensible, they think up ways she could have been even MORE sensible. Ad infinitum.
I think that the "rapist" in this case is responsible for the action of the rape, but in some cases i think that women could be a bit smarter about the whole thing. I may not have phrased that well, let me give you an example from my own life -

When i was in China i was in Beijing and this guy about a foot taller than me asked if i wanted to buy any weed, i hadn't smoked for a few months and decided that i quite fancied a smoke. He asked me to follow him across the road into what looked like either a half demolished building or a building half under construction - the site wasn't lit at all so i couldnt tell. I said to him something along the lines of "no offence, but i'm not following you in there, i'll buy the weed off of you but i'll do it here in the street or not at all" He said OK and i bought it, went back to my hotel and got high.

My point is that putting yourself, or allowing yourself to be in, a potentially dangerous situation is your personal responsibility. The act itself, however, is purely the fault of the rapist, there's no excuse for such an act and the level of "fault" of the woman i view as 0% when it comes to that. I'd like to add that as mentioned earlier in the thread i think, this line of reasoning could not be applied to the majority of rape cases as it's often carried out by people that the woman knows already.
Given your previous posts and recent posts like this:

I find you a little less than credible.

This is a little perplexing to me--here is the text of the post to which Arthur linked:
Originally Posted by DarksidZz
Pusssy does strange things to men they need antipusss llaw courses to prrevent favoritim and to teach it in schools as well i o however.See how thiss could be creepy he should hve aasked her during the stop

I don't know whether or not anyone reported this post (or any of his other like-minded posts), but regardless, a few moderators did participate within that thread so I suspect at least one had read this post.

What gives? Is it acceptable to refer to black people as "niggers" or gay men as "faggots" now as well?

It is clear that DarksidZz is a misogynist and a loser, and while being neither is a crime (to the best of my knowledge), I had thought that posting "hate speech," racial epithets (outside of metacommentary), and the like were against forum rules. Of course, I haven't actually read them, but I'm pretty certain I'm right on this, no?

And yeah, I suspect that one is not to refer to another poster as a "loser" either, but there is precedent: both String and Fraggle stated as much in the "du u hate ur parents?" thread, so I ought to be in the clear on that.
Woman rape men much more often than is reported due to humiliation a woman wouldn't use force tho in most cases it's blackmail. The fact that your reading a feminist blog is kinda funny but whoever wrote that needs bitch slapped. No pun intended

"Whoever wrote" what, precisely? This:
read a femanist blog saying (rape is) never woman at fault

Presumably (though honestly, who fucking knows? neither you nor DarksidZz seem capable of writing an intelligible sentence) the original sentiment expressed was something along these lines: "A woman who is raped is never at fault." And you disagree with that? Not only that, but you also believe that whoever wrote it ought to be "bitch slapped"?
I love to hike and explore desolate wilderness. It is usually rare to encounter other people, but when I do, I always wonder if the average man would be more inclined to rape a woman if he knew he could get away with it?

If you were in bum fuck Egypt, and encountered an attractive female, would it cross your mind?
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I love to hike and explore desolate wilderness. It is usually rare to encounter other people, but when I do, I always wonder, if the average man would be more inclined to rape a woman, if he knew he could get away with it?

If you were in bum fuck Egypt, and encountered an attractive female, would it cross your mind?

No. The only person i really need to justify any of my actions to is myself and i would never forgive myself for such an act that objectifies another human being for nothing more than my own amusement. I am my harshest critic in all aspects of my life. Unfortunately i think that what stops most people doing what i deem to be immoral acts is the threat of punishment, not the threat of compromising their own set of morals.
The parallel question is:
Who is responsible for the rape victim to recover?

The victim, the rapist, both, other people, everyone?

How we answer this is connected to how we answer who is responsible for the rape.
No. The only person i really need to justify any of my actions to is myself and i would never forgive myself for such an act that objectifies another human being for nothing more than my own amusement. I am my harshest critic in all aspects of my life. Unfortunately i think that what stops most people doing what i deem to be immoral acts is the threat of punishment, not the threat of compromising their own set of morals.

Have you ever paid for sex?

“The sex buyers and non-sex buyers significantly differed in their subjective likelihood to rape. Sex buyers (15%) were significantly more likely than non-sex buyers (2%) to acknowledge that they would rape a woman if they could get away with it and if no one knew about it.”

Of college men, 35% anonymously admitted that, under certain circumstances, they would commit rape if they believed they could get away with it.
The parallel question is:
Who is responsible for the rape victim to recover?

The victim, the rapist, both, other people, everyone?

How we answer this is connected to how we answer who is responsible for the rape.

The victim of the rape crime is not at fault or to blame for what another person does to them.
Who is responsible for the rape victim to recover?

The rape victim and her support group which would normally comprise of her doctor and/or counsellor.

I know exactly where you are going with this Wynn, because you have on previous occasions stated that rape victims need to accept responsibility for their actions to help them recover. Which frankly is a load of bunk as it is your way to assign blame to the victim.

We have been over this before, numerous times, with you holding rape victims and child sexual abuse victims responsible for the crimes committed against them by other people. Your stance is not only offensive but also wrong and warped.
The rape victim and her support group which would normally comprise of her doctor and/or counsellor.

I know exactly where you are going with this Wynn, because you have on previous occasions stated that rape victims need to accept responsibility for their actions to help them recover. Which frankly is a load of bunk as it is your way to assign blame to the victim.

We have been over this before, numerous times, with you holding rape victims and child sexual abuse victims responsible for the crimes committed against them by other people. Your stance is not only offensive but also wrong and warped.

What is offensive, wrong and warped is your sheer viciousness in how you impose your interpretation of my stance on me.
What is offensive, wrong and warped is your sheer viciousness in how you impose your interpretation of my stance on me.

So you are offended when your own stance or argument is applied to you? Or do find it offensive that your own stance on the issue could be applied to yourself?

Firstly, I did not apply your standard to yourself Wynn. I would never be so cruel.

Secondly, if you find your own stance so offensive, one has to wonder how or why you could hold such views.

Thirdly, my interpretation is based exactly on what you have been arguing for in previous rape and abuse threads.

The fact of the matter is, rape victims are not responsible for what their rapists do to them. The only person responsible and to blame for a rape is the rapist. If you find that offensive, then that is your issue and not mine.
Bells -

You were the first one to initiate communication between us in this thread, and you did it with reference to previous exchanges.

You are starting a flame war.

The Forum Rules state:

Avoid engaging with members with whom you have a personality clash.

They also state:

Do not engage in ad hominem attacks (i.e. attack the argument, not the person).
Avoid straw-man arguments.

I am reporting you.
Bells -

You were the first one to initiate communication between us in this thread, and you did it with reference to previous exchanges.

You are starting a flame war.

The Forum Rules state:

They also state:

I am reporting you.

Reporting me for saying that your stance on this is wrong? I did not personally attack you. I said that your views on rape are warped. In other words, your argument is warped.

But hey, report away.

You entered this thread and started with the same things that caused issues last time. Not me. Keep that in mind.
Ah yes. Someone will always find a way to blame women, however indirectly.

Of course people are responsible for their own recovery.

But no, Wynn had to bring that up where it isn't relevant...
Protected by the law and lawyers, even in the far reaches of the wilderness, the most delusional bragging runt is a hero and a giant, if only in their own mind. A woman has no less protection and the same expectation of layers of tangled delusion.
Is rape always the mans fault?

Aside from it being wrong to blame the victim, I'll include wordplay on my answer.

Rape is always the man's fault. We are smart enough as a species to have a way to unsex all human beings by now. Human existence depends on overcoming and improving upon nature.
Or we could just treat rape like any other crime. A crime. No culture supporting the abuse of those who don't do enough to avoid it.