Is rape always the mans fault?

Part of their discussion was about whether women need to take responsibility while doing drugs or drinking so they don't get raped in the first place which ended with them agreeing the had none and it isn't related
Part of their discussion was about whether women need to take responsibility while doing drugs or drinking so they don't get raped in the first place which ended with them agreeing the had none and it isn't related

Not doing the drugs or getting drunk does not mean she will not be raped.

The majority of rapes are commited by people the victim knows and trusts, such as a relative, close friend, spouse, partner, date.

Just because she is drunk or stoned does not mean it is suddenly open slather and any peon can rape her. She still has rights to her body and denying her those rights because of her inebriated state is still the fault of the rapist. A person can be raped drunk or sober. The only person at fault is the individual who decided to rape her, no matter what.
Here we go again?

DarksidZz said:

One other topic thet had was can rape be prevented through changing action

Apart from complete sequestration from society or suicide, there is no action that will guarantee rape prevention.

You know, this topic has come up a few times in recent years, and it's always the same. Someone proposes that women can prevent rape by changing their behavior, and nobody who agrees can explain what a reasonable limit to that is.

Where is this feminist blog?
darksidZz, your question is quite reasonable because since 1929, 'rape' has been defined by the FBI as an act of forcible carnal knowledge of a female.

It has been demonstrated that women are capable of taking forcible advantage of men also, yet these cases are reported far less often. They may well be considerably under-reported as there is a societal notion that no man would refuse an opportunity presented, and that male biology itself would act as a filter. Most men would find it difficult to perform 'under duress'. Then there is the whole male pride thing. In a culture that frequently brags about it's prowess with the female gender, just where would pressing a charge of 'rape' place a male within his own peer group?

In the U.S., the definition of rape is in the process of being legally expanded.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is expanding the definition of rape, including men for the first time, when counting the number of victims.

It's a change supporters say is long overdue. The expansion is important because policymakers and lawmakers use crime statistics to allocate resources for prevention and victim assistance.

Since 1929, the FBI has defined rape as the carnal knowledge of a female, forcibly and against her will. The revised definition covers any gender of victim or attacker and includes instances in which the victim is incapable of giving consent due to the influence of drugs or alcohol or because of age. Physical resistance is not required.

The new definition will not change federal or state laws and will not alter charges or prosecutions.
If you mean is there any situation in which a rape victim may be said to have been "asking for it", no there isn't.

Just like it's still murder even when your victim doesn't bother to wear a bullet proof vest.
darksidZz, your question is quite reasonable because since 1929, 'rape' has been defined by the FBI as an act of forcible carnal knowledge of a female.

And yet Rape is almost always a crime prosecuted by one of the states and so this mainly had to do with Federal Crime reporting.

Note only 303 Federal arrests for "sexual assault" in all of 2004 (not sure how many were rape), conviction rates tend to be about 50% for the Feds.
In contrast there were about 200,000 rapes reported in the US that year and about half were prosecuted by the states.

IIRC a large city (Chicago I believe) kinda pushed the Feds into this by refusing to release any Rape statistics because of the disparity in the definitions.
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One other topic thet had was can rape be prevented through changing action

No, it can't. You can't stop a rapist by wearing the right clothes. Rape can happen to anyone no matter how well prepared; cops, martial artists and firearms safety instructors have all been raped.

However, being prepared is always a good idea, because in some cases it _may_ help.
Part of their discussion was about whether women need to take responsibility while doing drugs or drinking so they don't get raped in the first place which ended with them agreeing the had none and it isn't related

Oh I see if you are drinking in a bar then it is ok to for me to kick the crap out of you and take your wallet, I mean geeze, you were asking for it!
Do you ever wonder why you have problems getting dates and connecting with women?

For once I agree with you--but I'm not taking back what I said in that other thread.

Also, as Tiassa has noted, this topic has come up more than a few times and has kinda been done to death; moreover, this Darksidezzzz guy is a fucking loser troll--don't believe me? Take a look at his other threads, especially his responses--so how 'bout closing this thread?
For once I agree with you--but I'm not taking back what I said in that other thread.

Also, as Tiassa has noted, this topic has come up more than a few times and has kinda been done to death; moreover, this Darksidezzzz guy is a fucking loser troll--don't believe me? Take a look at his other threads, especially his responses--so how 'bout closing this thread?

Your anger is not directed to me good sir
One other topic thet had was can rape be prevented through changing action

Such as?

Considering that the greater majority of rape victims know their rapists, what action do you think should be taken? Never be in the company of others and live like a hermit till death? That obviously does not work as then you have stranger rapes, those who break into people's houses and rape..

So what action should the victim change?
Abit racey i know... read a femanist blog saying its never woman at fault

Woman rape men much more often than is reported due to humiliation a woman wouldn't use force tho in most cases it's blackmail. The fact that your reading a feminist blog is kinda funny but whoever wrote that needs bitch slapped. No pun intended