Is purposeless torture moral?

The christians in the muslim hell and the muslims in christian hell.( And so on with the other religions.) :tempted:
Is purposeless torture moral?

Most governments seem to believe that torture is an immoral and evil thing and most do not have what we would call a torture chambers. Let’s ignore Guantanamo Bay and other exceptions please.

Religions do not seem to agree with this because religions promise a place of torture for evil souls and some believers will even drop a church that preaches that there is no hell. It seems that some believers want badly that there be this place of purposeless torture.

Hell is a place of purposeless torture and pain. It is used purely for revenge retribution and cruelty.

Some say we choose hell and some think that God, as our judge, sentences us to it. Some think it is eternal while some think that it and its occupants are eventually dumped into a lake of fire and destroyed. A long period of torture to some and a short term of torture to others.

From a moral standpoint, to even create such a place would not be moral.

Is it moral for God to use or let others choose to use his torture chamber called hell or the lake of fire?


hell doesnt exist,so dont worry about it
Really? So the atheist, or otherwise, drug user isn't in a hell of their own personal creation? Hell is a natural consequence of bad actions and choices, not a motivator of such behavior.
I wonder which is worse?
Not to believe in any God or believing in the wrong (false) God?
Really? So the atheist, or otherwise, drug user isn't in a hell of their own personal creation? Hell is a natural consequence of bad actions and choices, not a motivator of such behavior.

"Hell" in that sense is a metaphor. Hell in the Christian mythology is a real place.
Really? So the atheist, or otherwise, drug user isn't in a hell of their own personal creation? Hell is a natural consequence of bad actions and choices, not a motivator of such behavior.

And what does this have to do with drug takers?
They do them for gratification, something good to them, and not hell at all.

"Hell" in that sense is a metaphor. Hell in the Christian mythology is a real place.

2 a : a place or state of misery, torment, or wickedness​

Really? The more general sense is a metaphor? Hell is hell, whether in this world or another.

And what does this have to do with drug takers?
They do them for gratification, something good to them, and not hell at all.


I guess you've never seen what drug abuse does to a person's life, huh? Get out more. Go ask someone who has done time for drug charges or someone whose gratification is no longer a choice. "Monkey on your back" isn't ment to imply whatever fun you may think it sounds like. Don't confuse it with a "barrel of monkeys".
2 a : a place or state of misery, torment, or wickedness​

Really? The more general sense is a metaphor? Hell is hell, whether in this world or another.

I've never actually looked up the definition of the word before.
Syne said:
2 a : a place or state of misery, torment, or wickedness​

Really? The more general sense is a metaphor? Hell is hell, whether in this world or another.
I've never actually looked up the definition of the word before.

So just talking out of your hat, huh?
2 a : a place or state of misery, torment, or wickedness​

Really? The more general sense is a metaphor? Hell is hell, whether in this world or another.

I guess you've never seen what drug abuse does to a person's life, huh? Get out more. Go ask someone who has done time for drug charges or someone whose gratification is no longer a choice. "Monkey on your back" isn't ment to imply whatever fun you may think it sounds like. Don't confuse it with a "barrel of monkeys".

I have seen many more using legal drugs like alcohol run into problem than others using other substances and guess what, statistics back me up.

I have seen many more using legal drugs like alcohol run into problem than others using other substances and guess what, statistics back me up.

Then cite your statistics. Also consider whether the ubiquity of legal substances is accounted for in your statistics. Plus, a lower statistic still doesn't refute what I've said, as any such detriment to a person's life is still their own doing.
Then cite your statistics. Also consider whether the ubiquity of legal substances is accounted for in your statistics. Plus, a lower statistic still doesn't refute what I've said, as any such detriment to a person's life is still their own doing.

Exactly why all drugs should be legal.

Syne said:
Then cite your statistics. Also consider whether the ubiquity of legal substances is accounted for in your statistics. Plus, a lower statistic still doesn't refute what I've said, as any such detriment to a person's life is still their own doing.
Exactly why all drugs should be legal.

So no statistics, but a ridiculous statement by your own account:
gia said:
I have seen many more using legal drugs like alcohol run into problem...

So you want people to have more problems in life? You're either hopelessly confused or a sadist.