Is Punching A Nazi OK?

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His argument was that black Americans are being 'legally' killed without cause. That's not true.
It is true.
It should be noted, police kill more White Americans than black Americans, even though White Americans not only commit a significantly lower total number of violent crimes per percent population, but less total number percent overall as well.

That's something to consider when conducting your 'objective' analysis of the data. You may also want to look at the number of violent crimes committed against the minority category "Asian" Americans by white and black Americans. I think you'll begin to see a pattern.
The pattern here is your habit of posting reams of rightwing authoritarian racist gibberish, whether it has any relevance whatsoever to the thread or not. Why? Why did you just post that, right there, that I quoted?
And where did this goofy fantasy come from -
As in, an American citizen cannot be objectively categorized into a class of "White" or "Black" and must themselves subjectively identify with a category and chose to be in it or chose "Other". Are we clear on this?
That reads as you claiming black guys in the US get to choose which race they want to be in. Tell me you don't really think that - I mean, it would explain why you think the racial identifications of white supremicists and BLM folks are equivalent, but holy cow - - -
It really depends on what you mean by 'threatens' in the category of 'directly' and the category of 'overtly'
Of course. Now we are back to the OP topic - under what circumstances is it ok to punch a "nazi", with a guy like milo or spencer as our current examples.
Whether or not someone wearing a badge or a fucked-up ego was wrong in a killing still doesn't make it legal.
The race of the victim did, in those three cases, make it legal.
You can add Philando Castile, and probably a dozen others over the past couple of years alone, to the list.
Mike Brown was a fucking thug. Martin and Garner probably weren't, but neither of us knows everything
Why even post that? What's your point?
That reads as you claiming black guys in the US get to choose which race they want to be in. Tell me you don't really think that - I mean, it would explain why you think the racial identifications of white supremicists and BLM folks are equivalent, but holy cow
Do you have an objective test that categorizes people into particular races?

If so, please cite a reference. Because, if not, then it is as I claim, a subjective experience. IOWs, a person can claim to be any 'race' they so wish. What others think is irrelevant. A homosexual person doesn't become heterosexual just because others think they are. And, visa-versa.
Of course. Now we are back to the OP topic - under what circumstances is it ok to punch a "nazi", with a guy like milo or spencer as our current examples.
If they are physically attacking you or AFTER they have entered your privately owned property and you feel you may be threatened with physical danger.

Not because you don't like their ideas.

As an example, some Black Panthers want to carve off a piece of the SW USA and make a 'land' for black Americans. Well, good for them. They can buy their land just like the White Nationalists - piece by piece.
Mike Brown was a fucking thug.

And so is the two-bit white supremacist cop who shot him, and the two-bit white supremacist prosecutor who tanked the grand jury investigation. Seriously, when the State goes out of its way to make sure you get away with it, the State makes its point.
michael said:
"The pattern here is your habit of posting reams of rightwing authoritarian racist gibberish, whether it has any relevance whatsoever to the thread or not. Why? Why did you just post that, right there, that I quoted?"
Again, not a citation.
That was a citation - I quoted the stuff you posted, right there, with the source explicitly labeled.
The race of the victim did, in those three cases, make it legal.
You can add Philando Castile, and probably a dozen others over the past couple of years alone, to the list.
Oh give me a break. The Government run court system makes miscarriages of justice every single day. At any given time there are thousands of people in the system. Are mistakes made? Yes. That is very different from suggesting 'it's legal to kill black people in the USA'.

It is not legal to kill people just because they are black.

It is reasonable to suggest there are a very very very small number of miscarriages of justice. In the instances you cited, if you think there was a miscarriage, then take it to court and make your case. As it stands, there wasn't a miscarriage of justice.
That was a citation - I quoted the stuff you posted, right there, with the source explicitly labeled.
No, you have yet to cite data in support of your argument.

So? Going to cite some data? No, well, big shock there.
If so, please cite a reference. Because, if not, then it is as I claim, a subjective experience. IOWs, a person can claim to be any 'race' they so wish. What others think is irrelevant.

Ok, I'm backing away slowly and carefully, and everybody here has heard me identify myself as Asian, right? The most harmless race - since Korea anyway? So nothing to worry about, just little 'ol Chinese me exiting the premises - - (don't worry, it's back to competent whititude when I'm driving).

Because man o' man, this faction the Republicans have been breeding in the media lowlands is something else. Talk about draining the swamp? DC ain't the half of it.
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It is reasonable to suggest there are a very very very small number of miscarriages of justice. In the instances you cited, if you think there was a miscarriage, then take it to court and make your case. As it stands, there wasn't a miscarriage of justice
That was the point - that there was no miscarriage of justice, according to the legal authorities. That was justice - and so it's legal, under certain common circumstances, to kill somebody because they are black.

The remaining argument would be that this does not apply to the question of when it's ok to punch a "nazi". That would depend on whether that USA circumstance had any effect on the level of threat created by said "nazi", in the US. At some level of threat, it's ok to punch a "nazi" - does the possibility of being shot for being black ever push otherwise tolerate it behavior by the "nazi" up to punch 'em level?
That was a citation - I quoted the stuff you posted, right there, with the source explicitly labeled.
No, you have yet to cite data in support of your argument.
My claim was that you keep posting rightwing authoritarian racist bs even when it's completely irrelevant, and I cited your post (the bs) labeled with its context (the irrelevance). That's called a "citation".
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That was the point - that there was no miscarriage of justice, according to the legal authorities. That was justice - and so it's legal, under certain common circumstances, to kill somebody because they are black.
They weren't killed 'because they were black'. They were killed because the officers' lives were threatened and they didn't comply with the governmental authorities.

Welcome to Socialism.

The remaining argument would be that this does not apply to the question of when it's ok to punch a "nazi".
There are no 'Nazi' they stopped existing when Germany was defeated at the end of WWII. There are "White Nationalists". They exist. Just about every Japanese living in Japan would be defined as a "Nationalist". The idea of 'multiculturalism' doesn't exist. The concept is unfathomable. Not that Japanese can't 'think' about the concept, only that they'd never (in general) entertain the concept. So? Are they "Nazi"? Or you need the military dictator first? Because, if that's the case, then no, the guy punched wasn't a Nazi and no one could hit a Nazi, because it'd be like hitting a unicorn, they don't exist.

does the possibility of being shot for being black
Except no one is shot for being black. Plenty of black Americans walking around all day every day. The black Americans who are shot, are shot for not complying with agents of the State. And get this, more white Americans are shot and killed by agents of the State, even through white Americans commit less violent crimes.

Are you going to universalize your premise and suggest whites are shot for being white?
My claim was that you keep posting rightwing authoritarian racist bs even when it's completely irrelevant, and I cited your post (the bs) labeled with its context (the irrelevance). That's called a "citation".
You've yet to post a citation of statistical analysis (government data would be acceptable in lieu of peer review). Cherry picking outliers isn't appropriate analysis, as I'm sure you know.
How about a twist on the dilemma.
If we were able to time travel, and went back into the past, would one be justified in killing Hitler, say when he was a baby? Or perhaps Idi Amin?
Oh, and as for punching a person, for their beliefs, this is immoral.

It doesn't a matter if the belief is they don't want to go on a date with you. No punching!
It doesn't a matter if the belief is they don't like you, for whatever reason. No punching!
It doesn't matter if they believe in maintaining a small little nation state of homogeneous ethnocentric people of similar genetic and cultural heritage and they don't want to let you in. No punching!

They do their thing.
You do your thing.

That's the deal.
There are no 'Nazi' they stopped existing when Germany was defeated at the end of WWII
Good. Then you can quit talking about them starting now. And see if you can get wellwisher to abstain with you.
They weren't killed 'because they were black'. They were killed because the officers' lives were threatened and they didn't comply with the governmental authorities.
That's the same thing - the threat to the officers's lives was that they were black.
The black Americans who are shot, are shot for not complying with agents of the State.
Not the ones named here, or the dozens of others shot for being black.
You've yet to post a citation of statistical analysis (government data would be acceptable in lieu of peer review).
There is no government or peer reviewed statistical analysis of your posts. Since your posts are right here, and easy to cite, I don't need peer-reviewed analysis of them anyway - I can quote them directly. So I do.
They do their thing.
You do your thing.
You slid from "beliefs" to "doing". That's a significant change of scenery. Clearly when some people set out to do their thing, or even threaten to do their thing, it's ok to punch them - some things are bad to do, and earn punching.

Which brings us back to when it's ok to punch a "nazi". Clearly declaring themselves or indicating that they are a "nazi" is already threatening - but not, probably, punch level in itself. What more is needed?
How about a twist on the dilemma.
If we were able to time travel, and went back into the past, would one be justified in killing Hitler, say when he was a baby? Or perhaps Idi Amin?
Doesn't that offer one of those time paradoxes? Where would the world be had Hitler not played a role? Again, had he been accepted into the Art Institute in Vienna, things would have been much different, possibly.
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