Is playing God - 'human cloning' not a dangeroues game?

Well, since none of the people I addressed have answered at all, I'd say I haven't seen any reasons.
For example, what's the "reason" that it's wrong to drive 38mph on a street that's designated as a 35mph zone?
Because when you go over the speed limit you're more likely to have an accident and hurt people or damage their property. What the hell does that have to do with cloning?
As I see it, cloning is no different to the speeding laws ...or any of a gazillion laws and rules of society ...the society has decided what's wrong and what's right. Simple, huh?
I was asking people to give reasons why they think it's wrong.
Does this help?

Three days ago I said:

And, just as expected, there haven't been any responses from any of the "cloning is bad" people. It's utterly bizarre how so many people will immediately say that cloning is the devil, but then can't actually give any reasons for why it's wrong.
Well, I don't know if I'd say it's bad, per se. I will say it's dangerous.

I realize I'm not on the list, but I do have clear, thought out reasons for thinking it is dangerous.

It's a branch of study still in its infancy.
The number of variables is staggering,
Chance of mishap significant,
Potential for wide spread ill-effects also staggering.
The threat of abuse scares the f#*% outta me.

I'm not saying "No reasearch"
I'm saying "Easy there, Fella. Years research left.
Much Cultural Soul Searching to do.
Not ready for application yet!".

Cloning may not be The Devil, but they hang out at the Sports Bar together.
Can you give some specific possible negative impacts? Imaginary case studies, if you will?

I can imagine mothers wanting to replace lost children. I can also imagine massive birth defects resulting in lots of aborted fetuses and miscarriages. Babies that look ok, but have brain defects. Children with short life spans.

If you can clone a child, you can make designer babies.

Oh, and I'm all for cloning human tissue, but why would we ever need to clone a complete person??
What a fascinating view.
For example, what's the "reason" that it's wrong to drive 38mph on a street that's designated as a 35mph zone? As I see it, cloning is no different to the speeding laws ...or any of a gazillion laws and rules of society ...the society has decided what's wrong and what's right. Simple, huh?
One basic difference between yher two issues is that most politicians have some understanding of the one subject and little or no understadning of the other.

It bothers me when politicians pass laws relating to medicine and science. Politicians have one basic goal: Win the next election. That goal shapes almost every decision they make. They should allow the civil and criminal laws to keep scientists and medical people from doing harm. If the activities of a scientist do not result in harm, levae them alone.
You could give reasons as well. I'm just curious as to what harm people see in human cloning, beyond designer babies (which I agree are a Bad Thing).
What is wrong with designer babies? When/if the technology exists, why not use it to obtain a healthier, smarter child?

At our present level of technology, we can only avoid bad results like mentally retarded children or those with some genetic disease. At present, this is accomplished by aborting an unwanted fetuc. Selecting eggs & sperm followed by test tube conception & implantation into the uterus seems like a better technology that what we have now, and is suely better than having a child who dies very young or suffers all of its life with some disease.

Playing god is not so bad an idea, unless you are worried that he exists and will punish you for doing so.
cloning! it is dangerous.
the big mistake of god is giving such intelligent brains to humans.
in the future we may be called as some products of xyz company or abc company
Srikar: What a wonderful argument against cloning.
cloning! it is dangerous. the big mistake of god is giving such intelligent brains to humans.
Perhaps we are not dumb enough to understand why cloning is dangerous. Perhaps if all of us were dumber, we would all be theists.

The above indicates the anti-science anti-mind view of theism. We would all be better off if there had been no industrial revolution, no modern sicience. Then we could all be serfs to the feudal load and happy in our devotion to god.
science is not only the creation of created the and technology existed before humans.
it should be used in right way.
playing with the DNA is nothing like giving a atomic bomb to a baby.
what will happen if you diturb the kernel files of the operating system of a computer. the same will happen if we disturb the genetic material .
science is not only the creation of created the and technology existed before humans.
it should be used in right way.
playing with the DNA is nothing like giving a atomic bomb to a baby.
what will happen if you diturb the kernel files of the...

Please prview your posts,
'cuz this sentence is grabled...garbled.

And to all, remember: Thou Art God! or as George Carlin said, Love your neighbor, love your God, love your self--
'Cuz you're all the same guy (or gal).
thats what i am saying,
cloning is acceptable when it doesn't make differentiations between us.
thats what i am saying,
cloning is acceptable when it doesn't make differentiations between us.

What? Sexual reproduction makes differences between humans. Should that be banned as well? Please give more detailed arguments.
if I remember my biology classes correct people appearence is not only determent geneticly their are also outside factors like the food they eat how much they sleep, ... anyway extern factors play some role and considering the mind... Anyway when some speak abouth cloning they think of some cylon surrogate body I personally would doubt if a exact genetic clone even have the same fingerprints, considering that the clone will most likely be alot younger then the actual body I'm beting that you couldn't pick the clone between 10 look a likes.

Then again design babys are bad... then again people who have genetic defects (like weak hearts and will have children with weak hearts) chould be ...helped if possible however replacing some codes that would make the old ticker from having a 35 years lifespan to a 160 year lifespan when normal people are left alone is bad again... So many options...
The main problem seen with designer babies is that primarily people want to eradicate the bad genes - genetic diseases etc. However, what's to stop people from saying the gene for brown hair is bad, and they'd rather their daughter be black haired?
The main problem seen with designer babies is that primarily people want to eradicate the bad genes - genetic diseases etc. However, what's to stop people from saying the gene for brown hair is bad, and they'd rather their daughter be black haired?
If parents picking out their babies hair and eye color like they're shopping from a catalog is the price we have to pay for being able to prevent genetic diseases, that sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
Cloning is an exciting possibility. I could be cloned - and then my brain transfered into the cloned body and I could live another life time. Cool stuff.