Is playing God - 'human cloning' not a dangeroues game?

It's litterally a form of slavery. Either hat or a completely irresponsible way of reproduction.
Walking across a busy street is a dangerous game, too. So is living in big, crowded city. So is drinking a glass of water could drown!

But we do those things without even batting an eye, don't we?

Cloning, just like the development of atomic energy, is something that's happening and there's not one force powerful enough to stop it. If the USA doesn't do it, someone in Europe or Asia will do it ...and if not someone there, then someone in North Korea will do it. We can't stop it ...whether it's "dangerous" or not. It's like trying to stop sex!!

Baron Max
The creation of a human clone does not seem unethical or dangerous. If you think of a clone as a twin of the person cloned, what is the harm in creating a clone?

Potential problems arise in how a clone is treated once having been created.

Just as it would be unthinkable to use your twin brother as a source for organ transplants (assuming he was unwilling to donate), so it should be unthinkable to create a clone and use him as a source of spare parts.

Once created, a clone should be viewed as having the same right as any human being.

If it were possible to create a clone with little or no higher level brain functions, there would be a real controvr=ersy over its status.

I am in favor of coloning research in hopes of developing the ability to create individual organs rather than a complete human.
This "playing God" argument is ridiculous, mainly because it relies on the existence of God in the first place. That said, I don't see much wrong with it, as long as any complete human clones have complete human rights. But this is a truism, of course.

It's litterally a form of slavery. Either hat or a completely irresponsible way of reproduction.

How so?
How is human cloning dangerous?

Hey ya'll, I'm new here so forgive my 'newbieness', but are you mad?
How is it dangerous, Oh please, get a grip.
Let's use the parallel someone brought up of Nuclear Power:
Here's a technology that has much potential, but before the bugs are worked out, namely the waste, our corporate 'masters' deem it just fine to make that pesky waste faster than we can keep track of it, let alone deal with responsibly.

I agree with the premise of cloning specific organs, still,,,

Surely you have read Brave New World.

Let's just clone us an army, O.K.?
Blackhawk wants 5000 units to start...

Too paranoid for your taste? Tell me, when has the military NOT used some new technology that would profit it? Sometimes only experimentally, true.
But it tries. Lordy does it try!:eek:
Hey ya'll, I'm new here so forgive my 'newbieness', but are you mad? How is it dangerous, Oh please, get a grip.

So you think that you're the only one who matters? That you opinion is somehow better than anyone else's? Oh, please, get a grip.

Baron Max
Come again? How did you get that from my post?
Am I supposed to be self-effacing? No one else seems to be.
Did you want me to say "but that's just my opinion"
Not gonna do it.
Cuz for me to state that "it's my opinion" is redundant.
Who else's opinion would it be.

Besides, do you trust the industrial military complex?

(Just reread your post from 1/24/07, BM and you have NO room to talk.)
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This is so wrong it is not even worth debating.

Hey did anyone see the news egg yolks are NOW good for you...imagine that? who would have thought this???

Let's go make a human, get out your test can do can do it...
People makes these sorts of vague statements all the time, but they don’t usually have an answer when you ask them to explain specifically why cloning is inherently bad. But I suppose you deserve a chance to back up your claims.

So, Busy, Prince_James, and John99 why exactly do you believe that cloning is wrong/dangerous/etc? Let’s here some actual reasons.
Let's just clone us an army, O.K.?
Blackhawk wants 5000 units to start...
Okay...I hope you realize that cloning a person doesn't allow you to magically create fully-grown adults in a short time. It allows you to create an embryo that will take 18+ years to reach maturity, just like any other human baby.
People makes these sorts of vague statements all the time, but they don’t usually have an answer when you ask them to explain specifically why cloning is inherently bad. But I suppose you deserve a chance to back up your claims.

So, Busy, Prince_James, and John99 why exactly do you believe that cloning is wrong/dangerous/etc? Let’s here some actual reasons.

Well, I don't know about them, but I think it's easy to explain why it's wrong at this time. We, the human race, haven't worked out any and all of the particulars concerning cloned beings.

How do they fit into our laws?
Are they treated the same as ordinary humans?
Who is their parents?
Are they the property of the state?
Can they marry and have children?
If they have children, and the parents are wards of the state, does that make their children wards of the state, too?
Can they become free citizens with all of the associated rights?
Can they clone themselves legally?

And any of many, many such legal problems that haven't been worked out. And creating something, then trying to work out the problems is only going to make more problems for society. It's best to deal with these problems BEFORE we create the clones.

Baron Max
Well, I don't know about them, but I think it's easy to explain why it's wrong at this time. We, the human race, haven't worked out any and all of the particulars concerning cloned beings.

How do they fit into our laws?
The same as every other human born in whatever country you're from.
Are they treated the same as ordinary humans?
Yes, why wouldn't they be? A clone is nothing more than an identical twin that is born later. Does your country have different laws for identical twins than for everyone else?:bugeye:
Who is their parents?
Probably whoever created them and carried them to term. Someone has to provide the DNA and give birth to them, after all.
Are they the property of the state?
Why would they be? I suppose they might be if they were an abandoned orphan or something, but presumably anyone creating a clone baby would be ready to take care of it in the same way that a person who creates a baby any other way would take care of it.
Can they marry and have children?
Sure, why not? Are identical twins not allowed to have children where you come from?
If they have children, and the parents are wards of the state, does that make their children wards of the state, too?
No. I assume that in your country you already have people who are wards of the state, eg. orphans. I assume that your country allows orphans to get married, have children, etc. the same as anyone else. But I don't know why you think they would be wards of the state in the first place.
Can they become free citizens with all of the associated rights?
Yes, why wouldn't they be? Do identical twins not have full legal rights where you live?
Can they clone themselves legally?
Sure, why not?

And any of many, many such legal problems that haven't been worked out. And creating something, then trying to work out the problems is only going to make more problems for society. It's best to deal with these problems BEFORE we create the clones.
None of the things that you listed were really problems.
Of course it's dangerous. After all, "there is no reward without risk". (Well, there's always masturbation, the risks of which are, these days, deemed insignificant.)

But the danger is part of the challenge of the human endeavor. We typically screw up any and every noble idea we invent or encounter. Thus, the task is to play with fire while taking care to not burn ourselves, others, or our homes.
Cloning is playing God?
So are heart transplants (God said die) and fertility treatments (God said you need to adopt).
Cloning is playing God?
So are heart transplants (God said die) and fertility treatments (God said you need to adopt).

M*W: Cloning is a science. A clone is not an exact duplicate. It is closer to a twin. Unfortunately, all the clones that have been created have had multiple genetic mutations. So, cloning is not an infallible science. Some people are paying $200K+ to have their beloved cat or dog cloned, but what they don't realize is that pet may have so many genetic defects that it won't live but a few years at best.

Cloning cells is another science. One can have their on cells cloned and implanted into a failing heart, for example. There's nothing unethical about that. I'd do it in a heart beat!
Yeah, I do. I was being flip. Besides, give Dr Strangelove time, he's working on that aspect as well.
Okay...I hope you realize that cloning a person doesn't allow you to magically create fully-grown adults in a short time. It allows you to create an embryo that will take 18+ years to reach maturity, just like any other human baby.
Three days ago I said:
People makes these sorts of vague statements all the time, but they don’t usually have an answer when you ask them to explain specifically why cloning is inherently bad. But I suppose you deserve a chance to back up your claims.

So, Busy, Prince_James, and John99 why exactly do you believe that cloning is wrong/dangerous/etc? Let’s here some actual reasons.

And, just as expected, there haven't been any responses from any of the "cloning is bad" people. It's utterly bizarre how so many people will immediately say that cloning is the devil, but then can't actually give any reasons for why it's wrong.
..., there haven't been any responses from any of the "cloning is bad" people. It's utterly bizarre how so many people will immediately say that cloning is the devil, but then can't actually give any reasons for why it's wrong.

Reasons? Or reasons that you'll find acceptable?

For example, what's the "reason" that it's wrong to drive 38mph on a street that's designated as a 35mph zone? As I see it, cloning is no different to the speeding laws ...or any of a gazillion laws and rules of society ...the society has decided what's wrong and what's right. Simple, huh?

Baron Max