Is Pacifism Ethical?

Is Pacifism an ethical position?

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pubic diorama
Valued Senior Member
Is it ethical to avoid violence and killing when your inaction would result in the deaths of family and innocent people?

Consider a thought experiment: A foreign power invades the US and sweeps across Pennsylvania, killing and raping all the way. Do the Amish fight or turn the other cheek and love their enemies? Assume they do nothing, is that ethical?
That's not an answer. To Charles Manson, killing some innocent people to start WW3 wasn't unethical.
Ethical yes. Sustainable no. Game theoretically pacifism will always lose/go extinct as long as there are non pacifists.

You should make a poll on whether imperialism is ethical instead SG.
Is it ethical to avoid violence and killing when your inaction would result in the deaths of family and innocent people?

Consider a thought experiment: A foreign power invades the US and sweeps across Pennsylvania, killing and raping all the way. Do the Amish fight or turn the other cheek and love their enemies? Assume they do nothing, is that ethical?

Not when it conflicts with the following 3 laws
Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics"

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
So inaction in preventing a crime is never wrong? Can pacifists call the police if the police will do violence? If so, then it's not really pacifism, it's cowardice or selfishness (wanting to remain innocent so you can get into heaven).
Yes it's never wrong. Unless of course you can prevent the crime without using force.
Can pacifists call non-pacifists to use force and still remain pacifists? Good question I think.

Think of it like this. If the pacifists interfered and used force to stop the crime, pacifism loses as they are no longer considered pacifists. If they interfere without using force (by just standing in the murderers way) they will get killed and pacifism loses as the pacifists dies.

Is it wrong for a pacifist to call a non pacifist to stop an unethical crime. I don't personally think so. I think it's ok to do that as long as there are any non pacifists around.
If they prevent a deadly crime by self-sacrifice, that I can understand. It's ethical and their ideology isn't threatened.
So inaction in preventing a crime is never wrong? Can pacifists call the police if the police will do violence? If so, then it's not really pacifism, it's cowardice or selfishness (wanting to remain innocent so you can get into heaven).

Total inaction is always wrong. That doesn't mean you should place yourself in harms way to prevent a crime, but should use whatever safe means you can employ to help the victims of the crime or accident. If you enjoy any of the good things about your life that you wouldn't have without society, then you owe that society your good citizenship.
Just think, Humans have been here only 2 million years or so and already they are on the verge of extinction but worry about pacifisim what a species to rule the earth with.
Pacification doesn't violate ANY of the 4 ethical principles so yes its ethical
I'm not a pacifist... but in fact, pacifists have been killed being "human shields" in many locations...and no, it doesn't generally die with them in that case-other people often take up the same work.

I guess it worked the same way when the Romans were persecuting the early Christians-the Christians died because they refused to honor the Roman state gods.

Pacifists who die defending causes often advance said cause.

But I see pacifism as a more modern thing...I compare the attitude of Britain or America to their colonies versus Attilla the Hun.

Pacifism essentially works because the other party is willing to be guilted into being vaguely decent...if the other party is more willing to just kill everybody, then pacifism doesn't work, does it?

If Britain had been willing to mow down a couple million Indians, they might still hold India as a colony...but they had a preconceived notion of their own human decency...that and being broke after WW2 led them to free India.

We white people slaughtered at least 20 million Native Americans, we still hold the United States...Pacifism and War were both tried as methods of stopping us from that dispossession and genocide, but we were too ruthless and just pretty much killed everybody.

We didn't care.

Although I guess that doesn't answer your question, I'll have to think about it for a while.
Is it ethical to avoid violence and killing when your inaction would result in the deaths of family and innocent people?

Consider a thought experiment: A foreign power invades the US and sweeps across Pennsylvania, killing and raping all the way. Do the Amish fight or turn the other cheek and love their enemies? Assume they do nothing, is that ethical?
It is your DUTY to preserve your life and those lives under your protection.

I refer you to
Catechism of the Catholic Church: 2263-2265
Yes i know. But how do you define defense?
How about if your economy is threatened by another country... I mean it could for instance cost lives of especially poor people, who wouldn't be able to face this new economic reality . Would it be ok to attack them to prevent them from killing your citizens by making living conditions worse?
Is it ethical to avoid violence and killing when your inaction would result in the deaths of family and innocent people?

Consider a thought experiment: A foreign power invades the US and sweeps across Pennsylvania, killing and raping all the way. Do the Amish fight or turn the other cheek and love their enemies? Assume they do nothing, is that ethical?

as i have already proven its not unethical because it doesnt vilolate any of the principles of beneficence, non malfesance, justice and autonomy lets (just for fun) see if you can justify violence. Not in the name of self defense like a police officer does but rather in the name of resorce management as the millatry does. Killing without warning, killing those who are NO DIRECT THREAT, killing those who arnt even in your own country, simply because your ORDERED too, with no ability to say "no this is morally wrong" without having criminal santions placed against you up to and including the death penelty