is mohammad the anti-christ?

Originally posted by Vienna
Jesus also said beware of false prophets, and guess what, along comes a nutter called mohammed and the rest is history.
Go tell it to the mountains - fucking lol! :D

Your frustration will not save you. Jesus really loves you too, I hope. But once you made him God, he won't like it. Now, there is no way of finding it out untill your death or my death. So, we shall wait. What if your myth is false and mine is real? I am covered since I believe in Jesus as well as all other prophets, and you don't. I don't bash the previously revealed religions since it is my faith to believe in them but you do. On that day all the messenger will be bring forth and will be asked about their teachings and when Jesus will deny telling you to worship him or to consider him God and the concept of trinity and playing with the word of God ( bible ), it won't be a nice sight. By the Do you believe in Judgement day?
There is so much truth in this statement here, and this is one of the reasons I dislike Islam so much, there are many other reasons but this will do for now.

Mohammed the anti-Christ – A conniving illiterate who mocked the divinity of Jesus. A sexually active polygamist who began his life as a pagan and ended it in a new form of pagan belief of his own making (no attestation to his status as prophet though miraculous events during his lifetime). Warlike, his focus was on this life and not upon eternal life except to the degree that the concept as presented offered the fulfillment of humanistic goals. When challenged and not with a strong army he fled, unlike Jesus with the power of God, one time walked right through a crowd desiring to put him to death and toward the end went to Jerusalem knowing full well that He would suffer and be put to a horrible death.