is mohammad the anti-christ?

Originally posted by Vienna
How many Christian fundamental terrorist groups are there killing Muslims today?

Oh my did you miss the PS's list?? Do I need to give you more?? lol

What is the Christian equivalent to Al Queda and the Taliban?

Equivalent??? Do you not watch news?? Did you miss the last 3 years?? Were you still in your cave?? My country usa is equal to twenty Al-qeda and Britan's forces are more then equal. Now where did the Taliban came in the picture???

Taliban: never attacked a christian country, never comited atrocities against chrisitans. These perverts were busy killing themself. Now please don't Bullshit me with 9/11 was Taliban's act. Because that is just idiotic as your claims.

What is the Christian equivalent to Muslim terrorism?

Same questions three times, are you running out of questions?? lol. Well let us see, Bosina, Chechnya, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq...... Need I say more??

If one wears a uniform and comits murders and one without a uniform, it doesn't make him/them any better or does it? lol. Your questions and claims are very childish, reminds me of Savage Nation Talk show and Rush Limbaugh. Are you happened to be their follower?? Do you also not believe in history like them? lol.

So what is the quivalent of above?? when was the last time a muslims country attacked a christian country with fabricated reasons and LIES? Care you answer??

When was the last Christian stoning?

Hoenestly I don't know. If you can tell me when was the last *lawfully* muslim stonning of some one innocent? It would be nice. Now, stonning is a ABRAHAMIC law also mentioned in Torah, and Quran if muslims are following it, why do you have a problem? don't comit adultry and get caught in Irana and Saudi arabia ok? Oh isn't Adultry has a same punishment in christianity??

But you don't care what i say here, you are not here to learn any thing or are you? ha.

When did a Christian fundamentalist group last torture a muslim?

Hmmm... Last torture was yesterday I believe, in Iraq or in Afghanistan.Can you deny it? Let us see how the christians didn't torture them but slaughter them,

what is the equivalent of above?? care to explain?? when was the last time when muslims killed 200,000 christians in cold blood? Let me help you . It is called GENCOCIDE, MURDER, KILLING, and TERRORISM... Sad Vieena that you are acting like a typical Bigot. You can do better then this, try next time.

Now for the century's most ignorant comment

Of all the worlds religions, Islam is the most violent.

Should I laugh first?? wait!! there is nothing to laugh about it but I am sad that you are that ignorant. Want me to show you the pure form of violence? LOOK and Read If you CAN.

Genocide 35 M dead 1311-40 Mongol extermination of Chinese.

Mongols were not muslims. They might had a religion or may not but it is only for the sake of your weak argument.

Stalin, Joseph Russia Communist 1926-37 Forced Famine Ukraine: 4-7 M
1946-54 Democide: 8-15M
Labor (Concentration) Camps: 12-25M
1924-53 Total: 20-30M

People who followed those orders weren't without a reliigon, majority of them were Russian Orthodax *Christians*.

When did Muslims killed that many Christians?? or even Muslims? What do you think sir? Any thoughts?

Lenin, Vladimir Russia Communist 1921-22 4 Million killed.

Hitler, Adolf Germany Fascist 1938-45 15-21 M (6 M Jews)

Were they not christians?? Peacefull christians? when was the last time that muslims killed 6 million jews? or 15 million christians?? :mad:

Milosevic, Slobodan Yugoslavia 1991-92 6-10K in Croatia
1992-95 200-300K in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
8,000 in Srebrenica, Bosnia massacre.
1998-99 10K Albanians killed in Kosovo
Once again peacfull christians did the above. Go on deny it, go your ignorance again.

The following is not done by muslims either..........:(
Mussolini, Benito Italy,
Libya 1922-43 1935-41 Ehthopia and Libya - 200 K, Yugoslavia - 15 K, Greece - 9 K, Italy - 250k

No my friend, they weren't muslims or Islam who killed the following,

1950-53 Korean War N. Korea & China vs S. Korea & the US 1-2 Million dead and 500 K non combat related deaths.

so much for peacfull people of peacfull faith.

1964-73 Vietnam War N. Vietnam vs S. Vietnam & the US 1.2-2.5 Million dead and slaughter by peaceful christian armies 500 K non combat deads.

1968 My Lai Massacre Vietnam War 20-100 civilians. Stories at and Hundreds of civilians had also been killed by other army units, at My Khe and Co Luy. were the christians, muslims or some other religion but your argument just died with all the above facts.

Want more?? 3k killed in Ireland.

is that all because of peacful religion? Did muslims try to bribe them to kill? :confused:

Gulf War Western alliance pushes Iraq out of Kuwait 50-100 K

All Iraqis only 268 US. Oh please don't tell me that those numbers are not true. Since it is the easiest way out for you.

1994-date- Chechnya, Russia Independence 40 K 200 K

when was the last time muslims killed 200k christians in Russia??

Man I am getting tired now, hey how about I continue later.

let me ask you something? Do you just like making stuff up like Randolfo? or you really are that dumb? Now my friend go back to where you came from and go to school or college or something to get some education and then come back and talk like a literate person not like some terrorist Evanglist ok?

p.s If al-qeda was after Christians then they would have been attacking all the chrisistian countries and NOT ONLY THE USA AND BRITIANS INTERESTS, makes me wonder if all those countries are not Christians. I guess it is just a living proof that they have somehting against USA and Britian not against christians. Just a thought. By the I don't expec you to read all of the above since I know that is not your intent. lol

Above might help you understand that Islam is not the most violent religion. Do you see how your argument can fail when you don't know the history or when you are not educated?>
Jesus in the Greek Bible used the Greek word "Periklytos"

Proud Syrian, you are wrong, but then you get your information from anti-Christian hate websites instead of researching your information for yourself.

5300 manuscripts have the word "paraclete" not "periklytos" this is just a deliberate attempt by muslims to promote their religion by re-inventing the scriptures of others.


The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), a brutal rebel group which has terrorised northern Uganda for seventeen years, has begun specifically targeting Christians. Their leader Joseph Kony (who claims to be guided by messages from angels, and is believed by many to be clinically insane) has ordered the killing of Christian leaders across the denominations.

Sudanese Christians Attacked by the "Lord's Resistance Army"

The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), a brutal rebel group which has terrorised northern Uganda for seventeen years, has begun specifically targeting Christians. Their leader Joseph Kony (who claims to be guided by messages from angels, and is believed by many to be clinically insane) has ordered the killing of Christian leaders across the denominations.

The Ugandan army on Tuesday said it was still pursuing members of the rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) who abducted 44 young people from a Catholic seminary in northern Uganda at the weekend.

For 16 years, the church and the predominantly Christian population of northern Uganda have suffered cruel, barbaric atrocities at the hands of this blasphemous, terrorist cult-militia.

Syrian - sod off and find me some real answers instead of quoting that disgusting Islamic propagandist crap.
Originally posted by Markx
Originally posted by Vienna
How many Christian fundamental terrorist groups are there killing Muslims today?

Oh my did you miss the PS's list?? Do I need to give you more?? lol
Yes please oh wise one

Equivalent??? Do you not watch news?? Did you miss the last 3 years?? Were you still in your cave?? My country usa is equal to twenty Al-qeda and Britan's forces are more then equal. Now where did the Taliban came in the picture???

Taliban: never attacked a christian country, never comited atrocities against chrisitans. These perverts were busy killing themself. Now please don't Bullshit me with 9/11 was Taliban's act. Because that is just idiotic as your claims.
And you still haven't answered my question dumbo

What is the Christian equivalent to Muslim terrorism

Same questions three times, are you running out of questions?? lol. Well let us see, Bosina, Chechnya, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq...... Need I say more???
You'd better, you haven't answered a single question yet

If one wears a uniform and comits murders and one without a uniform, it doesn't make him/them any better or does it? lol. Your questions and claims are very childish, reminds me of Savage Nation Talk show and Rush Limbaugh. Are you happened to be their follower?? Do you also not believe in history like them? lol.

So what is the quivalent of above?? when was the last time a muslims country attacked a christian country with fabricated reasons and LIES? Care you answer??
You are becoming confused again (not suprising really), The armed forces of the USA and UK have troops of various religions, and these are armed forces not fundamentalist religious nutters.

When was the last Christian stoning?

Hoenestly I don't know.
Good answer.

When did a Christian fundamentalist group last torture a muslim?

Hmmm... Last torture was yesterday I believe
Huh HUR....Wrong Answer

Next time please do try to remember that the armed forces of the west are not religious nutters. They consist of people from all kinds of religious backgrounds.

Shame you failed to fully answer any of the questions apart from one, better luck next time.


Thankyou :D
Originally posted by Vienna
[D [/B]

I am enjoying your frustration.

Easy way out?? Come on man read those links. I answered each one of your questions, perhaps they didn't serve your purpose. lol. I should have answered according to your wishes not the truth. Now it is not my job to satisfy you. It was an honest reply to your ignorant and un educated claims. I am sure they are other members here who can see these posts.

So are you backing off now? since it was you who said Islam is the most violent of all? Now since you have got all the answers, sites and links you are dismissing them. Awww...vienna, did you miss the bosnian link too?? Now the armies of west are not religious nutters :rolleyes: but they love commiting atrocities against other religions. Offcourse that doesn't count since it doesn't serve you right. In conclusion you failed in your own arguemnt and you are still not getting it are you?

You got all the answers; you just don't want to believe them. Admit it now.... oh and please post and tell me about the last muslim stonning. It would be nice to know.

Vienna keep denying is norm of your ilk.:D
Originally posted by Vienna
Yes please oh wise one

Next time please do try to remember that the armed forces of the west are not religious nutters. They consist of people from all kinds of religious backgrounds.

Thankyou :D

awww... trying hard again? ;) I don't think so. They are commanded and moved my religious nutters like ASS croft, Rum Filed and God's own appointed apostle G W Bush. Now try again.
Originally posted by Markx
oh and please post and tell me about the last muslim stonning. It would be nice to know.

Vienna keep denying is norm of your ilk.:D

YAWN ..if you say so :rolleyes:


If you are a Muslim, you MUST read this section and watch the video to increase your knowledge of Islam. Increasing one's knowledge about Islam is farz (compulsory)!
Also, you must force yourself to like stoning, because Mohammed ordered it. If you are afraid to watch the video or have watched it and are disgusted by it, you will likely be punished in Hell for Kufr.
So watch the video and do NOT be disgusted!
Where is the justice and virtue in a religion that allows paedophilia in imitation of its founding prophet, polygamy and the oppression of women, and even slavery?

Why are there three times as many armed conflicts in the world involving Islam today, as there are all of the other religious people groups in the world put together?

Where does tolerance exist in the Moslem world? The answer, of course, is that it doesn’t exist!
Originally posted by Vienna
Where is the justice and virtue in a religion that allows paedophilia in imitation of its founding prophet, polygamy and the oppression of women, and even slavery?

Why are there three times as many armed conflicts in the world involving Islam today, as there are all of the other religious people groups in the world put together?

Where does tolerance exist in the Moslem world? The answer, of course, is that it doesn’t exist!

Changing topic. Trying to run away. Typica. Very typical.
Originally posted by Markx
Muhammad anti christ?? I thought that was George Bush, wasn't he Randolfo? wasn't he the anti christ? lol

No, he must be you, poor guy, poor deluded MarkX, living in a Matrix world of make-believe fables, go on, live a lie, follow the Father of Lies, or look & see if Christianity is the answer for you, before its too late
Originally posted by Markx
Changing topic. Trying to run away. Typica. Very typical.
yeah, you're right! so what is the topic of this thread? Hmmm... so, why don't you answer this then? can you prove that Mohammad was not the anti-Christ?
Originally posted by Vienna


P S:

Oh really ?? you did not bother yourself to tell us what the LRA stands for ? what is their goal ? what they are fighting for ?


The LRA fought to overthrow Museveni and impose a Christian state based on their version of the Ten Commandments.

Uganda: Unholy Children’s Crusade

.......It is here that Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) has been wreaking havoc on the local population, abducting, maiming, and killing citizens for more than a decade. Notorious for its cruelty, the LRA instructs its recruits to cut off victims’ lips, ears, noses, arms, and legs. Of particular concern is the LRA’s focus on child abductions, of which an estimated 20,000 have been carried out in the past decade. Child recruits are taught to kill and maim; they are hacked to death if they refuse to comply.

Kony, a cultist whose preachings mingle Christian fundamentalism with African animism, says he envisages an Acholi tribal nation based on the Ten Commandments. He teaches his recruits that the Holy Spirit will protect them and sends child soldiers into battle with a “magical” stone sewn into their clothing or a bottle of water that they are told will create a mighty river if emptied.

Forgotten people: Northern Uganda

The LRA is infamous for its brutal record of abuse against civilians. The LRA has abducted at least 10,000 children and forced them to serve as soldiers, servants, and sex slaves. These children are the primary victims of the Ugandan military's campaign...
Originally posted by Vienna
YAWN ..if you say so :rolleyes:


And here you have Born Again Fundamentalist Christian
Reverend M. Francis Speaks Out On Dealing With Sinful, Rebellious Children! Stoning Is The Answer!!

Let us read about how uncircumcized animals like vienna treat their women in ENGLAND:

Rape is a common crime with a conviction rate of below 10% and sentences as low as 180 hours community service.
Between 1996 and 1997 the number of women reporting rape increased by over 500%. Yet convictions have remained almost static, meaning that whilst in 1977 1 in 3 women reporting rape saw their rapists convicted, in 1996 less than 1 in 10 did. The criminal justice system is currently failing women, not just those who report rape, but every woman, since the message being sent out is that rape is a low risk, high reward activity.

And let us read how they treat their childern:

UK child abuse deaths could be double official figures, says UN,1074,1044729,00.html

And let us read about SERIAL KILLERS AND MURDER ( which is worse than stoning ) which is raging in CHRISTIAN ENGLAND:

And dont forget to read about STONING IN THE BIBLE:

And the BARBARISM in the bible:

Those PATHETIC christians complain about one or 2 cases of stoning while they are killing HUNDERD OF THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT MUSLIMS!! PATHETIC ANIMALS:

Lord’s Resistance Army Orders
Killing of Christian Leaders

The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), a brutal rebel group which has terrorised northern Uganda for seventeen years, has begun specifically targeting Christians. Their leader Joseph Kony (who claims to be guided by messages from angels, and is believed by many to be clinically insane) has ordered the killing of Christian leaders across the denominations.

Syrian you are quite a good liar, it's a pity you have no other redeeming quality apart from spewing Islamic propogandist filth.
Where is the justice and virtue in a religion that allows paedophilia in imitation of its founding prophet, polygamy and the oppression of women, and even slavery?

Why are there three times as many armed conflicts in the world involving Islam today, as there are all of the other religious people groups in the world put together?

Where does tolerance exist in the Moslem world? The answer, of course, is that it doesn’t exist!