Is knowledge the enemy of faith? (My response)

I already explained twice, now a third. Faith is knowledge.
Um, no. A claim is not an explanation.
Especially when that claim is false.

In fact your claim is a pretty good refutation in and of itself of the claim.
You have faith that you know it's true (i.e. knowledge) whereas you are, in fact, wrong. Therefore it's not knowledge.
Um, no. A claim is not an explanation.
Especially when that claim is false.

In fact your claim is a pretty good refutation in and of itself of the claim.
You have faith that you know it's true (i.e. knowledge) whereas you are, in fact, wrong. Therefore it's not knowledge.

Faith is knowledge
Faith is knowledge
One more time: no.
Repeating an incorrect statement does not make it any less incorrect.
Get a dictionary. Read it. (Or get someone clever to read it to you).
Faith, by definition is not knowledge.
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One more time: no.
Repeating an incorrect statement does not make it any less incorrect.
Get a dictionary. Read it. (Or get someone clever to read it to you).
Faith, by defintion is not knowledge.

The dictionary was written by man
Faith is never knowledge, but unknowledge, a hope for an unknown to be real.

Like a Pharaohs wish . We wish for the future prosperity and of better things to come , but the wish is only a part of an equation . You got to do the things based in reality with knowledge to bring the wish to bare . It is not real until we make it real . Dwy should know this well being an inventor . You visualize all the aspects by reason and then and only then you go build the damn thing . Except Me ! Sometimes I shoot from the hip . Builders got cover engineers asses sometimes . They say Call Me if you got any changes . When I do they have a habit of saying Oh Fuck don't do it like I drew it , or been known to say if you got a rabbit in your hat now is the time to pull it out. Yeah O.K. then .