is it true that the quran says jesus didnt really die on the cross?

No. Nor do I have reason to think that every evangelist lies. I think the ones I have seen were sincere if misguided.
I think we can safely say that a televangelist is not sincere when he starts ordering jet planes for his private use.
Whatever you do:
Do not think about:
2 naked masochists having sex in times square and a cop trying to stop them with a nightstick.
Whatever you do:
Do not think about:
2 naked masochists having sex in times square and a cop trying to stop them with a nightstick.
Ohhh, I have to post this. It is just too topical.
(warning, crude language)

and an alternate method;
I think we can safely say that a televangelist is not sincere when he starts ordering jet planes for his private use.
Self-deluded, maybe, but not necessarily insincere. It's fairly easy to rationalize almost anything if it will help you do "the Lord's work".
Self-deluded, maybe, but not necessarily insincere. It's fairly easy to rationalize almost anything if it will help you do "the Lord's work".
The Lord's teachings were against opulence, no? It's amazing how doing the Lord's work tends to corrupt moral behavior.
ive heard this from somewhere and it seems unbelievable that a religious text would say this

One near death experiencer was given an interesting explanation somewhat along that line. It is on pages 137 to 170 of this book.

images A Thomas background.html

I personally am in agreement with what he heard Jesus teaching about reincarnation.
"You do not understand this life,” he said on a later occasion, “so you do not understand what you can achieve. You think that you were born and die and have only the time in between to live. The Sadducees do not even believe in the resurrection. And the Pharisees and Essenes believe you are saved or damned on the basis of what you do here in this life.”

“So you judge and condemn others and forsake love in order to enter heaven. Yet I tell you that the Father has many heavens and many homes for you. This is not your only life, and these are not the only things you have to learn. You will have lives in other times and places.”

“Do not judge the gentiles? You may have been a Gentile. Do not judge the prostitute” You may have been a prostitute. Do not judge the Roman or Greek? You may have been those.”

"The Father wishes you to know the life of the world in all its conditions so that you may be able to love those in all conditions. He wishes you to learn poverty and wealth, weakness and strength, sickness and health so that, in all these, you may seek Him and find Him.”

“Is He the Father only of the righteous? No, he is Father of all and Mother of all. All may come to God and find the love appropriate to their condition. Are you poor? Learn to love your fellows. Are you rich? Learn to give of your surplus to those who have nothing. Are you in a place of power? Learn to use your power for the good of others. Learn the love appropriate to the condition you are in and all conditions will become blessed.” (Bruce F. MacDonald Ph. D. page 117,118, The Thomas Book, Near Death, a Quest and a New Gospel by the Twin Brother of Jesus)

I really loved his book because what he reports would fit with the idea of Ezekiel chapter thirty seven, Revelation chapter twenty and Romans chapters nine to eleven, fitting with Multiverse Theory...... where an off the scale powerful Creator perfectly duplicates moments in time and then spins off totally new time lines where different choices produce significantly different results.

Jesus did end up dead though of very similar wounds and did spend three days and three nights in the "heart of the earth" exactly as he promised he would do. Plus he was resurrected on the third day just like in the Christian Bible.
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