Is it rude to just randomly hit on a girl?

It is not rude if:

1. You do it politely and complimentarily.
2. It is not obvious for the girl that you are hitting on her randomly...
I'm sure it ultimately depends on the person, however I am just speaking in general.

Is it rude if I just hit on a girl randomly while shes at work as a waitress, or reading a book in a library etc...

The reason why I am asking this is because I have a tendency of doing it and asking for numbers, however, looking at it from an attractive girls perspective, it could be quite a nuisance for them to deal with that on a daily basis, which im sure they do.

its only rude when they pepper spray you afterwards.

And if your boyfriend is watching, AHEM!. :bugeye:


If some guy had the nerve to hit on me while I'm sitting there with my husband....I'd be offended. And my husband would be on his feet.
If my husband saw it happen from across the room, he'd probably stalk the guy and follow him into the restroom for a 'chat'. :rolleyes:
thanks, does he prefer to join in or just watch?


LMAO!!! Shorty, tell us again about the guy who grabbed your butt and your boyfriend laughed. What did he say? "shouldn't have worn that outfit." ??

Some men care, some don't. All relationships are different.
If some guy had the nerve to hit on me while I'm sitting there with my husband....I'd be offended. And my husband would be on his feet.
If my husband saw it happen from across the room, he'd probably stalk the guy and follow him into the restroom for a 'chat'. :rolleyes:

Yeah I was like that before, (still fine tunning it) I was pretty bad though and would basicaly be no different from an alpha male silverback beating my chest after I beat there faces for even talking to my woman with a smile on there face.

I still feel the natural urge to destroy any competition but I actualy control it now. Its strange becuse I cant seem jelous and controlling as it leads to pushing partners away, but if I back down and don't care atall It comes across as a weakness to some women and not attractive. So its lose lose sometimes.

Nowdays I just let my partner talk to whoever she wants and go and talk to any women I want. But I still don't think it works because that causes jelousy also the other way around.

its kind of annoying :shrug:

LMAO!!! Shorty, tell us again about the guy who grabbed your butt and your boyfriend laughed. What did he say? "shouldn't have worn that outfit." ??

Some men care, some don't. All relationships are different.

Wow that makes me even want to punch the guy on his behalf, mayb I have issues.

There's a difference between making conversation and hitting on someone. And if some guy touched me, I expect my husband to step in.
There's a difference between making conversation and hitting on someone. And if some guy touched me, I expect my husband to step in.

Is that something from habit? I never expect anyone else to step in, mostly because my own reaction will be instantaneous.
There's a difference between making conversation and hitting on someone. And if some guy touched me, I expect my husband to step in.

Yeah ofcourse, not flattering myself or anything but my partners are usualy very beautiful and I know if they were ugly and overweight they would'nt get that "helpfullness" and attention from guys who try to get to know them. so in a way they are hitting on them.

Like for example when im with some of my female friends who are very plain and out of shape, they get no attention no helping hands no big huge smiles and over friendlyness etc. but when im with some female friends who are stunningly beautiful guys bend over backwards to help them when help is not even needed. its like everybody wants to be friends with beautiful people and offer assistance. but they let doors slam in fat womens faces so to speak. So I baseit down to sexual attraction.

I thought of a prime example, today I was in my friends car and an unnatractive woman was crossing the road infront of us, he put the brakes on overly hard and shouted "get out of the road bitch" then hours later a group of pretty women wearing hardly anything stepped out infront of us and he slowed the car with a smooth ease, and said "after you ladies".

Not if you have a red hot temper and the desire to punch out assholes.
This reminds me of the SNL fake sexual harassment video. It's only harassment if you're ugly. :)

I was raised as a southern gentleman, and hitting at random is considered a rogue-ish behavior. Ok for frat boys, douchbags, and construction workers, but in general, a gentleman waits to be introduced to someone, before trying to stick his dick in her...or at the very least, tries to get to know her first.

I'm 40 years old...and dude, I used to be a total "hound dog". I was always just looking to "just have sex" and that's it. It gets old real quick. You might as well just have a date with "thumbellina and her 4 sisters".