Is it right for homosexuals to be able to adopt??

should it be?

  • Mum and dad?

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • Dad and Dad?

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Mum and mum?

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Mod Hat - Reiteration

Mod Hat - Reiteration

Visceral Instinct said:


This post is inappropriate. Please refer to post #190 in this topic regarding the rules of this discussion. If you object to that ruling, please refer to the first portion of #216, which addresses what I consider the most obvious objection.

And please know that you have my sympathy regarding this issue.
The idea that kids adopted by gay parents will turn out gay is ridiculous.
Still, I think that being a kid of gay parents potentially brings along a lot of uncomfortable situations.
As uncomfortable as having a mother who was a menace on the road and while dropping her daughter to school, thought it acceptable to drive onto the school football oval to turn the car (the carpark was apparently too hard for her to turn the damn car around in) and did donuts on said oval in the process? You have no idea how uncomfortable that was.

draqon said:
kids copy their parents
Did you copy your parents by being heterosexual and having sex with a girl? My guess is no, seeing you still haven't done that deed yet, eh draqon.

Do you think children raised in heterosexual households, with the cookie cutter 'mummy and daddy' are copying their parents when they do turn out to be homosexual?
Mod Hat - If you don't like the punchline

Mod Hat - If you don't like the punchline ...

... then don't make a bad joke of yourself.

Draqon said:

Orleander's harassing me again and again...o well.

It really is hard to have sympathy, Draqon. You've been trolling topics all over Sciforums for at while now, littering discussions with nearly thoughtless "contributions". If you expect to be taken seriously, you'll be taken at face value according to the beholder. Your inflammatory statements in this topic have stirred some animosity, and while I acknowledge these folks' reasons for being upset, truth is that in order to be "fair" to people who believe the absolute crap you've expressed (in those posts you've chosen to leave available for your neighbors to view) we must treat them gently, as if they are unable to help themselves. And, frankly, we all know that's shite: there is something severely amiss about protecting the "equality" of those who would steal it from their neighbors. If you wish to represent yourself as part of the persecuting, hateful portion of our society, you should expect to be received as such. If, to the other, you would prefer to represent yourself as part of an intelligent, reasonable, thinking community, well, that's going to take some more effort on your part. You can't invest such a paltry sum and expect any grand returns.

My advice would be to quit with this moronic routine before your moderators run out of patience.
Last edited:
Mod Hat - If you don't like the punchline ...

... then make a bad joke of yourself.

It really is hard to have sympathy, Draqon. You've been trolling topics all over Sciforums for at while now, littering discussions with nearly thoughtless "contributions". If you expect to be taken seriously, you'll be taken at face value according to the beholder. Your inflammatory statements in this topic have stirred some animosity, and while I acknowledge these folks' reasons for being upset, truth is that in order to be "fair" to people who believe the absolute crap you've expressed (in those posts you've chosen to leave available for your neighbors to view) we must treat them gently, as if they are unable to help themselves. And, frankly, we all know that's shite: there is something severely amiss about protecting the "equality" of those who would steal it from their neighbors. If you wish to represent yourself as part of the persecuting, hateful portion of our society, you should expect to be received as such. If, to the other, you would prefer to represent yourself as part of an intelligent, reasonable, thinking community, well, that's going to take some more effort on your part. You can't invest such a paltry sum and expect any grand returns.

My advice would be to quit with this moronic routine before your moderators run out of patience.

WOOHOO!!!! Go Tiassa!!!!!!!!
Mod Hat - D'oh!

Mod Hat - D'oh!

Draqon said:


I know, I know. I blew the damn punch line. Sad, sad, sad.

But my point still stands.

Seriously, I'm one who is not only aware that life is performance art, but who believes the point almost as a religion. And whether or not you're playing well in Peoria, this ain't "middle America".

I'm aware of at least some of what people aren't seeing, Draqon. That's part of the reason I'm willing to exploit your in order to make my point. Seriously, it used to be that someone would make a bigoted point, and everyone else would shoot back and pile on, and the bigot would fight furiously, and at some point the whole situation would break and people would get on with their lives. Unfortunately, I can't let that happen anymore, because the people crying foul the most are the bigots.

You've watched this happen. No, wait. Strike that. You've helped make this happen. You're not an idiot, Draqon. You know damn well what's going on around here. Not everybody else does.

At any rate, I'll go back and fix the punch line. Yig.
Orleander said:

so wouldn't it be worse to have parents who teach hate then parents who are of the same sex?

I would think so, but that puts me—I think—in the minority. I don't think the majority has gone so far as Mitt "Better Dead Than Gay" Romney, but they do need to stop giving that crowd a willing audience.

A great tragedy about the whole gay fray is that most of it arises from ignorance. This isn't a "bad" ignorance. I simply mean most Americans seem to lack certain information, and that leaves them receptive to myth. And what is perhaps saddest about it is that, while Americans prefer to think of themselves as wise and worldly—it is nearly slanderous to call someone naive—it is, many seem to be happy to be exploited by snake-oil religionists and political myth-makers. After all, everyone likes to feel as if they are in control, and it's fairly easy to convince people that it is their God-given duty to judge and pile on. Even when their faith explicitly instructs them otherwise.

Ignorance opens the door to fear, which leads in turn to hatred. People will cuss wisdom even as they traipse along behind a pied piper who offers them nothing but fear.

Tragic, I tells ya.
I dont think they should be able to. I believe homosexuality is either a choice for some people or a disease for others.. like autism. I believe they turned their back on procreation when they opened the door to homosexuality (through choice) or had the door closed to them (as in the disease). some cases it isnt their fault..they cant predict or influence their genetics, but in either case..I believe children wasnt meant for them.
Sooo... heres the question...

As a gay parent myself, should my daughter be taken away from me?
Sooo... heres the question...

As a gay parent myself, should my daughter be taken away from me?

Of course not. Now you may ask why I respond that way when my beliefs differ. I believe in choice and that I have no right to interfere in others lives. That belief eclipses all my other beliefs...especially beliefs related to morality. Now this does not include actions which I feel fall into the "wrong" category of right and wrong. (i.e. murder)