Is it right for homosexuals to be able to adopt??

should it be?

  • Mum and dad?

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • Dad and Dad?

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Mum and mum?

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

your choices are flawed since they identify my opinion as bigotry.

I say it oncemore, gay people are a dead end to human civilization because as a result humans either contract HIV which is much much more prevalent amongst gays and end their lineage...or stop reproducing.

If everyone was heterosexual...would humans be alive? YES
If everyone was homosexual...would humans be alive? NO


If everyone was homosexual...would humans be alive? NO

Illegal question.. lol

your choices are flawed since they identify my opinion as bigotry.

I say it oncemore, gay people are a dead end to human civilization because as a result humans either contract HIV which is much much more prevalent amongst gays and end their lineage...or stop reproducing.

If everyone was heterosexual...would humans be alive? YES
If everyone was homosexual...would humans be alive? NO


You see things in black and white, Draqon. This isn't about gays or straights taking over the world. Apparently you do not believe in coexistance, even though homosexuals and heterosexuals have been doing it thoughout the history of the human race, and for the most part, are getting better at it by becoming more accepting of the differences between the two groups.
Everyone can't be homosexual or humankind would never have been. This has no bearing on this discussion though.
You see things in black and white, Draqon. This isn't about gays or straights taking over the world. Apparently you do not believe in coexistance, even though homosexuals and heterosexuals have been doing it thoughout the history of the human race, and for the most part, are getting better at it by becoming more accepting of the differences between the two groups.

look I am ok with gay people coexisting with heterosexual normal people...but when it comes to kids, "STAY AWAY!"
look I am ok with gay people coexisting with heterosexual normal people...but when it comes to kids, "STAY AWAY!"

I'm sorry, but neither you nor any one else can tell me what to do with my life. Go live your own life instead of worrying so much about mine.

If I choose to raise a child, than that is MY choice, not yours.
everyone's ethics is questionable...and since when is something "normative"? By who's accord?

that part of moral philosophy, or ethics, concerned with criteria of what is morally right and wrong. It includes the formulation of moral rules that have direct implications for what human actions, institutions, and ways of life should be like.

* normative ethics. (2007). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved November 29, 2007, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online:
Mod Hat - Response: Last One

Mod Hat - Response: Last One

Draqon said:

I say it oncemore, gay people are a dead end to human civilization because as a result humans either contract HIV which is much much more prevalent amongst gays and end their lineage...or stop reproducing.

You know, it's not homosexuals who first spread HIV. Go to Africa, and lecture those heterosexual men who contract HIV from prostitutes, and then think they can cure themselves by banging virgin girls.

If everyone was heterosexual...would humans be alive? YES
If everyone was homosexual...would humans be alive? NO

It's a good thing nature doesn't work that way, then, eh?


There is a way to eliminate homosexuality. Eliminate its cause.

Think about that for a while.

Convenience, Draqon, is not a proper excuse for ignorance. In the end, it's all a matter of priorities. How important is what? For instance, I understand that having an opinion is important to a good many people. But, for many of those, it is not so important as to warrant the effort of having a clue in the first place.

Think of it this way: I don't have to be so polite about it. I am simply because it makes things easier for all of us.

your choices are flawed since they identify my opinion as bigotry.

I say it oncemore, gay people are a dead end to human civilization because as a result humans either contract HIV which is much much more prevalent amongst gays and end their lineage...or stop reproducing.

If everyone was heterosexual...would humans be alive? YES
If everyone was homosexual...would humans be alive? NO


Just the kind of dogmatic response i would have expected. Not everything should be straight or gay... it's never one-sided, then neither should such an arguement. Allow it, and have compassion Draq. It happens, deal with it.

Are you not Bisexual>? I've certainly got that impression from past discussion with you? Stop being so black and white about this.
that part of moral philosophy, or ethics, concerned with criteria of what is morally right and wrong. It includes the formulation of moral rules that have direct implications for what human actions, institutions, and ways of life should be like.

* normative ethics. (2007). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved November 29, 2007, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online:

oh so its by Britannica Encyclopedia's accord...yup were else to look for morals but from Britain itself?
MZ3, I think you missed this :)

I would allow it.

I personally believe that the governments should regulate who can and can't raise a child, gay or straight, before actually ever having the child. There are too many parents out there that end up having children, and being horrible parents! I think that there should be a specific agency that investigates families to ensure that they are mentally and financially fit to have kids, to ensure that the child will be provided the best home possible, without concideration to sexual orientation.
I think you left this out...

Since the beginning of the epidemic, the number of heterosexual infections has increased dramatically. According to CDC estimates, heterosexual contact led to about one third of new AIDS diagnoses and one third of new HIV diagnoses in 2005.

Around 19% of all adults and adolescents diagnosed with AIDS have been female. Among new AIDS diagnoses in 2005, this proportion was 27%.

Of the estimated 9,078 children under 13 years of age who have been diagnosed with AIDS within the 50 states and the District of Columbia, 8,438 (93%) were probably infected with HIV through mother-to-child transmission. Most others were infected through receipt of blood, blood products or tissue.

This as well:
The term "male-to-male sexual contact" includes gay men, bisexual men and some men who consider themselves to be neither gay nor bisexual.

I still do not understand what this has to do with homosexual adoptions, like any family planning on adopting there are certain criteria which must be met prior to even being able to plan to adopt. That is like saying a man and women can not adopt because they have HPV which can cause cancer.
Notice how those stats don't involve bisexuals...? It's not very accurate or scientific if you ask me.
Notice how those stats don't involve bisexuals...? It's not very accurate or scientific if you ask me.

the bisexuals are in the "all men" that means the number of heterosexuals w/AIDS is even lower than is shown.