Is it ok to kill the kuffars?

What was the Egyptian belief?

Remember all of the priests that had everyone believing in ISIS? There were many such gods and godesses they had everyone believing in.


Isis is a goddess in Egyptian mythology. She is the wife and sister of Osiris and the mother of Horus. Isis was worshipped as the archetypal wife and mother.

Her name literally means "she of throne", that is, "Queen of the throne", which was portrayed by the emblem worn on her head, that of a throne. However, the hieroglyph of her name originally meant "she of flesh", i.e. mortal, and she may simply have represented deified, historical queens. She also is known as being the goddess of magic and healing. Ancient Egyptians believed that the Nile flooded every year because of her tears of sorrow for her dead husband, Osiris. He was killed by her other evil brother, Seth, god of chaos and destruction. Seth sliced Osiris into bits and flung them into the Nile River, letting the animals eat the remains of his body. However, all the pieces survived, except for one of them.
funny beacuse you are lecturing me for the same thing i allegedly do.

Do you know what motivated that thread? It was sandy posting hatesites that dissected the Qur'an to her liking. So, I gave her a taste of her own medicine.

What you're doing is completely different.
Do you know what motivated that thread? It was sandy posting hatesites that dissected the Qur'an to her liking. So, I gave her a taste of her own medicine.

What you're doing is completely different.

if its ok to post anti israelis and anti jewish threads, why not anti kuffar ones?
if its ok to post anti israelis and anti jewish threads, why not anti kuffar ones?

It is okay. However, you're simply posting a Youtube video (where one idiot expresses his opinions) in an attempt to make a certain religion and ethnicity that you hate look bad.
It is okay. However, you're simply posting a Youtube video (where one idiot expresses his opinions) in an attempt to make a certain religion and ethnicity that you hate look bad.

why? i totally agree with him. all kuffar must die. Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Ash-hadu alla ilaha illa-llah.
"[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs."

-- Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the 'Beasts,"' New Statesman, June 25, 1982.

Should beasts be killed? Hmm...

all men are beasts. it doesnt mean you have to kill them.

actually begin offered gaza to the egyptian control. they said no.
Of course I have. The Israelis bear a striking resemblance to the pigs.

no wonder:
The principal of an Islamic school has admitted that it uses textbooks which describe Jews as "apes" and Christians as "pigs" and has refused to withdraw them.

Dr Sumaya Alyusuf confirmed that the offending books exist after former teacher Colin Cook, 57, alleged that children as young as five are taught from racist materials at the King Fahd Academy in Acton.