Is it immoral to screw your great-grandpa?

Men are attracted to women of childbearing age. It's simple biology. Women are attracted to money and power. Same deal.

I agree. But to this situation it doesn't apply, because:

1. Hef doesn't want to have more kids with them.
2. The girls are getting the money,fame, recognition indirectly, just by associating with him, not from him.
Oh boy, this is going to be a long post....

What kind of argument do you expect me to present?

One that is ontopic and presents something contrary to my argument, preferably a fact.

Really though, you don't know how much of that interveiw was the truth.

That is true, at this point we just go and accept it as a true story.

On the other hand you don't know that even freakier things could go on, what this girl hasn't seen....

Why haven't any of the girls who've lived with him for a while now said anything about it?

It is explained in the interview... Access, or the denial of it. Also some girls might be not so proud of it...

All the years of being a sex slave, exposed to the don't think any of them would do that to the poor old guy?

You are not getting it. It is all voluntary. Nobody is forced to do anything...

You have no proof that it's not 'a big happy family.'

The girl's account, plus their behaviour on Larry King.

You're slandering the name of a fine business man,

You are too young. It is only slander if it isn't true. By the way we are judging morality and not illegality, so slander wouldn't even apply....

Don't you think somebody like Hef would be a bit more cautious?

I would think, but close to 80, really, what can he lose?

You think he would let her watch but not participate, or is he just stupid?

You are really not getting the voluntary part, ain't you?

You're also slandering the names of those girls by calling them whores.

Man, this is getting tiring. Last time I checked, if you get paid for sex, you are a whore. Now the paying part doesn't have to be in cash. As I said it comes indirectly for the girls.

OK, since I got tired, here is a homework for you:

Let's say you have a girlfriend. I mean a real one. Ask her this (but before you do, put a helmet on, and make sure that there are no sharp objects around you):

Honey, what do you think of unprotected groupsex with you and your girlfriends or even a few girls from the street?

Please report back to me what she said....
This is getting boring that I am always right, but I just got justification.
I got curious about other girls sharing the inside stories, and guess what! There are actually 2 books out there published 2 years appart, sharing pretty much the SAME stories. So at this point we can safely assume that the girl didn't lie.

I am going to quote from readers' reviews at Amazon, since I haven't read the book:

" And I do find it sad what women are willing to do for money. To get a monthly paycheck to live there... come on... how is this less than prostitution? "

"His bedtime antics are fully described, in all their sad details. Meanwhile, quite a few of the live-in girlfriends are credibly portrayed as working every available angle---from virtual prostitution to selling access to Hef's parties-- to get ahead and climb the greasy LA pole of celebrity and minor fame. "

Oh, you wanna read the book?:

P.S.: See Oniw? THAT's how you make an argument! :)
Oh, you wanna read the book?:
No I just want to look at the cover.

I agree. But to this situation it doesn't apply, because:

1. Hef doesn't want to have more kids with them.
2. The girls are getting the money,fame, recognition indirectly, just by associating with him, not from him.
Humans have free will. Our attraction to young women doesn't mean we conciously want to have children. Throughout most of our existance, it was simply an unavoidable consequence. Modern technology allows us to short circuit this natural drive and is the reason fertility rates are so low in civilized countries.

But the point is, we still want hot chicks (i.e. healthy women of childbearing age) whether we want kids or not. Indeed, when I see a hot chick, the last thing on my mind is children.
This is getting boring that I am always right, but I just got justification.
I got curious about other girls sharing the inside stories, and guess what! There are actually 2 books out there published 2 years appart, sharing pretty much the SAME stories. So at this point we can safely assume that the girl didn't lie.

I am going to quote from readers' reviews at Amazon, since I haven't read the book:

" And I do find it sad what women are willing to do for money. To get a monthly paycheck to live there... come on... how is this less than prostitution? "

"His bedtime antics are fully described, in all their sad details. Meanwhile, quite a few of the live-in girlfriends are credibly portrayed as working every available angle---from virtual prostitution to selling access to Hef's parties-- to get ahead and climb the greasy LA pole of celebrity and minor fame. "

Oh, you wanna read the book?:

P.S.: See Oniw? THAT's how you make an argument! :)

So...How do you justify criticising someone else? You've said yourself that everything is censensual, so where do you see a problem? What makes the fact that you say you wouldn't do the same thing a point where you can call somebody else immoral? I mentioned this in my last reply you know.
I agree. But to this situation it doesn't apply, because:

1. Hef doesn't want to have more kids with them.

So what, if you don't want to have kids, you're immediately attracted to shit like this:
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But the point is, we still want hot chicks...

I don't know why is it hard to understand. I am not criticizing Hef for wanting to fuck young chicks. I am objecting to the lying. He should just introduce them like this: Hey, people, here are my whores.

That would be honest....
Actually, thanks Roman for posting that. You know why Oniw? Because now you can imagine just how those young girls feel when fucking Hef.... :eek:

They still fuck him...they must not feel too disgusted by him.
So...How do you justify criticising someone else?

It is called an opinion. I have one, you have one. By the way, don't you agree that being a hypocrate is morally wrong?

This is getting offtopic and feel free to start a different thread title: The right to criticize others

you say you wouldn't do the same thing a point where you can call somebody else immoral? I mentioned this in my last reply you know.

Just quickly. Being immoral depends on the sets of morals that we apply. Obviously eating humans means completely different for you than for a cannibal. Got it?

Anyway, since this is getting boring, here is a similar case:

Anna Nicole Smith at age 26 married a guy 63 (Holy fuck, Batman!!!) years older then her.

Now I am sure it was love at first sight, and the fact that the old dude was worth 900 million had nothing to do with it. I heard they had lots of things in common.

"While performing at Gigi's, a Houston strip club, in October 1991, Smith met elderly oil billionaire J. Howard Marshall and they began a relationship. During their two year relationship, he reportedly lavished gifts on her and asked her to marry him several times.

On June 27, 1994, Smith, age 26, and Marshall, age 89, were married in Houston. This resulted in a great deal of gossip about her marrying him for his money. Though she reportedly never lived with him [1], Smith maintained she loved her husband and that age did not matter to her.

After being married 14 months, Marshall died on August 4, 1995, in Houston."

Any comment on that? I don't blame the old fuck, he wanted to piss off his sons, because he hated them. But calling little Anna a golddigger sure would be slander, right Oniw??
The point is...they still fuck him, with no objections.

And my point still stands: they still classify as whores. After all a whore shouldn't bitch about a paying costumer, right? ;)

Although they usually charge more for unprotected sex...
Any comment on that? I don't blame the old fuck, he wanted to piss off his sons, because he hated them. But calling little Anna a golddigger sure would be slander, right Oniw??

If you had nothing to support that then yes. I realize that that's likely not the case with the topic of this thread, but that part of my argument was only using the link as a reference. Anyway, saying that you wouldn't do something and being critical of somebody else are two different things. The latter is insulting.
The natural order of things is that the best pairings for maximum survival is between a fertile young woman and an older established male. This is reflected in our sexual preferences as a rule.

Sure, but we should draw the line at a certain age. Let's say 60 for men.
I have no problem with women being drawn to established men, but hey, not to mummies! :rolleyes:

After all, if they want to make healthy little babies, older the dude, all kind of complications come up, the boys don't swim so well, etc.etc.
And again, making babies was not the goal in either Hef or Anna's case...
To give a positive example on this matter: Larry King

He had 6 wives and 2 engagements. He is 200 year old (just kidding, I love Larry). He is 73 year old and his wife is 26 years younger. So yes, there was a huge agedifference, but at least not 60+ years.

So an old guy can go after younger ladies, but they don't have to be his great-granddaughter. And let's not pluralize the thingy...That is just gross and pathetic. Larry and his current wife have 2 kids together, I wish them happiness...

See? It can work...